1、“面朝大海,春暖花开。”它是一种境界,是一个诗人用自己的生命所诠释出来的境界,不要轻易得去丢弃它。 "Facing the sea, bloomy spring." It is a kind of state, is a poet with out by his own life, don't have to discard it.

2、一个人一定要懂得什么时候该说或不该说什么话,什么时候该做或不该做什么事,这才叫懂得做人,懂得人生。 A person must know when to say or what not to say, when to do or what not to do, this is understand life, understand life.

3、一个人要获得实在的幸福,就必须既不太聪明,也不太傻。人们把这种介于聪明和傻之间的状态叫做生活的智慧。 A person to get the real happiness, we must neither too smart, also not foolish. People call this state between smart and foolish the wisdom of life.

4、一生中,总有那么一段时间,需要你自己走,自己扛。不要感觉害怕,不要感觉孤单,这只不过是成长的代价。 In life, there is always a period of time, need you go, carry yourself. Don't feel afraid, don't feel lonely, this is just the price of growth.

5、不同的时间,不同的地点,不同的人群,变化的空间,变化的容颜,变化的语言,不变的是我对你的思念之情! Different times, different locations, different people, the space of change, change appearance, change of language, the same is my missing for you of love!

6、不要指望,麻雀会飞的很高,高处的天空,那是鹰的领地。麻雀如果摆正了自己的位置,它照样会过得很幸福! Don't expect, the sparrow flying high, high in the sky, is that the eagle territory. The sparrow if straighten his position, so it will be very happy!

7、不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要停止、不论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之后就不要悔恨。 No matter when you start, the important thing is don't stop after starting, no matter when you end, the important thing is don't regret after end.

8、也许现在的我早已无法战胜时间,但并不意味着我不能穿越那条终点线,在那终点的狂欢中,请为我展开笑颜。 Maybe now I already can't triumph over time, but that doesn't mean I can't cross the finish line, the carnival atmosphere in the end, be glad for me, please.

9、事实上确实是当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有;但有没有注意到当有些东西来临的时候,我们已错过。 Is, in fact, when we lose really didn't know I used to have; But notice when something comes, we have missed.

10、人们一方面想要依赖,另一方面又不想要痛苦,但依赖导致痛苦,因为依赖制造出束缚和*,然后就有痛苦。 People on the one hand, want to rely on, on the other hand, don't want to pain, but rely on lead to pain, because produce bondage and im*ed, then there is the pain.

11、人们最出色的工作往往在处于逆境的情况下做出。思想上的压力,甚至**上的痛苦都可能成为精神上的兴奋剂。 People's best work is often in the case of in adversity. The mental pressure, even physical pain can be mental stimulant.

12、人和人在**上没什么差别,差别是在灵魂上,你的精神世界有多大,你的视野就有多大,你的事业就有多大。 People no difference in the physical, the difference is in the soul, how big is your spirit world, your vision is how big of your career.

13、人生,在历经大大小小的各种坎坷与收获后,我的思想真的成熟了,不再幼稚的面对问题,而是沉着冷静的思考。 Life, after various difficulties with large and small harvest, my mind really mature, no longer childish face, but calm thinking.

14、任何合同都是可以撕毁的,任何条约都是可以破坏的,任何法律都是可以废除的,任何承诺都是可以不兑现的。 Any contract can be torn up, any treaty can be destroyed, any law can be abolished, any promise is can not deliver.

15、众口难调,你永远无法满足所有人的胃口,高明的人会引导大家跟着自己的感觉走,而不是让自己跟着别人走。 All tastes, you can never satisfy everyone's taste, good will lead people to follow their own feelings, and not allow yourself to follow others.

16、伪装幸福,或者伪装坚强,有时候也许只是因为好胜。拼命咬著牙的人,往往K不是强悍,而是苦苦憋住眼泪。 Pretend happy, or pretend strong, sometimes maybe just because competitive. Try very hard to bite a tooth,often is not strong, but is struggling to hold your tears.

17、你以为最酸的感觉是吃醋吗?不是的,最酸溜溜的感觉是没权吃醋,根本就轮不到你吃醋,那就是最酸最酸的。 Do you think that the sourest feeling is to be jealous? No, the sourest feeling is to have no rights to be don not you are jealous, that is the most acid acid.

18、你再优秀也会有人对你不屑一顾,你再不堪也会有人把你视若生命。所以,牛逼是不要得瑟,落魄时不要堕落。 You again good also will be someone to you, you also someone will take you as a life. Don't show off in an ostentatious manner so cow force is, don't fall down and out.

19、使一切非理性的东西服从于自己,*地按照自己固有的规律去驾驭一切非理性的东西,这就是人的最终目的。 Make all irrational things subject to oneself, freely according to their inherent laws to manage all the irrational things, this is the ultimate goal of people.

