1、一个人的旅程,没有人知道我多孤单。 No one knows how lonely I am on my journey.

2、一个人的生活,总是麻木的让我难过。 A person's life, always numb let me sad.

3、一只风筝,一生永远只为一根线冒险。 A kite, life will always only take risks for a line.

4、不再计较对错,因为什么都不重要了。 Don't worry about right or wrong anymore, because nothing matters.

5、不想再做你的影子,我要好好做自己。 I don't want to be your shadow again. I want to be myself.

6、不想再去压抑,就算回忆撕扯我的心。 Don't want to suppress again, even if memories tear my heart.

7、不管是哪种感情,都是那么不堪一击。 No matter what kind of feeling, it is so vulnerable.

8、久未放晴的天空,依旧留着你的笑容。 The sky has not been cleared for a long time, and still keep your smile.

9、人们总说来日方长,却忘了世事无常。 People always say that the future will be long, but forget the world is changeable.

10、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as people don't lose their direction, they will not lose themselves.

11、人家有的是背景,而我有的只是背影。 Others have backgrounds, and I have only back-up.

12、他踌躇满志的时候,心里其实好害怕。 When he was full of his mind, he was really scared.

13、仰头,以最美的弧度掩饰自己的脆弱。 Look up, cover up your vulnerability with the most beautiful radian.

14、你关心的话语,却成了我致命的一击。 Your words of concern have become my fatal blow.

15、你喜欢转头就走,我学会了不再挽留。 You like to turn around and go. I learned to keep it.

16、你走得越来越远、我却越来越有感觉。 You go farther and farther, but I feel more and more.

17、你身边人太拥挤我就闭着眼睛陪伴你。 I will be with you with my eyes closed when you are too crowded.

18、再好的感情也抵不过怀疑与猜忌是吗。 No good feelings are worth doubt and suspicion, right.

19、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。 Everything has a price, and the price of happiness is pain.

20、分手,所有的理由终究都会成为借口。 Break up, all the reasons will eventually become excuses.

21、别打听我,过得比你好,玩的比你稳。 Don't ask me. I'm better off than you. I'm playing more steadily than you.

22、只想要一个拥抱,和一个肩膀来依靠。 Just want a hug, and a shoulder to rely on.

23、只是对你有感觉而已,可别得寸进尺。 It's just feeling like you, but don't get in the air.

24、喜欢你很累,可是累和放弃是两码事。 I like you very tired, but tired and give up is two things.

25、喜欢你是真的,再也不回头也是真的。 It's true to like you, and it's true not to turn back again.

26、在那漫漫人海中,我们总是只差一步。 In the sea of people, we are always one step short.

27、她不仅要变得优秀,她还要站在顶峰。 She not only wants to be good, she also stands at the top.

28、好想和你聊天,但是一直找不到话题。 I want to talk to you, but I can't find a topic.

29、如果不能美得惊人,那就丑得销魂吧! If it can't be amazing, it's ugly and soul - killing!

30、如果从未遇见、那现在的我会在哪里。 If I never met, where would I be now.

31、如果你知我苦衷,何以没有一点感动。 If you know my hard work, why not touch it a little.

32、如果值得,我会不负一切代价去争取。 If it is worth it, I will not take all the cost to fight for it.

33、如果有来生,可不可以换我伤你一次。 If there is a life, can I hurt you again.

34、如果爱可以重来,我会为你放弃一切。 If love can come back, I will give up everything for you.

35、如果能回到从前,我会选择不认识你。 If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know you.

36、宁愿高傲的微笑,也不愿卑微A哭泣。 Rather than humble crying, smile with pride.

37、幸福就像烟火,那么美,却那么短暂。 Happiness is like fireworks, so beautiful, but so short.

38、幸福很容易,只要多几个理由骗自己。 Happiness is easy, just a few more reasons to cheat yourself.

39、很遗憾,我从来都不是任何人的希望。 I'm sorry, I've never been anyone's hope.

40、想你的时候,只能通过别人来了解你。 When you miss you, you can only be understood through others.

41、我不怕等,只怕你最后选择的不是我。 I'm not afraid to wait, just afraid that you chose not me.

42、我不能给你城堡,但我可以给你汉堡。 I can't give you the castle, but I can give you hamburgers.

43、我不难过,只是有些累了。不想说话。 I'm not sad, but I'm a little tired. Don't want to talk.

44、我们都追到了梦,只是梦里没有彼此。 We all pursue dreams, but there is no one in them.

