1、不是风动,不是树动,是心动。 It's not the wind, it's not the tree, it's the heart.
2、不要那麽相信自己的回忆,里面那个人,不壹定同样想念你。 Don't believe your memory so much. The person inside may miss you as well.
3、世界上最好闻的味道,是自己喜欢的人身上的味道。 The best smell in the world is the smell of people you like.
4、两人之间最好的感觉就是,表面相互嫌弃,心中不离不弃。 The best feeling between the two people is that they dislike each other on the surface and never give up in the heart.
5、两情若是久长时,还不结婚待何时。 If two love for a long time, not married to stay when.
6、为什么我的眼里常含泪水,因为我对你爱得深沉。 Why do my eyes often contain tears, because I love you deeply.
7、人生无常,最重要的不是你处的位置,而是你所朝的方向。 Life is changeable. The most important thing is not where you are, but where you are.
8、人生本来非常简单,而且简单就是完美。 Life is very simple, and simple is perfect.
9、今生所有的痴恋,其实都是前世的债。 All the infatuation in this life is actually the debt of the previous life.
10、你从不懂,从不懂我的心,一次都没有回头看过我。 You never understand, never understand my heart, never look back at me.
11、你睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间晚安,亲爱的。 Think about me when you can't sleep. Don't waste your time. Good night, honey.
12、你给予的温柔,让我措手不及。 The tenderness you gave me caught off guard.
13、你记得也好、忘记也罢,只要我知晓你一切安好,就好。 You remember or forget, as long as I know that you are all right.
14、兜兜转转,发现最好的还是他,而刚好他还在等你。 Go around and find that the best is him, and he is still waiting for you.
15、初恋再刻骨铭心,也不过罹心一瞬。 The first love is unforgettable, but it's just a moment.
16、到底欠了你什么,做梦都让我难过。 What I owe you, dreams make me sad.
17、口口声声说我不爱的人,其实是最爱的人。 People who say I don't love are actually the ones I love most.
18、只因在人群中多看了你一眼,就再也忘不掉你的容颜。 Just because in the crowd to see you one more eye, will never forget your face.
19、在人生的这场游戏中、你先爱上了别人就证明你输了。 In this game of life, if you fall in love with others, you lose.
20、在我失望的时候只要看见你的影子,心里就有了一丝希望。 When I am disappointed, as long as I see your shadow, there is a glimmer of hope in my heart.
21、在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜。 In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry, only who does not know how to cherish.
22、好的我坏的我,都给你好吗?你别皱眉,你别嫌弃好吗? Good me bad me, all for you? You don't frown, you don't hate, OK?
23、如果注定会在一起,那就没有什么可以分开我们。 If destined to be together, then nothing can separate us.
24、如果说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,我愿与你一起进入。 If marriage is the grave of love, I would like to enter with you.
25、安徒生的童话,终究也会败在现实中。 Andersen's fairy tales will eventually fail in reality.
26、寂寞是每时每刻,缘分是不知不觉,真爱是一生一世。 Loneliness is every moment, fate is unknowingly, true love is a lifetime.
27、幸福就是在你无聊到一种境界的时候,还有人陪着傻笑。 Happiness is when you are bored to a state, there are still people with a giggle.
28、总有一天,我会为一个人,卸下我的面具。 One day, I will take off my mask for one person.
29、愿对你的思念融入雨滴,打湿你的肩头。 Willing to miss you into the rain, wet your shoulders.
30、懂得那些对你用心良苦的人,铭记那些真心待你付出的人。 Understand those who are kind to you and remember those who treat you sincerely.
31、我不敢太在乎你,因为我怕你会突然离开。 I don't care too much about you, because I'm afraid you will leave suddenly.
32、我们都在淡化这段感情,你选择新欢,我选择时间。 We are desalinating this relationship, you choose the new love, I choose the time.
33、我像是从前一样喜欢听情歌,但现在却这样的伤感。 I like to listen to love songs as before, but now I am so sad.
34、我喜欢你的名字,和你爱笑的样子。 I like your name and the way you smile.
35、我想做一个在你要远行时送你到车站,唯一一个送你走的人。 I want to be the only one who will take you to the station when you are going on a long journey.
36、我是为你而来,不在乎穿越绵绵山脉。 I'm here for you. I don't care about crossing mountains.
37、我爱你,没有什么目的,只是爱你。 I love you, no purpose, just love you.
38、我的世界里。不准你的消失,只准我对你的舍弃。 In my world. Do not let you disappear, only allow me to abandon you.
39、我还是依旧进着你的空间,回复着你的留言。 I am still in your space, reply to your message.
40、我连自己都懒得照应,却那么关切你,你还不激动。 I don't even care for myself, but I care about you so much. You are not excited.
41、或许,太过执着,总有些患得患失,心底寂静无声依赖着。 Perhaps, too persistent, there are always some worry about gain and loss, the bottom of my heart silent rely on.
42、手不要给别人牵,拥抱也要留给我。 Don't give your hand to others, and you should leave it to me.
43、据说,你梦到了一个人,是因为那个人在想你。 It is said that you dream of a person because that person is thinking of you.
44、放弃了所有,我相信时间可以证明我是对的。 Give up all, I believe that time can prove that I am right.
45、是不是不管我什么样,那个姑娘都要我。 No matter what I look like, that girl wants me.
46、有人说,幸福其实就是每天微笑。 Some people say that happiness is actually a smile every day.
47、有时候,承诺只有听的那个人才会记得。 Sometimes, promises are remembered only by the person who listens.
48、梦,太真了,以至于我舍不得醒来。 The dream is so real that I can't bear to wake up.
49、每天早上看到阳光,就想见到你。 Every morning when I see the sunshine, I want to see you.
50、深爱一个人就是当他不理你时,你便开启了疯子模式。 To love someone deeply is to turn on the madman mode when he ignores you.
51、爱情就像绯闻一样,越炒越热。 Love is like gossip. It gets hotter and hotter.
52、爱情应该给人一种*感,而不是*感。 Love should give people a sense of freedom, not a sense of im*ment.
53、爱情永远不可能是天平,你想在爱情里幸福就要舍得伤心。 Love can never be a balance. If you want to be happy in love, you have to be sad.
54、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。 Love is an innocent kite, pulling the people who care most.
55、稳稳的幸福我想我变了,你还会爱我吗。 Steady happiness, I think I changed, you will love me.
56、笨蛋自以为聪明,聪明人才知道自己是笨蛋。 A fool thinks he is clever. A wise man knows he is a fool.
57、虽然相隔万里,渴望的眼睛,全都是爱着的证明。 Although thousands of miles apart, eager eyes, are all proof of love.
58、错的人迟早走散,而相爱的终将再相逢。 The wrong people will be separated sooner or later, and those who love each other will meet again.
59、除了你,还有谁愿一生伴在我的身旁,永远不离开。 In addition to you, who would like to accompany me all my life and never leave.
60、随便以后你和谁暧昧,我都不会皱一下眉。 I won't frown if you have an affair with anyone in the future.