1、一人把关一处安,众人把关稳如山。 A person a security guard, guard people steady as a mountain.

2、一处隐患酿成事故,一次违章葬送幸福。 A hidden danger of accident, a violation to happiness.

3、一日安全一日新,天天安全值万金。 One day a day every day new safety, security value of gold.

4、一看二慢三通过,麻烦大意闯大祸。 A look at the two through the three slow effect, trouble a catastrophe.

5、上下楼梯靠右走,不插口袋不跑跳。 Up and down the stairs right away, no pockets don't run and jump.

6、上楼下楼靠右走,遇到混乱手牵手。 Up and down the stairs on the right hand, encountered confusion.

7、上班不要想其他,事故专找马大哈。 Don't think of other work, specifically looking for a careless accident.

8、下课不疯跑,小心被摔倒。 Class does not run crazy, be careful to fall.

9、不求作多,只求作安。 Do not ask for much, just for security.

10、不要乱抛你的物品,他很爱你这个主人。 Don't mess with your things. He loves you.

11、不要让鱼儿离开水,也不让自己游下水。 Don't let the fish out of the water.

12、业务由勤学为径,工作有安全做舟。 Business logistics for size, safety work to do.

13、严是爱,松是害,搞好安全最实在。 Yan is love, pine is harmful, do a good job of security is the most.

14、严格安全检查,避免严重后果。 Strict safety checks to avoid serious consequences.

15、丽水是我家,平安靠大家。 Lishui is my home.

16、举安全之盾,防事故之患。 For the safety of the shield, the accident prevention.

17、事事安全牢记人心,人人幸福洒满校园。 People remember everything safe, everyone happy on the campus.

18、事故出于麻痹,安全来于警惕。 The accident because of paralysis, security to guard against.

19、事故隐患不除尽,等于放虎归山里。 Accidents do not divisible, equal to fanghuguishan.

20、人人安全,家家放心。 Everybody is safe.

21、人人把好安全关,处处设防漏洞少。 Everyone good security clearance, there are fewer loopholes everywhere.

22、人人讲安全,安全为人人。 Everyone talks about security, security for everyone.

23、人人讲安全,家家保平安。 Everyone talks about safety.

24、人身安全要谨防,车辆下面莫乘凉。 Beware of personal safety, the vehicle is cool.

25、你对违章讲人情,事故对你不留情。 You talk about human violations, accidents do not benefit you.

26、关心集体,关爱他人,校园安全你我他。 Caring for the collective, caring for others, campus security, you and me.

27、冒险是事故之友,谨慎为安全之本。 Adventure is the friend of the accident, caution is the foundation of safety.

28、分分秒秒遵章守纪,列列辆辆安全畅通。 The minute zunzhangshouji, column car safety.

29、制度不全,事故难免。 System is not complete, the accident is inevitable.

30、加强劳动保护,预防事故发生。 Strengthen labor protection, prevent accidents.

31、劳保用品穿戴好,遇险可把生命保。 Wear the PPE, the life insurance in distress.

32、千忙万忙,安全不忘。 Thousands of busy busy, do not forget safety.

33、喝酒莫开车,开车莫违章。 Mo Mo Mo Mo mo.

34、在岗一分钟,安全六十秒。 In one minute, sixty seconds safety.

35、安全在心中,保护自我时时刻刻不能忘。 Security in the heart, to protect themselves from time to time can not forget.

36、安全在我心,快乐你我他。 Safe in my heart, happy you and me.

37、安全多下及时雨,教育少走马后炮。 Security more timely, less education go belated effort.

38、安全是幸福的车轮,不转却永不分离。 Safety is the wheel of happiness, but it will never separate.

39、安全是朵幸福花,大家浇灌美如画。 Security is a happy flower watering, everyone is.

40、安全是生命之丰,安全要靠你我他。 Safety is the abundance of life, security depends on you and me.

41、安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。 Safety is the foundation of life, and the violation is the source of the accident.

42、安全是生命的基石,安全是快乐的阶梯。 Safety is the cornerstone of life, security is the ladder of happiness.上一页12下一页

43、安全是生命的基石,安全是欢乐的阶梯。 Safety is the cornerstone of life, security is the ladder of joy.

44、安全是生命的基石,欢乐的阶梯。 Safety is the cornerstone of life.

