1、一万年太久,只争朝夕。——《西游·降魔篇》 Ten thousand years is too long. Seize the day.
2、世界上最大的谎言就是你不行。——《垫底辣妹》 The biggest lie in the world is that you can't.
3、你们说人间有情,但是情为何物呢?——《青蛇》 You say there is love in the world, but what is love?
4、你想学?我教你。——《功夫》 You want to learn? I teach you.
5、你打我可以,只是不要弄乱我的头发!——《东京攻略》 You can hit me, just don't mess up my hair!
6、你的心是*的,要有勇气追求*。——《勇敢的心》 Your heart is free, have the courage to pursue freedom.
7、做男人,潇洒点好!——《我的失忆男友》 To be a man, be smart!
8、向真理低头是个幸福的事情。——《十二公民》 It is a happy thing to bow to the truth.
9、吻我吧,就像是最后一次吻我。——《卡萨布兰卡》 Kiss me. It's like the last kiss.
10、在我记忆里似乎永远是夏天。——《阳光灿烂的日子》 It seems to be summer forever in my memory.
11、大人真乃神人也!——《神探狄仁杰》 My Lord is a man of God!
12、天山鸟飞绝,古人两相忘。——《天龙八部之天山童姥》 The birds of Tianshan Mountain are flying away, and the ancients forget each other.
13、对不起,又要留下你一个人了。——《飞天舞》 Sorry to leave you alone again.
14、感觉我这辈子,写出来就是本书。——《心花怒放》 I feel like I've written a book in my life.
15、我会回来的!——《终结者》 I'll be back!
16、我只是个女孩……——《诺丁山》 I'm just a girl
17、我在最好的时候遇见你,是我的运气。——《一代宗师》 It was my luck to meet you at the best of times.
18、我想我们不会在见面了。这辈子而已。——《暗战》 I don't think we'll meet again. This is my life.
19、我拼命读书为了将来,谁知道没有将来!——《后天》 I study hard for the future, who knows there is no future!
20、我死了我爸爸怎么办,我爸爸只有我了。——《娘道》 I'm dead. What about my dad? I'm the only one.
21、我胡汉三又回来了。——《闪闪的红星》 I'm Hu Hansan back.
22、我这辈子都不会走,我爱你!——《大话西游》 I will never leave in my life, I love you!
23、抱歉,有钱是真的能为所欲为的。——《读心神探》 I'm sorry, money can really do what you want.
24、有些人,在心底从来没忘记。——《被偷走的那五年》 Some people, in the bottom of my heart, never forget.
25、有时候我真的很想你,想到我心痛。——《断背山》 Sometimes I really miss you, think of me heartache.
26、没有你,良辰美景可与何人说?——《天使爱美丽》 How to spend such beautiful time without you?
27、犯我地球者,虽远必诛。——《疯狂的外星人》 Those who violate our earth will be punished even if they are far away.
28、生活不是这样的!生活不是这样的!——《说好不分手》 Life is not like this! Life is not like this!
29、男人不看女人之时即是世界末日!——《闻香识女人》 When men don't look at women, it's the end of the world!
30、美丽是巨大的枷锁,*了灵魂。——《孔雀》 Beauty is a great shackle, which im*s the soul.
31、腰里挂着死耗子还装着打猎的。——《功夫》 There were dead mice and hunters in his waist.
32、让错误来承担责任吧。——《纽约黑帮》 Let mistakes be held responsible.
33、话你怎么听都行,听懂什么是什么。——《芳华》 You can listen to whatever you want. You can understand what it is.
34、通往地狱的路,往往是由地狱铺就的。——《白夜追凶》 The road to hell is often paved by hell.
35、阳春白日风在香,凤凰知梧桐。——《成化十四年》 In the spring, the wind is fragrant, and phoenix is the Wutong.
36、阴影,也是你人生的一部分。——《心花路放》 Shadow is also a part of your life.
37、除了喜欢你,我什么都做不好。——《假如爱有天意》 I can't do anything except like you.
38、首先,你不能对你所爱的人说不。——《教父》 First of all, you can't say no to the person you love.
39、麦兜他不是低能,他只是善良。——《麦兜响当当》 McDull, he's not retarded. He's just kind.
40、黎耀辉,不如我们重新开始。——《春光乍泻》 Li Yaohui, why don't we start again.