20、创新意识、创新勇气、创新精神是第一位的,正是它们决定创新能力的强弱高低优劣大小及其创新水平的高低。 Innovation consciousness, innovation, courage, the innovation spirit is the first, which determine the strength of the innovation ability or vice versa size and level of innovation.

21、即使自己变成一撮泥土,只要它是铺在通往真理的大道上,让自己的伙伴们大踏步地冲过去,也是最大的幸福。 Even himself into a peck of dirt, as long as it is spreadon the road to truth, to let his friends fast blunt past, is also the biggest happiness.

22、友谊之火温暖了朋友受伤的心,照亮了迷途者前进的方向,驱散了孤独者心中的阴云,点燃了失败者新的希望。 Friendship warm friend injured heart, fire lit up the stray and the way forward, the clouds broke up the lonely heart, lit the losers new hope.

23、发生一件事,如果你喜欢它,那么享受它。不喜欢,那么避开它。避不开,那么改变它。改不了,那么接受它。 One thing, if you like it, so enjoy it. Don't like it, so avoid it. Don't leave, then change it. Don't change, then accept it.

24、只需一分钟就可以碰到一个人,一小时喜欢上一个人,一天爱上一个人,但需要花尽一生的时间去忘掉一个人。 It takes only a minute can run into a person, an hour to like someone and a day to fall in love with a person, but it takes lifetime to forget a person.

25、哪里有穷困,哪里就有苦难。苦难,穷困, Where there is poverty, there is suffering. Suffering, poverty, gaining a fierce and bitter, poor, he yi, in power, will abuse, its reason with.

26、善良和善感在人生的答卷上也会涂上几笔,起码是得一个甲加,在物欲洪流的大视野里,泾渭分明,条理清晰。 Kindness and compassion in the answer of life will also be coated with a few pen, is a plus, at least in the materialistic torrent of large, distinct and clear.

27、喜欢上你,并不是你长的好不好看的原因,而是你在特殊的时间里给了我别人给不了的感觉——致我深爱的人。 Like you, is not the reason why you long very good-looking, but what you gave me in the special time for feeling of others, to the person I love.

28、在这个忧伤而明媚的三月,我从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫堇,穿过木棉,穿过时隐时现的悲喜和无常。 In march of this sad and beautiful, I from my youth in thin the horse, through the purple pansy, through the kapok, through the soliloquy and impermanence scenery.

29、大其心,容天下之物,虚其心,爱天下之善,平其心,论天下之事,潜其心,观天下之理,定其心,应天下之变。 His big heart, let the world things, virtual its heart, love the world of good, even the heart, from the theory of the world, its unspoken heart, view of the world, its heart, should the change of the world.

30、如果有一天我们绝交了翻脸了,你出门跟全世界骂我,我也不会把你哭着笑着在深夜只分享给我秘密告诉别人。 If one day we broke up cool, go out to the world you scold me, I will not share you cry in the middle of the night with a smile just give me a secret to tell someone.

31、姑娘,请为了几年后,踩着高跟,留着美丽的长发,画着精致的妆容,从曾经诋毁过你的傻逼面前走过而努力。 Girl, please for the sake of a few years later, standing on high heels, has beautiful long hair, and painted with delicate makeup look, from once to denigrate your shitty path.

32、少年的时候,我疯狂的喜欢,带我走这三个字。现在,我再也不会任性的让任何人带我走。我学会了,自己走。 Teenager, I like crazy, take me away these three words. Now, I will never wayward let anyone take me away. I learned that I go.

33、帮别人的事做完就忘记,别人为自己做的事时时记着,哪怕这个人只有那么一次好,他也是曾经帮助过你的人。 Help others finish forget things, they do always remember to himself, even if this person only then once more, he was also once helped you.

34、当一个女孩向你倾诉她的烦恼,那不是抱怨,那是她对你的信任。因为没有一个女的愿意跟不喜欢的男的废话。 When a girl poured out her troubles to you, that's not complain, that is her trust in you. Because no woman is willing to talk to don't like men crap.

35、当我们爱一个人,会记得一些和他有关的画面。失去他以后,只要一想起,他就会出现,会出现在那些画面里。 When we love a person, will remember some related picture with him. After losing him, as long as the thought of, he will appear, will appear in the picture.

36、忙碌的工作,其实是为了更幸福的生活;努力地学习也是为了更幸福的生活。不要只顾前行,一定要抬头看路。 The busy work, to a happy life; Study is also hard for happier life. Don't you want to go on, must look up at her way.

37、思念是一捧水,捧在手中的时候,满满的,当手松的时候,全部落于尘埃,化为乌有,只留下手中浅浅的湿润。 Missing is a handful of water, hands, in full, when openhanded, all fell in the dust, wipe out, leaving only the hands of the shallow moist.

