1、万一努力的尽头,是你呢? What if the end of the effort is you?

2、不笑运气差,一笑脸就大。 If you don't smile, you'll be lucky if you don't smile.

3、不要的东西,再好也是垃圾。 What you don't want is rubbish.

4、不要,除了你我什么都不要。 No, I don't want anything but you.

5、不许哭不许掉那些小珍珠。 Don't cry, don't drop those little pearls.

6、世界这么大,我们去吃吃看。 The world is so big, let's eat and see.

7、亲亲,爱你,喜欢吃你炒的菜! Kiss, love you, like to eat your fried dishes!

8、今天先睡了,明天再想你。 I'll sleep today and miss you tomorrow.

9、今天有件特别的事,特别想你。 I have a special thing today. I miss you very much.

10、你不是别人的,我就很开心。 I'm happy that you're not someone else's.

11、你喜欢什么颜色?酸辣粉。 What color do you like? Hot and Sour Rice Noodles.

12、你过安检必响,你个铁憨憨! You pass the security check will ring, you iron Han Han!

13、努力不是为别人,而是为自己! Strive not for others, but for yourself!

14、去见你时,四野的风都来迎我。 When I go to see you, the wind from the four fields comes to meet me.

15、只要你需要,我一直陪着你。 As long as you need, I'll always be with you.

16、只要心还跳,就有我逗你笑。 As long as the heart still beats, I will make you laugh.

17、可乐要加冰,爱我要走心。 Coke with ice, love I want to leave.

18、可爱不是长之计,可爱我是。 Loveliness is not a long way to go. I am.

19、名花虽有主,我来松松土。 Although the famous flower has its owner, I will loosen the soil.

20、哥不过是个局,而你却入了迷。 Brother is just a game, and you're obsessed.

21、她说我看起来真像个淑女。 She said I look like a lady.

22、好好活着,因为我们会死很久! Live well, because we will die for a long time!

23、心中有光,行路上,无谓风霜。 There is light in the heart, on the road, unnecessary wind and frost.

24、怕爹是孝顺,怕老婆是爱情。 Fear of father is filial piety, fear of wife is love.

25、想做你的小朋友,你的心头肉。 Want to be your little friend, your heart.

26、想吃掉难过,但它太大了。 Want to eat sad, but it's too big.

27、想吃掉难过,但是它太大了。 Want to eat sad, but it's too big.

28、我一路撒着星星,奔向你。 I scatter stars all the way to you.

29、我不但可爱,我还可爱你了呢。 I'm not only cute, but I love you.

30、我会活的很好。至少比你好。 I will live well. At least better than you.

31、我去宇宙了,回来带星星给你。 I went to the universe and came back to bring you the stars.

32、我太脆弱了,我就是一片海苔。 I'm too fragile. I'm just a piece of seaweed.

33、我已经很累了,你没有发觉。 I'm so tired that you don't notice.

34、我的抱枕坏了,又没钱买新的。 My pillow is broken and I can't afford a new one.

35、我这条闲鱼,也不是太想翻身。 I am an idle fish, and I don't want to turn over.

36、我饿了,想吃点爱情的苦。 I'm hungry. I want to eat some bitterness of love.

37、放松点生活,你没那么多观众。 Relax. You don't have a huge audience.

38、是鬼别装人,是人别装神。 It's a ghost. Don't pretend to be human. It's a person. Don't pretend.

39、曾经,我们都是那么地骄傲。 Once upon a time, we were all so proud.

40、朝花夕拾,捡的尽是枯萎。 Morning flowers, pick up all withered.

41、死不可怕,可怕的是你不敢死。 Death is not terrible, but you dare not die.

42、深夜和清晨,都请用力去生活。 Late at night and early in the morning, please strive to live.

43、爱情可以晚点到,但外卖不行。 Love can be late, but takeout can't.

44、眼泪这么近,背影那么远。 Tears so close, back so far.

45、瞧我这暴脾气,抱一下就好了。 Look at my temper. Just give it a hug.

46、碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的。 Broken a promise on the ground, can not be pieced together.

47、社会很单纯,复杂的是人。 The society is very simple. It is people who are complex.

48、秃驴,你敢跟贫道抢师太! Bald ass, you dare to rob abbess with me!

49、纵越千里,只为取你一颗星。 Long distance, just to take you a star.

50、给自己个英文名,叫压力山大。 Give yourself an English name, pressure mountain big.

51、老虎不发威,你当我男朋友吧。 Tiger doesn't get angry. You should be my boyfriend.

52、脑袋空不要紧,关键不要进水。 It doesn't matter if your head is empty. Don't let water in.

53、要温柔,也要有屠龙的勇气。 Be gentle and have the courage to kill the dragon.

54、这不是肉,是爸妈的钱和爱。 It's not meat. It's mom and dad's money and love.

55、远离烦心事,靠近大好人! Stay away from the trouble, close to the good man!

56、闺蜜、我比你男人还要在乎你! My best friend, I care about you more than your man!

57、闺蜜以后我们不嫁了、我养你。 We will not marry after my best friend, but I will support you.

58、零星的想你,也凑成了银河。 Sporadic miss you, also together into the Milky way.

59、骗子太多,*明显不够用了。 There are too many swindlers and there are not enough idiots.

60、骗我感情可以,骗我钱不行。 It's OK to cheat my feelings, but not to cheat me about money.