1、不要拿你的木马,来挑战我的密码。 Don't take your * horse to challenge my password.

2、世界上最短的咒语,是一个人的名字。 The shortest mantra in the world is a person's name.

3、为什么总是想得到,却又没有勇气去拥有。 Why always want to get, but have no courage to have.

4、你在黑夜里,我才敢绽放美丽。 You are in the dark, I dare to bloom beautiful.

5、你是我眼泪中的名字,那往事中的偏执。 You are the name in my tears, the paranoia in the past.

6、原来被伤过的心情是这样,心痛是这样。 The original hurt mood is this, heartache is like this.

7、原谅我生性孤独,喜静不爱笑。 Forgive me for being lonely, happy and quiet, not laughing.

8、哪怕一次也好,我想要得一夜安眠。 Even once, I want to have a night's sleep.

9、因为不配,忽然自卑,说声失陪。 Because of the unworthiness, suddenly inferiority, said the voice is not accompanied.

10、太过主动会疲累,太过在乎会崩溃。 Too much initiative will be tired, too much care will collapse.

11、奈何缘浅不如意,而无似景画中人。 But the shallow edge is not satisfactory, but not like the scenery in the painting.

12、如果没有了眼泪,心便是一片干涸的湖。 If there is no tears, the heart is a dry lake.

13、如果结局不是我要的,那就放弃所有吧。 If the end is not what I want, give up all.

14、安静的遥望着远方,只为寻找那遗失的微笑。 Looking at the distance quietly, only to find the lost smile.

15、希望下次喝酒,不要想你,也不要哭。 Hope to drink next time, don't miss you, don't cry.

16、希望你一到夜里就失落,后悔没有珍惜我。 I hope you lose in the night, regret not cherish me.

17、很多时候,只是因为得不到而假装说不想要。 Many times, just pretend to say no because you can't get it.

18、忽略失望的痛,拥抱遗失的你。 Ignore the pain of disappointment and embrace the lost you.

19、惦记你的人,总是期待重逢。 Those who miss you always look forward to meeting again.

20、想着你睡去,梦着你醒来。 Think of you sleeping, dream you wake up.

21、感情随风,你我随意。 The feeling is with the wind, you and I are free.

22、我们曾辉煌一世,却不及你挥霍一时。 We have been brilliant for a lifetime, but we can't spend a moment.

23、我们都被生活所打败,但却不能因此而相爱。 We are all defeated by life, but we can't love each other for that.

24、我又不是你的谁,怎敢奢求要你陪。 I am not your who, how dare to ask you to accompany.

25、我在梦里失去你,却真的感到痛。 I lost you in my dream, but I really feel pain.

26、我在流着泪打字,你却还以为我在笑。 I'm typing with tears, but you thought I was laughing.

27、我学会了戴着面具微笑,即使我并不开心。 I learned to smile in a mask, even if I wasn't happy.

28、我已经筋疲力尽了,还是得不到你。 I'm exhausted, I still can't get you.

29、我开始选择销声匿迹,终于不再把你记起。 I started to choose to disappear and finally I won't remember you.

30、我爱你,爱已深入骨髓,你要我如何割舍。 I love you, love has been deep into the bone marrow, you want me how to cut off.

31、我的灵魂因为我的孤独,灌满了音乐的声音。 My soul is filled with music because of my loneliness.

32、我累了,下次再说吧。 I'm tired. Let's talk next time.

33、所有人都有了新的生活,只有你抱着回忆。 Everyone has a new life, only you hold memories.

34、所有秘密的结果,无非都是一个新的开始。 All the secret results, all of which are a new beginning.

35、放弃一个人,从来就不是一瞬间的事。 Giving up a person is never a matter of a moment.

36、时间不会让我忘记你,而是让我习惯没有你。 Time doesn't let me forget you, but let me get used to not having you.

37、明明只删了一个你,却空了一整个列表。 Obviously, only one you were deleted, but the whole list was empty.

38、最终我学会了漠视,你学会了淡然。 Finally I learned to ignore, you learned to be indifferent.

39、朋友之间不言谢,遇见,就是幸福。 Friends do not say thank you, meet, is happiness.

40、期望,变成奢望,再到失望,最后绝望。 Hope, become extravagant hope, then disappointment, finally despair.

41、现在陪我最多的,只能说是手机了。 Now I accompany most, can only say is mobile phone.

42、现实与信念的冲撞让我们的青春遍体鳞伤。 The collision between reality and belief makes our youth bruised.

43、生命必须要有裂缝,阳光才能照进来。 Life must have cracks to shine in the sun.

44、若是不想流泪,那就仰望天空。 If you don't want to cry, look up to the sky.

45、虽然有时会想你,但有太多理由不可以。 Although I miss you sometimes, there are too many reasons not to.

46、要成长,伤痛就要大一点,伤口就要深一些。 To grow, the pain will be a little bigger, and the wound will be deeper.

47、请好好照顾她,加上我的那份。 Please take good care of her, plus my share.

48、过去已是空白,谁将东风借去。 It was blank in the past, who would borrow Dongfeng.

49、那么请你在骗我的同时,也请注意点分寸。 So please pay attention to the scale while you cheat me.

50、难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。 Inevitably blame the hand of time, love as love.