38、想你的时候,把你的名字写在手心,摊开是想念,握紧是幸福。幸福就是简简单单的依靠,就是手牵手的温柔。 When thinking of you, write your name in the palm, spread out is miss, hold is happiness. Happiness is simple depend on, is gentle hand in hand.

39、成熟的爱情,敬意、忠心并不轻易表现出来,它的声音是低的,它是谦逊的、退让的、潜伏的,等待了又等待。 Mature love, respect, loyalty is not easy, it's voice is low, it is humility, concession, latent, waiting and waiting.

40、所谓幸福,是有一颗感恩的心,一个健康的身体,一份称心的工作,一位深爱你的爱人,一帮值得信赖的朋友。 The so-called happiness, there is a thankful heart, a healthy body, a desirable job, a deep love your lover, a bunch of reliable friend.

41、推销员应该研究自己的洞察力,判断别人性格的能力。应该把研究别人和研究激励他们的动机作为重要的事情。 Salesman should study his own insights, the ability to judge others character. Should put the study others and inspire their motivationas the important things.

42、放弃同样是一种选择,放弃并不是自己无能,而是因为自己有了更好的选择。有时候,放弃比坚持还需要勇气。 Give up is also a choice, give up is not powerless, but because they have a better choice. Sometimes, it takes courage to give up than still.

43、无须绝望,也无须为你不绝望而绝望,在似乎穷途末路之际,总会产生新的力量,这恰恰意味着我们依旧活着。 Need not despair, also need not despair, for you do not despair in seems to end of the road, always produce new strength, this just means that we are still alive.

44、时间好比一架天平,它对任何人都不倾斜;时间如同一把火炬,它专门为勤奋刻苦的人们照亮通往成功的途径。 Time is like a scale, it did not tilt to anyone; Time like a torch, it work hard for people to light the path to success.

45、有一些人不懂佛法,听说佛法要永断情爱,于是乎他就反对了。他说人与人之间要没有爱情,那还有什么意思? There are some people who do not understand the dharma, heard that the dharma to broken love, so he would have opposed. He said that no love between man and woman, and what you mean?

46、有些事情其实没有你想的那么糟。一味抱紧烦恼,只会得到更多的烦恼,走过去,放下了,就是另一个广阔天地。 There are some things is not as bad as you think. Just hold the worry, will only get more troubles, walk over and down, is another broad heaven and earth.

47、有些人在上的,并不是找错了对象,而是从一开始就没弄明白;在选择爱情的同时,也就选择了一种生活方式。 Some people, not the wrong object, but do not understand right from the start; In the choice of love at the same time, also choose a way of life.

48、有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的。爱一个人不一定会拥有,拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱她。 Some lose is predestined, some fate is never have the result. Love a person does not necessarily have, have one must take to love her.

49、机关工作人员工作感言:不做不好意思;做做意思意思;多做没有意思;拼命去做,大家都会质疑:你什么意思。 Office work personnel work said: don't be sorry; Do you mean; Do not mean; Tryvery hard to do, everyone will question: what do you mean.

50、梦想走去,无论前方是狂风骤雨,还是鸟语花香,我们都心想着一个目标:实现理想,因为我们有别样的青春! Dream, no matter is the storm ahead, or flowers, we all thought with one goal:to achieve ideal, because we have another youth!

51、每一天努力地忙碌,用力地生活,却总在不知不觉间遗失了什么。有时候,我们需要的,只是一颗静下来的心。 Every day busy, hard hard life, but always unknowingly lost what. Sometimes, we need, just a quiet heart.

52、每个人都有自己的剧场,他集经理、演员、提词、编剧、换景、包厢侍者、看门人诸职于一身,此外还是观众。 Everyone has theirown theater, he set the manager, actors, the flash, screenwriter, waiter, janitor job change scene, box at a suit, also or the audience.

53、每个人都有自己鲜明的主张和个性,不要识途去改变他人,同样,也不要被他人所改变。改了,就不是自己了。 Everyone has their own distinct claims and individual character, don't know way to change others, also, don't change by others. Changed, is not himself.

54、永远追求于理想,必会得到幸运女神的眷顾;但也不可为追求一个所谓的理想,而丧失许多,甚至失去别的志向。 Always pursue the ideal, will get lucky goddess visited; But also not to pursue an ideal, the so-called lost some, even lose other aspirations.

55、泪流下来的时候,没有牵挂了,只有一颗伤透了心,现实本就残忍,无须怪你的无情,只怪我们都输给了现实。 Tears streaming down, no care, only a heart broke, the reality is cruel, do not need to blame you heartless, only blame we all lost to the reality.

56、爱一个意味什么呢?这意味着为他幸福而高兴,为使他能够更幸福而去做需要做的一切,并从这当中得到快乐。 What a mean love? This means that for his happiness and pleasure, to make him to more happiness and do need to do everything, and get pleasure out of this.

