1、一时新鲜,哪抵得上半世安稳。 A moment's freshness is worth half a lifetime's stability.

2、不再见,是我给你最后的警告。 No more. It's my last warning.

3、不爱我就趁早离开我,别让失望变的太大。 Don't love me, just leave me as soon as possible, don't let the disappointment become too big.

4、世界上多的是南辕北辙,少的是殊途同归。 In the world, there are many different paths, but few paths lead to the same goal.

5、什么牵制我,我就放弃什么,这样才能快乐。 What holds me back, I will give up what, so that I can be happy.

6、今非昔比,你也终于让我感觉到失望。 This is not what it used to be, and you finally let me feel disappointed.

7、伤疤之所以会疼,是没办法彻底抚平。 The reason why the scar hurts is that it can't be completely smoothed.

8、你不把我当回事,我照样可以把你当锤子一样。 If you don't take me seriously, I can still treat you like a hammer.

9、你又不是我,你凭什么说我怎么怎么样。 You're not me. How can you tell me.

10、你在那里,我在这里,只是怀念,不再相见。 You are there, I am here, just miss, no longer meet.

11、你是我的鬼迷心窍,只有我自己知道。 You are my obsession, only I know.

12、你来,无论多大风多大雨,我都要去接你。 You come, no matter how strong the wind and heavy the rain, I will pick you up.

13、你能不能别喜欢别人,你能不能只喜欢我。 Can you stop liking people? Can you just like me.

14、你还是那个你,只是我不想再爱你了。 You are still that you, but I don't want to love you any more.

15、做人真的太难,太累,太烦。 Life is really too difficult, too tired, too boring.

16、其实你明白,这个年纪谁都不会是谁的一生。 In fact, you know, at this age, no one will be their life.

17、分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。 After separation, my hands can no longer touch your temperature.

18、别傻了,自作多情,人家根本就不在乎你。 Don't be silly, be sentimental, people don't care about you at all.

19、别忘了,你从本质上是个喜欢笑的人。 Don't forget, you're essentially a laughing person.

20、回忆那段曾经的感情,过去的终将会过去。 Recall that once the feelings, the past will eventually pass.

21、因为不想被人再刺伤,所以渐渐学会了伪装。 Because I didn't want to be stabbed again, I gradually learned to disguise.

22、因为你太懂事,总是受委屈。 Because you are too sensible, always wronged.

23、委屈憋得满满的,想起你就会掉眼泪。 Wronged hold full, think of you will shed tears.

24、孤独,是一场无人递粥的重感冒。 Loneliness is a cold that no one delivers porridge.

25、少一句怕遗憾,多一句怕打扰。 Less afraid of regret, more afraid of disturbing.

26、年纪大了,竟然变得脆弱起来了。 Old age, even become vulnerable.

27、幸福的人听雨声是浪漫,而我觉得是伤感。 Happy people listen to the rain is romantic, and I think it is sad.

28、当我们自己感到孤独时,很难温暖别人。 When we feel lonely, it's hard to warm others.

29、微笑像谎言一样,是最起码的假装。 Smile, like a lie, is the least pretense.

30、我不重要可以随时丢掉,对不对。 I don't care. I can throw it away at any time, right.

31、我们不会分开太久哦,山顶的风景才最好看。 We won't be apart for long. The scenery at the top of the mountain is the best.

32、我们不适合做情侣,当初我们就该做朋友。 We are not suitable to be lovers. We should have been friends at the beginning.

33、我们总说,岁月如故,却不知道是否如初。 We always say that time is the same, but we don't know if it is the same.

34、我们曾在青春的路上相逢,照见彼此的悲喜。 We met on the road of youth and saw each other's joys and sorrows.

35、我希望有那么一个人,把我宠的无法无天。 I hope there is such a person who spoils me.

36、我是不是太认真了,所以太难过的都是我。 I am not too serious, so I am too sad.

37、我的委屈,自己懂。再多委屈,我能忍。 I understand my grievances. I can bear more grievances.

38、我真的爱你,但是我家人反对我恋爱。 I really love you, but my family opposes my love.

39、我记住你所有的话,就是没记住你不喜欢我。 I remember all your words, but I didn't remember you didn't like me.

40、我说我会遗忘,是因为忧伤弥漫了整个心脏。 I said I would forget, because sadness filled the whole heart.

41、曾经双手紧扣的誓言,现在都变成了笑话! The oath that once clasped with both hands has now become a joke!

42、最痛的,不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。 The most painful is not parting, but the memories after parting.

43、有时候,听到一首老歌,就突然想起一个人。 Sometimes, when I hear an old song, I suddenly think of a person.

44、某人出现在你的梦里,意味着那个人在想你。 When someone appears in your dream, it means that person is thinking of you.

45、经历风雨,我只想要少一点悲伤悲伤。 Through the wind and rain, I just want to be less sad.

46、花开雨下回忆痛、花落雨停心为伴。 The flower opens under the rain, the recollection pain, the flower falls the rain stops the heart to accompany.

47、请记得我的好,或记得我就好。 Please remember my good, or just remember me.

48、送喜欢的人回家,哪里都顺路。 Send the person you like home, wherever you go.

49、那些刻骨铭心的,为何总是一触即发。 Those unforgettable, why always trigger.

50、陪伴就是不管你需不需要我都在。 Company is whether you need me or not.