1、**追求,共同努力,携手依靠,共建和谐家庭。 Work pursuit, make joint efforts to rely on hand in hand, to build harmonious family.

2、一个健全的家庭对人类的发展起着重要的作用。 A healthy family plays an important role on the development of human beings.

3、一个家庭中没有书籍,等于一间房子没有窗子。 There is no book in a family, a house without Windows.

4、一生可以没有轰轰烈烈,但一定要实实在在。 Life can not vigorous, but must be real.

5、不谈家庭琐事,不谈金钱,不谈妇女。 No household chores, don't talk about money, don't talk about women.

6、世界因爱而美丽,家庭因爱而和谐。 The world because of love and beauty, family for love and harmony.

7、两心相印,共偕白首;志同道合,天长地久。 Match thetwo hearts, a total of kai whitehead; Like-minded, everlasting.

8、个性鲜明、特点突出的人或者产品才能拥有市场。 Personality is distinct, features prominent people or products to hold on to the market.

9、互助是邻里和睦的源泉,关爱使家庭成为温馨的港湾。 Mutual aid is the source of their neighbors, love makes family a warm harbor.

10、互相信任才算好伙伴,互相关心才算幸福的家庭。 Trust in order to be good partners with each other, care about each other in order to be a happy family.

11、互礼互让团结紧,和睦邻居胜亲戚。 Mutual accommodation unite tightly, harmonious neighbor - relatives.

12、人人都象纯洁的水珠, Everybody like pure water, the community is a clear spring.

13、什么叫家?一个当你想回去而别人不能拒你于门外的地方。 What is home? A when do you want to go back and others can't refuse to you at the door outside.

14、任何家庭都有许多虚伪的亲切。 Any family has many kind of hypocrisy.

15、你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。 You will have a family is more important than the family you came from.

16、你若希望你的孩子总是脚踏实地,就要让他们负些责任。 If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

17、儿女不肖,父母之羞;父母失赡,儿女之羞。 The children corrupt, the shame of parents; The shame of the children of parents Shan,.

18、儿好,女好,有为就好;女亲,儿亲,能孝都亲。 Good, good woman, for good, Can women kiss, kiss, filial piety is close.

19、关爱是和谐的基石,宽容是和谐家庭的保障。 Love is the foundation of a harmonious, tolerance is the guarantee of a harmonious family.

20、关爱老人,就是关爱自己的未来。 Take care of the old man, is love his future.

21、勇敢的人随遇而安,所到之处都是故乡。 Every soil where he is well, is to a valiant man his hometown.

22、勤劳的家庭,饥饿过其门而不入。 Hard-working families, door without its hunger.

23、只有相濡以沫的爱,才有天长地久的福。 Only caring and love, is everlasting.

24、和风细雨谋家事,坦诚相待家平安。 Seeks the housework and wind rain, honest family peace.

25、在家里敬老爱幼,在单位爱岗敬业。 Respect in the home, wuxi in the unit.

26、夫妻犹如铁路双轨,共同支撑事业家庭。 Husband and wife is like a double-track railway, support business family together.

27、如对婚姻不负责任,必被良心追究责任。 Such as the irresponsible marriage, will be conscience, shall be investigated for responsibility.

28、孝敬父母,可望儿女孝敬我;虐待父母,怎教儿女孝敬我。 Show filial obedience parents, children are expected to obey me; Abusive parents, how to teach children honor me.

29、家庭多一份温馨,社会多一分安宁。 More than a warm family, society more peaceful.

30、家庭是父亲的王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。 Family is the kingdom of the father, the mother's world, children's paradise.

31、家庭生活一旦以藉债为基础,就不再*而美好了。 Once on the basis of through debt, family life are no longer free and beautiful.

32、家庭生活的乐趣是抵抗坏风气的毒害的最好良剂。 The pleasure of family life are resistant to bad climate poisoned the best.

33、家庭要幸福,国家要兴旺,全靠他和她。 Family happiness, country to prosperity, depends on him and her.

34、家是姑娘的*,女人的教养院。 Home is the girl's * and the woman's workhouse.