57、爱情就像一双袜子,越是瞧起来不顺眼的袜子,越有可能永远陪在你身边,越是喜欢的漂亮袜子经常会少一只。 Love is like a pair of socks, the more look up not pleasing to the eye of the socks, the more likely it is to accompany in your side forever, the more beautiful socks are often less a like.

58、爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?爱,原来是一种经历,但愿人长久。 Love, has always been a flexuous thing. Never been forsaken, never hurt, how to understand love? Love, originally is a kind of experience, I wish people for a long time.

59、生活中要学会享受:享受工作的欢快,享受朋友的笑声,享受家人的温馨,享受创造的快慰,享受果实的甜美。 You must learn to enjoy in life, to enjoy work the cheerful, enjoy friends laugh, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy of creation is to enjoy the sweet fruit.

60、生活在水中的鱼不知道水的存在,生活在幸福中的人难知晓身边的幸福。只有清醒的人才能意识到平安就是幸福。 Fish live in the water does not know the presence of water, life in happiness happiness around people hard to fathom. Only a person awake to realize that peace is the happiness.上一页12下一页

61、生活给予每个人的东西是不一样的,而幸福的含义都相同。谁欣然接受了生活的给予,谁就把握了生活的幸福。 Life gives everyone is not the same, and the meaning of happiness are the same. Who embraced the giving of life, who will grasp the happiness of life.

62、积金遗于子孙,子孙未必能守;积书于子孙,子孙未必能读。不如积阴德于冥冥之中,此乃万世传家之宝训也。 MPF heritage in children, children are not necessarily keep; Product in children, children are not necessarily to read. As product gavel in shadow, this is all family heirloom also.

63、等待,是最坚固的牢。自己不走出去,别人走不进来。我们可以耐心等,幸福可以来的慢一些,只要它是真的。 Wait, is the strongest. Don't you go out on their own, others don't come in. We can wait, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true.

64、自暴自弃,这是一条永远腐蚀和啃噬着心灵的毒蛇,它吸走心灵的新鲜血液,并在其中注入厌世和绝望的毒汁。 Desperate, it is a forever corrosion and snake bite the soul, it suck fresh blood, soul and inject pessimistic and despair of poison in it.

65、节欲戒怒,是保身法,收敛安静,是治家法,随便自然,是省事法,行善修心是出世法。守此四法,结局通达。 Abstinence ring nu, seizing method, convergence quiet, is French, by nature, is a convenient method, method of heart is born good. Keep the four method end all the way.

66、要么承担,要么突破,剩余的时间就是对你的所经历的一切保持沉默。终有一天,这沉默里会获得道路和答案。 Bear or breakthrough, the rest of the time is to be quiet about your experience everything. One day, the silence will get road and answers.

67、记住一个人,只记住他的好处,议论一个人,只议论他的优点。包容别人的缺点与错误,快乐就会天天围绕你。 Remember a person, only remember his good, talk about a person, only talk about his good points. Tolerance others' shortcomings and errors, happiness will around you every day.

68、记得,要做最后出牌的人,出让别人觉得出其不意的牌,在他们以为你要输掉的时候,这样,你才能赢得牌局。 Remember, to do the last out of the card, transfer others feel surprise card, when they thought you were going to lose, so that you can win the match.

69、路再长也会有终点,夜再长也会有尽头,不管雨下得有多大,总会有停止的时候。乌云永远遮不住微笑的太阳! Again long way will have the end, the night long will also have an end, no matter how much raining, there will always be stop. FIG leaf smile forever the clouds is the sun!

70、轻财足以聚人,律已足以服人;量宽足以得人,身先足以率人,必能忍人不能忍之触忤,斯能为人不能为之事功。 Light goods enough to gather, law have been enough to justify; Wide enough to gadites, body first enough to rate, will be able to endure people can stand touch of mind for a person to his undertaking.

71、那些溺在父母身边的青少年,终长不成人,而那些离开父母的宠溺,在外奔波的青少年,反而能炼成大人气魄。 Who drowned in the parents of teenagers, but it will long not adults, and those who leave their parents spoil, outside the hustle and bustle of teenagers, but can be refined into adult verve.

72、青春伴随着梦想,如诗如画,如歌如曲,追逐梦想的微光,即使前方荆棘满地,也依然要风雨兼程,永不言弃! Culture and youth with dreams, such as song such as music, the pursuit of a dream light, even ahead of thorns everywhere, also still to trials and hardships, never give up!

73、风飘飘,雪遥遥。梦中不知岁已老,朦胧人间谁登高。夜渺渺,烟袅袅。是非真假一座桥,轮回几多,一人少。 The wind fluttering, the snow is well. Dream does not know age is old, hazy who climb in the world. The night he and smoke curled up. Is true or false, a bridge rebirth much less.
