1、一个人越发觉得寂寞、就越发懂得珍惜。 The more lonely a person is, the more he knows how to cherish it.

2、一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知。 Once the spring is done, the beauty is old, the flowers fall and the people die.

3、不再沉寂的活着,我要重启我的骄傲。 No longer live in silence, I want to restart my pride.

4、不好的都过去了,剩下的该是幸福了。 The bad things are over, the rest is happiness.

5、不管前方的路,有多远。我来陪着你。 No matter how far the road ahead is. I'll be with you.

6、今年的夏天,我们要笑着走出教室! This summer, we will smile out of the classroom!

7、他出现一下子,你耿耿于怀一辈子。 All of a sudden, you've been haunted by him.

8、你为了看我飞翔,甘愿站在原地仰望。 In order to see me fly, you are willing to stand and look up.

9、你从不知道,我想做的不只是朋友。 You never know, I want to be more than a friend.

10、你天性凉薄,奈何我执意飞蛾扑火。 Your nature is cold and thin, but I insist on flying moths to the fire.

11、你我之间有一缕思念,是魂绕梦牵。 You and I have a wisp of missing, is the soul around the dream.

12、你的一句此号作废,让我心里一酸。 Your sentence is invalid, which makes me feel sad.

13、你给的承诺就像是星星,多且遥不可及。 The promise you give is like a star, too much and far away.

14、再也碰不到,像你这么难忘的路人了。 Never again, such as you so unforgettable passers-by.

15、分手以后很久,发现心里还是有你。 After breaking up for a long time, I found you still in my heart.

16、别对我说对不起,我不想跟你没关系。 Don't say sorry to me. I don't want to have nothing to do with you.

17、别等失去了爱人,才知道行影成一人。 Don't wait to lose your lover, to know the shadow of a person.

18、只有有了你,我的人生才有了酸甜。 Only with you can my life be sweet and sour.

19、只有死之前,才能明白到底在爱着谁。 Only before you die can you understand who you love.

20、只要我不倒,蹒跚一点也没什么不好。 As long as I don't fall, there's nothing wrong with staggering.

21、后来,我爱上的每一个人都像你。 Later, everyone I fell in love with was like you.

22、在你的矍榫里我找不到我的名字。 I can't find my name in your love line.

23、在你走向幸福的路上,会有我的痕迹。 On your way to happiness, there will be my trace.

24、坚强不是我想要的解脱,假装能好好过。 Strong is not the relief I want, pretend to be able to live well.

25、如果原谅背叛,那便是对爱情的侮辱。 If you forgive betrayal, it is an insult to love.

26、彼年时光,早已回不到最初的模样。 That year's time, has been unable to return to the original appearance.

27、总是回忆,总是想念,最后总是难过。 Always remember, always miss, always sad in the end.

28、想哭,可是已经不知道该怎么流泪了。 I want to cry, but I don't know how to cry.

29、我什么都愿意,就是不会愿意爱你。 I will do anything, but I will not love you.

30、我们不是没爱过,只是没有走到最后。 It's not that we didn't love, we just didn't go to the end.

31、我左手拿着轮回,右手放飞希望。 I hold reincarnation in my left hand and hope in my right hand.

32、我并非别无选择,只是不想再错! I don't have no choice, just don't want to be wrong again!

33、我很想你,很想很想,可是我不敢想。 I miss you very much. I want to miss you very much, but I dare not.

34、我忘不掉你的微笑,也会记住你的微笑。 I can't forget your smile, I will remember your smile.

35、我把回忆都格式化了,却还是忘不了你。 I have formatted the memories, but I still can't forget you.

36、我的爱情在走到悬崖边时,峰回路转。 My love turns on the edge of the cliff.

37、我要的爱,无非就是希望你一直在。 I want love, just hope you are always there.

38、我还剩下什么或许只剩孤独和自己。 I have something left, maybe only loneliness and myself.

39、折磨人的不是离别,而是感动的回忆。 What torments people is not parting, but moving memories.

40、无论你有没有口袋,我的爱,永远都在。 Whether you have a pocket or not, my love is always there.

41、是不是要我死,你才会相信我爱你。 If I die, you will believe that I love you.

42、最好的感觉是有人懂你的欲言又止。 The best feeling is that someone understands what you're trying to say.

43、有些人、有些事,看清了就轻了。 Some people, some things, see light.

44、有时候我真的希望人的记忆不要太长。 Sometimes I really hope people's memory is not too long.

45、来世路上太寂寞,我总得找个人伺候。 It's too lonely on the way to the afterlife. I always have to find someone to wait on.

46、比起千疮百孔,我更喜欢一刀致命。 I prefer a single stab to a stab.

47、水喝太多了,都从眼睛里溢出来了。 The water is too much, it's overflowing from my eyes.

48、海底明月捞不起,凡间星辰不可及。 The moon on the bottom of the sea can't be picked up, and the stars are out of reach.

49、爱一个人,由天由人却由不得自己。 Love a person, by the day by the people, but not by themselves.

50、爱来爱去,爱到最后,终究一场空。 Love to love, love to the end, eventually nothing.

51、看着别人发布的签名我自己都会掉泪。 I'll cry when I look at other people's signatures.

52、等你音讯全无,我再去爱这世间万物。 I'll love everything in the world when you don't hear from you.

53、素描人生,一生所寻觅的正是这份宁静。 Sketch life, life is looking for this quiet.

54、给不了婚姻,就不要霸占别人的青春。 If you can't give marriage, don't occupy other people's youth.

55、能在一起的人,来来回回总能在一起的。 People who can be together can always be together.

56、虽然有时会想你,但有太多理由不可以。 Although I miss you sometimes, there are too many reasons not to.

57、这城市红红火火,万里风霜由不得我。 I can't help the wind and frost in this city.

58、这年头猪都涨价,凭什么你不能涨价? The price of pigs is rising these days. Why can't you raise the price?

59、这该死的期待,让我接二连三的狼狈。 This damned expectation, let me one after another in confusion.

60、透过窗口看着景色,不禁泪流满面。 Looking at the scenery through the window, I couldn't help but shed tears.