1、一些事,即使能看开,却也放不下。 Some things, even if they can be opened, can not be put down.

2、一别两宽,各自生欢! One don't two wide, each born happy!

3、一旦学会破罐子破摔,你会发现世界豁然开朗。 Once you learn how to break a jar, you will find the world suddenly open.

4、不是不流泪,只是自己悄悄隐藏。 It's not that you don't cry, but that you hide.

5、不能对别人太好,时间长了以为你好欺负。 I can't be too kind to others. I think you bully me after a long time.

6、世界上的任何东西,都能轻而易举地背叛你! Anything in the world can easily betray you!

7、人和人,心和心,做到自己,珍惜自己。 People and people, heart and heart, be yourself and cherish yourself.

8、人情世故,心事万千。 There are thousands of people in the world.

9、人活一世,学会防备真的好重要。 It's really important to learn how to be defensive when you live all your life.

10、他没有很忙,只是你不够重要。 He is not very busy, just you are not important enough.

11、你做得再好,也还是有人指指点点! No matter how well you do it, someone still points out!

12、你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。 Don't say everything you know, don't believe everything you hear.

13、做人要谦卑,因为谦卑不醉。 Be humble, for humility does not make you drunk.

14、做好自己,珍惜时间。 Be good at yourself and cherish time.

15、再怎么感同身受,也只有一瞬间! No matter how I feel, it's only a moment!

16、努力,才是人生的态度。 Hard work is the attitude of life.

17、后来我终于忘记你了,连提起都剩下笑意。 Later, I finally forget you, even mention all the rest of the smile.

18、嘴是心灵之窗,闭嘴也伤心。 The mouth is the window of the heart. It's sad to shut up.

19、在这个浮躁的社会,宁可装傻,也不要自作聪明。 In this impetuous society, it's better to pretend to be stupid than to be smart.

20、在这烦躁的世界,我也跟着烦躁。 In this fidgety world, I'm also fidgety.

21、大起大悲看清自己,大起大落看清朋友。 Big sad to see themselves, big ups and downs to see friends.

22、失去的人,来不及问。 Lost people, too late to ask.

23、如果命运掐住了你的咽喉,那你就挠挠他的胳肢窝。 If fate catches your throat, scratch his armpit.

24、如果难过,就努力抬头望天空吧! If sad, try to look up at the sky!

25、学会拒绝,别让自己的生活太累! Learn to refuse, don't let your life too tired!

26、学会沉默,是成长最疼痛的领悟! Learning to be silent is the most painful understanding of growing up!

27、害怕用真心去对待一切,换回的只是眼泪。 Fear to treat everything with sincerity, in exchange for tears.

28、寻一处平静,安放得与失。 Find a place of peace and place gains and losses.

29、开始很美,过程很累,结局很悲,清醒很难。 It's beautiful at the beginning, tired in the process, sad at the end, hard to wake up.

30、当你真正被爱的时候,其实你不用那么漂亮。 When you are really loved, you don't need to be so beautiful.

31、当我们的爱情累了,就会停止了爱的旅途。 When our love is tired, it will stop the journey of love.

32、很多事,唯有当距离渐远时,才能回首看清它。 Many things, only when the distance is getting far, can we look back and see it clearly.

33、想你的画面勾画出你的容颜,却总是感觉那么远。 Want your picture to draw your face, but always feel so far.

34、成全了别人,委屈了自己。 I have made others better and wronged myself.

35、我不是太阳,无法总是无条件给你阳光。 I'm not the sun. I can't always give you sunshine unconditionally.

36、我们面对的困难,你以为上帝亏欠了你! We face difficulties, you think God owes you!

37、我永远无法找到原稿,然后将你一笔抹去。 I'll never find the manuscript, and then I'll erase you.

38、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。 I'm still waiting for you, but you've forgotten that you've been here.

39、接受自己的生活没什么不好,喜欢真的好累。 There's nothing wrong with accepting your life. It's really tiring to like it.

40、放下压力,累与不累,取决于自己的心态。 Put down the pressure, tired or not tired, depends on their mentality.

41、是你偷走了我的心,也偷走了我的魂! You stole my heart and my soul!

42、最大的敌人是自己,最大的错误是自弃! The biggest enemy is oneself, and the biggest mistake is self abandonment!

43、有些人,只会火上浇油,不会坦诚相待。 Some people will only add fuel to the fire and will not be frank with each other.

44、望不尽的远方,诉不尽的离殇! Hope endless distance, tell endless from the war!

45、活着,猜不透的沉默! Live, the silence that can't be guessed!

46、灵魂深处的东西,总是安静的! What is deep in the soul is always quiet!

47、熬过,才有后来的一切! After that, there will be everything!

48、现实的无奈,让我学会了逞强,习惯了伪装。 The reality of helpless, let me learn to be brave, used to camouflage.

49、理想就像内裤,要有,但不能逢人就去证明你有。 Ideals are like underwear. You have to have them, but you can't prove them to everyone.

50、生命和灵魂,总有打开心思的人。 Life and soul, there are always people who open their minds.

51、等一个人,相信一个时间。 Wait for someone, believe in a time.

52、简化生活及欲望,顺其自然少烦恼。 Simplify life and desire, let it be and less worry.

53、累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑,简单生活就好。 If you are tired, go to bed, smile when you wake up, and live a simple life.

54、自己不心疼自己,更别指望别人心疼你。 I don't care about myself, let alone others.

55、要三个人去痛苦,不如就让一个人更痛苦。 If you want three people to suffer, it's better to make one more miserable.

56、说好了不动情,我却动了心。 I said no emotion, but I moved my heart.

57、说忘记的人,往往还是记得的。 Those who forget are often remembered.

58、说自我失去勇气,是为了等待一个人给自我力量。 To say that I lose courage is to wait for someone to give me strength.

59、走的干脆就别后悔,爱得妥当就别落泪。 Leave simply do not regret, love properly do not cry.

60、雪怕太阳草怕霜,人怕没钱情怕伤! Snow afraid of sun grass afraid of frost, people afraid of no money feeling afraid of injury!