1、一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌。晚安! One must always take a strange road, see strange scenery and listen to strange songs. good night!

2、一个人知道为什么而活,就可以从容面对任何生活难题。晚安。 If one knows why to live, he can face any life problem calmly. good night.

3、不要垂头丧气,即使失去一切,明天仍在你的手里。晚安。 Don't lose heart, even if you lose everything, tomorrow is still in your hands. good night.

4、与你同行的路,我希冀是早安到晚安的距离。晚安! I hope the distance between good morning and good night is the way to walk with you. good night!

5、世间的大人都为生活的琐屑事件所迷着,都忘记人生的根本。晚安。 Adults in the world are fascinated by the trivial events of life and forget the essence of life. good night.

6、亲爱的,我不能给你全世界,但是,我的世界,全部给你,晚安。 Honey, I can't give you the whole world, but my world, all for you, good night.

7、人并不是因为美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。晚安! People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely. good night!

8、人生就像舞台,不到谢幕,永远不会知道自己有多精彩。晚安! Life is like a stage, until the curtain call, you will never know how wonderful you are. good night!

9、人生是一场善待与放过,谦卑与祝愿。晚安。 Life is a treat and let go, humility and wish. good night.

10、人生最大的失败,就是放弃。晚安! The biggest failure in life is to give up. good night!

11、今夜星光灿烂,和你一起来的。晚安! I'm here with you tonight. good night!

12、你必须暗自努力,才能在人前显得轻松如意。晚安! You have to work in secret to be easy in front of people. good night!

13、你调皮的有点不像话啊,还这么可爱,快睡吧。晚安! You are a little naughty. You are so cute. Go to sleep. good night!

14、假如你是另类,我就变成你的同类。晚安。 If you are different, I will become your kind. good night.

15、先生的眼睛真好看,里面有漫天星光还有我。晚安,好梦。 Sir's eyes are so beautiful. There are stars and me in it. Good night, wish you have a good dream.

16、别辜负每一个当下,明天不会比今天更年轻了。晚安。 Don't let down every present. Tomorrow will not be younger than today. good night.

17、努力:天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。晚安! Efforts: no matter how high the sky is, stand on tiptoe is closer to the sun. good night!

18、只有先改变自己的态度,才能改变人生的高度。晚安! Only by changing one's attitude can we change the height of life. good night!

19、告诉你个秘密,明天我还喜欢你。晚安! I'll tell you a secret. I'll still like you tomorrow. good night!

20、和喜欢的人互道晚安,这是一天里最后的甜。晚安。 Say good night to someone you like. It's the last sweetness of the day. good night.

21、喜欢你,是一件上瘾却无法过瘾的事。晚安! Like you, is an addictive but not addictive thing. good night!

22、在很糟糕的时候也别忘记了你身上那些闪光的地方。晚安。 Don't forget the flash on you when it's bad. good night.

23、在我面前晃了一天,挺累吧,快睡吧。 I've been shaking in front of me for a day. I'm tired. Go to sleep.

24、在疲倦的生活中总要有些温柔的梦想。晚安。 In the tired life, there are always some gentle dreams. good night.

25、如果发现自己不能创造奇迹,那就努力让自己变成一个奇迹。晚安。 If you find that you can't make a miracle, try to make yourself a miracle. good night.

26、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。晚安! If the mind is not like the sea, how can we have the same cause as the sea. good night!

27、学会放弃,才会有所收获。晚安,朋友们。 Learn to give up, will have the harvest. Good night, friends.

28、希望世界安静,让所有情绪都见鬼。晚安。 Hope the world is quiet and let all emotions go to hell. good night.

29、希望我们接下来的一生,一不小心就可以白头偕老。晚安! We can live together for the rest of our lives. good night!

30、愿你天黑有灯,下雨有伞。遇见就珍惜,遇不见就努力。晚安。 May you have a light in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. Cherish when you meet, try hard when you don't see. good night.

31、愿你天黑有灯,下雨有伞。遇见就珍惜,遇不见就努力。晚安! May you have a light in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. Cherish when you meet, try hard when you don't see. good night!

32、我一直都明白,一直和一人做伴,实属不易。晚安! I've always understood that it's not easy to be with someone all the time. good night!

33、我又不是保温杯,凭什么要一直为你保持着原有的热情。晚安! I'm not a thermos cup. Why should I keep the original enthusiasm for you. good night!

34、我发现说晚安并不重要,重要的是要每天对你说。晚安,我爱你。 I find it's not important to say good night, it's important to say it to you every day. Good night. I love you.

35、我喜欢你每天的一句晚安,那比任何甜言蜜语听起来都幸福。 I like your good night every day, which sounds happier than any sweet words.

36、我是个感觉控,我感觉自己将来会嫁给易烊千玺。晚安。 I'm a feeling control. I feel that I will marry Yi Jin Qian Xi in the future. good night.

37、我最浅的思念,无非就是跟你一起仰望天堂。晚安! My shallowest missing is nothing more than looking up to heaven with you. good night!

38、我长不高的原因大概是很迷你。晚安哦。 The reason why I can't grow tall is probably because I'm very small. Good night.

39、把细碎的烦恼暂时关掉,把月亮挂好睡个好觉。晚安好梦。 Turn off the little troubles for the time being, hang up the moon and have a good sleep. good night.

40、晚安,睡觉吧。不然我待会儿又要想你了。 Good night. Go to bed. Or I'll miss you again later.

41、有些人到此为止。有些事由不得你。晚安! Some people stop there. There are some things you can't do. good night!

42、有时我会恨你,有时我会恨我自己,但始终我似乎是想你的。晚安。 Sometimes I hate you, sometimes I hate myself, but always I seem to miss you. good night.

43、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。晚安! Holding your hand, no matter where I am, I feel like running towards heaven. good night!

44、现在住在心里的人,以后也一定要住在家里。晚安! Those who live in the heart must live at home in the future. good night!

45、觉得自己做的到和不做的到,其实只在一念之间。晚安。 I feel that what I can do and what I don't do is only in one thought. good night.

46、跨过银河迈过月亮去迎接最好的自己。晚安好梦。 Across the Milky way, across the moon, to meet the best of yourself. good night.

47、那种既不能断干净,又不能和好如初的关系,最折磨人了。晚安。 The kind of relationship that can not be broken clean, and can not be as good as ever, is the most tormenting. good night.

48、随性不同于没脾气,我从来没讲过我善良。晚安。 Casual is different from no temper, I never said I was kind. good night.

49、青春的逝去并不可怕,可怕的是失去了勇敢地热爱生活的心。晚安! The passing of youth is not terrible, but the loss of the heart to love life bravely. good night!