45、我会试着放下往事,管它过去有多美。 I'll try to put down the past and see how beautiful it used to be.

46、我会遇见另一个的,我会遇见我自己。 I'll meet another one, I'll meet myself.

47、我做的再多,也比不上她什么都不做。 I can't do more than she does nothing.

48、我可以假装不知道,其实爱情也会老。 I can pretend not to know, in fact, love will be old.

49、我想跟你在一起,却也是想想而已了。 I want to be with you, but I think about it.

50、我拦不住要走的风,也抱不住整片天。 I can't hold the wind to go, nor can I hold the whole day.

51、我摘下了面具,看到了落荒而逃的你。 I took off the mask and saw you who fled.

52、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。 I am happy because I love, because I have love.

53、我爱你,我信你,你骗我,是我活该。 I love you, I believe you, you cheat me, it is my life.

54、我的心你或许不懂,我努力让你感动。 I don't know my heart. I try to move you.

55、我知道我的眼泪敌不过她的一声轻唤。 I know my tears can't match her a light call.

56、承载了太多累,已丢失了最初的骄傲。 Carrying too much tired, has lost the initial pride.

57、把思念藏在心间,任季风渐瘦了容颜。 Hide the missing in the heart, let the monsoon gradually thin face.

58、故事都会结束,只是有人欢喜有人哭。 The story will end, just someone is happy and someone cries.

59、敏感的人大多都不幸福,因为太在乎。 Most sensitive people are unhappy because they care too much.

60、明明是为你才会改变,却回不到从前。 It is for you to change, but not back to the past.

61、是不是爱过的人,都会懂心痛的感觉。 Whether or not the person who loves, will understand the feeling of heartache.

62、曾经只为你而心跳、如今却留下伤痕。 Once only for you heart beat, but now left scars.

63、最怕在用了真心之后,得到的是背叛。 Most afraid in the use of the heart, get betrayal.

64、有些东西比爱情更持久,更值得追求。 Some things are more lasting and worth pursuing than love.

65、有些喜欢很简单,有些忘记也很艰难。 Some like it very simple, some forget is also very difficult.

66、有没有试过,心痛到爆也要强颜欢笑。 Have you tried it, you should smile when you feel heartache.

67、望着你可爱的脸庞,我选择一笑而过。 Looking at your lovely face, I choose to smile.

68、来到这个世上。我就没打算或者回去。 Come to this world. I didn't plan or go back.

69、没人喜欢孤独,只不过是受够了失望! No one likes loneliness, but I'm just fed up with disappointment!

70、注定无奈的结局,注定看你悲伤离去。 Doomed to helpless end, destined to see you sad leave.

71、爱上你,如一杯烈酒,容易让人心碎。 Love you, like a strong drink, easy to break your heart.

72、爱不是有多喜欢你,而是有多依赖你。 Love is not how much you like, but how dependent you are.

73、爱你太累,从今往后,我们各奔东西。 Love you too tired, from now on, we are all going to go.

74、爱你狠荒唐。你没感觉我却身受重伤。 It's ridiculous to love you. You didn't feel like I was seriously injured.

75、生如夏花之绚烂,谁来订阅我的忧伤。 Life is like summer flowers, who will subscribe to my sorrow.

76、站在自己的位置,扮演好各自的角色。 Stand in your own position and play their own roles.

77、自从得了神经病,整个人都精神多了。 Since he got a nervous condition, the whole person has been much more spiritual.

78、让我一个人默默的流泪,偷偷的回味。 Let me alone silently tears, secretly aftertaste.

79、说太多,不如沉默。想太多,会难过。 Too much, not silence. Think too much, it will be sad.

80、请记住,爱笑,哭,比任何其他的人。 Remember, love to laugh, cry, than anyone else.

81、诺诺誓言,被遗忘在那颠沛的流年里。 Noro vowed to be forgotten in the past.

82、费劲心思走近了,却不知不觉走尽了。 Hard to approach, but unconsciously walked out.

83、越执着就越没结果,说不出是谁的错。 The more persistent, the more fruitless, can not say who is the wrong.

84、还是那样没出息,处处留意你的消息。 Still that is not a good thing, pay attention to your news everywhere.

85、这一秒我哭了,下一秒你会看到我笑。 I cry this second, and you will see me smile the next second.

86、逃不开你的拥抱,抗拒不了你的味道。 You can't escape your embrace, can't resist your taste.