35、家的现代概念是:人从车库里出来后要去的地方。 Modern concept of home is: the person out of the garage after going to the place.

36、家,就是经历世间艰难之后,让心灵停靠的港湾。 Home, that is, after the hard thing in the world, let the heart harbor dock.

37、对家庭献爱心,对同事多关心,对工作要热心。 Offer the love of family, more care about on work colleagues, be enthusiastic to work.

38、尊老爱幼传美德,家庭和睦万事兴。 Everything and grandmather preach virtue, finds peace in his home. The good family environment is half the children thrive.

39、尊重是家庭的灵魂,互爱是和谐的支柱。 Respect is the soul of the family, love is the backbone of harmony.

40、小区之春在这里留步,健康之路在这里延伸。 Village spring stay here, the road to health extension here.

41、居家不可不俭,创业不可不勤。 A case that occupy the home, business cannot not often.

42、幸福就是人生,人生就是幸福。 Happiness is life and life is happiness.

43、幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。 A happy family is the same, the unfortunate family each have each different.

44、幸福的家庭都相似,不幸的家庭各不同。 Happy families are all similar, each unhappy family is different.

45、成功失败一瞬间,天堂地狱一念间。 Successfulfailure moment, between heaven and hell of a read.

46、我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。 All I am, I can, owe to my angel mother.

47、我的一家,是平凡的一家,是无数普普通通家庭中的一个。 My family, is ordinary a, is one of the millions of ordinary families.

48、教育的目的是培养人的个性,经营的目的是打造品牌的个性。 The purpose of education is to cultivate people's personality, the management is the purpose of building brand personality.上一页12下一页

49、无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。 No matter when and where the home is the place that opens a door to take you forever.

50、无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。 Is the happiest be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

51、有德的妇人,即使容貌丑陋,也是家庭的装饰。 A virtuous woman, even if ugly, also is the adornment of the family.

52、望子成龙,切莫拔苗助长;志趣各异,还须因势利导。 Long, don't burn out; Interests, but also must improve the occasion.

53、每个人的家对他自己都像是城堡和要塞。 The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress.

54、没有了家庭,在广大的宇宙间,人会冷得发抖。 Without a family, in the broad universe, one feels cold with trembling.

55、没有梦想,心灵就不能放飞;没有追求,人生就无法超越。 Without a dream, the mind will not be able to fly; No pursuit, life is unable to transcend.

56、没有爱心的人生是沙漠,拥有爱心的人生是华园。 No love life is a desert. Life is a garden with love.

57、爱心让人充满希望,感恩让生活更加美满。 Love makes people full of hope, gratitude makes life more happy.

58、父亲们最根本的缺点在于想要自己的孩子为自己争光。 Fathers the fundamental drawback is that they want their children to honor.

59、生命因关爱而美丽,人间因感恩而和谐。 Because of love, beautiful life, the world harmonious because of gratitude.

60、生我育我,父母恩深;寸草春晖,铭记于心。 Living my education I, parents deep; Inch grass chunhui, in mind.

61、给老人多一点尊重,给孩子多一点爱护。 A little more respect to old people, give the child a little more love.

62、老人最需要的是体贴,孩子最需要的是爱护。 The old man need most is considerate, children need most is love.


64、若要子女走正道,家长身教重言教。 Walk the path if you want to children, parents teaching teaches again.

65、莫愧家贫,应教儿女早立志;莫恃家富,须防骄奢出败儿。 Mo GuPin too, should teach children early to; Don't feel rich, to be the subject of defeat against the arrogant excessive.

66、衰老是自然规律,敬老是永恒美德。 Aging is a natural rule, it is eternal virtue.

67、越早把你的儿子当成男人,他就越早成为男人。 The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be a man.

68、邻居关系相处好,居家生活无烦恼。 Good neighbor relationships, the life that occupy the home, no worries.

69、金钱可以买“房屋”;但不能买“家庭”。 Money can buy a "home"; But can not buy "family".

70、麻将少打,书报多看;猫狗少养,花草多栽。 Mahjong playing less, books and newspaper more; Dogs and cats have less, flowers planted.