45、安全是生命的秤砣,不重却能挑千斤。 Safety is the life of the weight is not heavy, but can pick a thousand pounds.

46、安全法规血写成,违章害己害亲人。 Safety regulations written in the blood relatives of victims of illegal tampering.

47、安全生产挂嘴上,不如现场走几趟。 Safety on the mouth, not as good as the scene several times.

48、安全相伴你我他。 You and me.

49、安全管理讲究外圆内方。 Safety management about the velvet glove.

50、安全红线不能碰,违章违纪不留情。 Safety not to touch the red line, unsparing violation.

51、安全花开把春报,生产效益节节高。 The spring bloom safety report, production efficiency high.

52、安全铭记于心,从此远离危险。 Safety in mind, from danger.

53、实实在在反违章,真心真意抓安全! Real anti illegal, genuinely and sincerely grasp security!

54、实实在在反违章,真心真意抓安全! Real anti illegal, genuinely and sincerely grasp security!

55、家庭幸福心里装,不踩红线不违章。 Family happiness in mind, do not step on the red line is not illegal.

56、寒霜偏打无根草。事故专找懒惰人。 The frost hit water. Looking for lazy people.

57、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。 Small cigarette hidden big negligence led to disaster.

58、小洞不补大洞难堵,小患不防大患难当。 A big hole to plug, does not prevent the small risk of suffering from high.

59、平安时时挂心中 Peace hangs from time to time, no matter when.

60、年年安规年年规,岁岁平安岁岁安。 Every year safety regulations, safe and sound all year round suisuian.

61、幸福是棵树,安全是沃土。 Happiness is a tree, safety is the fertile soil.

62、快刀不磨要生绣,安全不抓出纰漏。 A grinding to rust, not out of security flaws.

63、技术天天练,事故日日防。 Technology practice every day, accident prevention.

64、抬头明责任,低头保安全。 The responsibility of the head, bow to ensure safety.

65、教室走廊不奔跑,安全第一真是好。 Classroom corridor does not run, safety first is really good.

66、教室走廊不嬉戏,同学玩乐守秩序。 Classroom corridor does not play, students play order.

67、时时注意安全,处处预防事故。 Always pay attention to safety, prevent accidents everywhere.

68、止之于始萌,绝之于未形。 Stop at the beginning of Meng, absolutely not in shape.

69、浇好安全树,方开幸福花。 With good security tree, open happy flower.

70、爱护职工,安全持久。 Care for employees, safe and lasting.

71、狼找离群羊,祸找违章人。 Wolf looking for stray sheep, to find illegal people.

72、现在安全学文化,将来当好接班人。 Now the safety culture, a good future successor.

73、生产再忙,安全不忘。 Production again busy, safety does not forget.

74、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 Life is paramount, security responsibility is heaven.

75、生命诚可贵、安全价更高。 Life is precious, the security price is higher.

76、电力安全行,隐患要除平。 Security hidden danger to power, in addition to the flat.

77、磨刀不误砍柴功,安全教育不放松。 Quicken work, safety education does not relax.

78、祸患可销于未萌,祸患常识于忽微。 Can not pin in evil evil sense neglected adorable.

79、福自安全来,祸从违章生。 Blessing from the security, disaster from illegal birth.

80、红灯停,绿灯行,安全处处伴我行。 Red light stop, green line, security everywhere with my line.

81、莫因一时侥幸,招致一生不幸。 Mo 1:00 luck, lead to unfortunate life.

82、设备隐患是事故的温床。 Equipment hidden trouble is a hotbed of accidents.

83、质量是学校的生命,安全是师生的生命。 Quality is the life of the school, safety is the life of teachers and students.

84、走楼梯守秩序,进教室不喧哗。 Take the stairs to keep order, into the classroom is not noisy.

85、违章指挥等于变相杀人。 Illegal command is tantamount to disguised homicide.

86、违章是安全最大的敌人。 Violation is the greatest enemy of security.

87、遵守规则者,智者也。 Obey the rules, the wise man.

88、遵章守纪一丝不苟,落实标准一点不差。 Zunzhangshouji implement a standard strict in demands, not bad.

89、铁路连着你我他,平安幸福靠大家。 The railway connects you and me, peace and happiness depend on you.

90、隐患处处有,安全时时记。 Hidden dangers everywhere, always remember.

91、隐患猛如虎,时刻要清除。 Hidden dangers such as tiger, always to clear.
