1、一个人其实不孤单,想一个人才孤单。 In fact, a person is not alone, like a talent alone.

2、一个人的夜宵,也要有调调。 A person's Supper should also be adjusted.

3、一根烟,一杯酒,一首老情歌。 A cigarette, a glass of wine, an old love song.

4、不吃的苹果被人抢了,还是难过。 I'm still sad that the apple I don't eat is robbed.

5、不是一个世界的人,何必强留。 People who are not in the same world, why force them to stay.

6、不是同情,而是明白。 Not sympathy, but understanding.

7、从陌生走近你,然后再陌生。 Approaching you from strangers, and then strangers.

8、他是你的生活背景,而你是他的甲乙丙丁。 He is your life background, and you are his a B C D.

9、他是太阳,可深海里又怎能照进阳光。 He is the sun, but how can the deep sea shine into the sun.

10、你有着多少温柔才能从不轻言伤心。 How much tenderness do you have to never say sad.

11、其实我们都一样,想回头但又怕重蹈覆辙。 In fact, we all want to go back, but we are afraid of repeating the same mistakes.

12、内一刹那。心莫名的疼。 In a flash. Heart inexplicable pain.

13、别人开心死了,我的开心死了。 Others are so happy that I am so happy.

14、别自以为是、你在我眼里什么都不是。 Don't be self righteous, you are nothing in my eyes.

15、刺猬喜欢用刺来伪装自己舔舐内心的伤。 Hedgehogs like to use thorns to disguise themselves and lick their inner wounds.

16、只要一生为你活过,我就不是尘埃。 As long as I live for you all my life, I am not dust.

17、可不可以不,可不可以不想。 Can not love you, can not miss you.

18、吃醋是因为喜欢、生气是因为在乎。 Jealous because of like, angry because care.

19、命运的无常之下,谁能始终如一。 Under the uncertainty of fate, who can be consistent.

20、喝下去的心酸是你,说不出的苦楚也是你。 It's you who drink it, and it's you who can't say it.

21、回忆蔓延着脑海,心跳却漏掉了一拍。 Memories spread in my mind, but my heart missed a beat.

22、好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 Good rain knows the season, but spring comes.

23、如果总是让我打扰你,那我宁愿安静点。 If I'm always bothering you, I'd rather be quiet.

24、孤酒茶凉,抵不过一曲离殇。 Lonely wine and cool tea, but a song from the war.

25、幸福都给你了,把利息算给我。 Happiness to you, the interest to me.

26、开心是自己给的,不开心也是。 Happy is given by oneself, so is unhappy.

27、心有多软,壳就要有多硬。 How soft the heart is, how hard the shell is.

28、心里的痛,没有人能说,只能自己承受。 Heart pain, no one can say, can only bear.

29、总是装作不在意,又总是想引起你注意。 Always pretending not to care, and always want to get your attention.

30、总是逼着自己成长,那些成长真心痛。 Always forced to grow up, those who grow up really heartache.

31、想念有个别名,叫自捅千刀。 Miss has an alias, called since poke thousand knife.

32、我们曾经那么契合过,为什么一定要分开? We used to fit together. Why do we have to separate?

33、我想关心,又怕多余。 I want to care, but I'm afraid of redundancy.

34、我是孤独患者,自我拉扯。 I'm a lonely patient, self pulling.

35、我没有错,错的就是不敢说出我爱你。 I am not wrong, wrong is not dare to say I love you.

36、我爱你很多。却又选择寂寞。 I love you a lot. But choose loneliness.

37、我自是年少,韶华倾负。 I am young and young.

38、所有感觉到的都是真的,不是你敏感多想。 Everything you feel is true, not that you are sensitive.

39、拼命回忆,却找不回我们的过去。 Desperately recall, but can not find our past.

40、无爱一身轻,祝我分手快乐可好! I wish you a happy breakup!

41、明明你在那里,往后却都与我无关。 You are there, but it has nothing to do with me.

42、是不是我不说,你就永远不会知道真相。 If I don't tell you, you will never know the truth.

43、曾经拥有的,现在成了一片空白。 Once owned, now has become a blank.

44、沉默的最后,不是沉默。 The end of silence is not silence.

45、没什么好担心的,我巴不得现在就死掉。 There's nothing to worry about. I want to die now.

46、没什么,只是我的爱人不爱我。 Nothing. It's just that my lover doesn't love me.

47、没有不老的誓言,没有不变的承诺。 There is no oath of immortality, no constant commitment.

48、烦躁厌倦沉默,纠结了我所有的情绪。 Fidgety, tired of silence, entangled all my emotions.

49、热恋,失恋,一字之差。 Love, lovelorn, a word difference.

50、爱到痛苦,是要分手。 Love to pain, is to break up.

51、爱情像头发一样,长了,就不想剪断了。 Love is like hair, long, do not want to cut.

52、生死离愁,已看淡。兴悲苦厌,已看浅。 The sorrow of life and death has faded. I'm tired of happiness and sorrow.

53、用显微镜看痛苦,用放大镜看快乐。 Look at pain with a microscope and happiness with a magnifying glass.

54、看来我伪装得很好,没人发现我的悲伤。 It seems that I disguised well, no one found my sadness.

55、真爱可以在哪里找到,是否也可以转手。 Where can true love be found and whether it can be changed.

56、等你,陌生的地方只为遇到熟悉的人。 Waiting for you, strange place only for meeting familiar people.

57、遇到你之后,我就没正常过。 I haven't been normal since I met you.

58、酒只可醉一宿,人只能爱一生。 Wine can only be drunk for one night, people can only love for life.

59、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你多难过。 There's an ear in the partition, laughing at how sad you are.

60、青春总是多了感伤。凉了时光、疼了心脏。 Youth is always more sentimental. Cool time, hurt the heart.