
2、  There are a lot of the Dragon Boat Festival customs also linked with the number "5". With red, yellow, blue, white, and black colored silk is on the child's neck, wrists, or ankles, called long strand. They shall put "five" : calamus, ay tsao, pomegranate flower, garlic, dragon boat flower.   Dragon boat racing, eating zongzi is the main activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, legend has it the dragon boat boatrace die is for the sake of saving throw lost the patriotic poet qu yuan. Put the dumplings into the rivers, is the prawn dumpling eat crab, no longer to eat qu yuan's body. Dragon Boat Festival is popular in han, zhuang, and dong, GeLao and other ethnic minority areas. Scholar wen yiduo believe that the Dragon Boat Festival is the dragon festival, it is forty-five thousand years ago the south minority to commemorate the dragon festival. The south over the Dragon Boat Festival to eat the "five yellow" : cucumber, yellow croaker, salted duck egg yellow, yellow douban package dumplings, realgar wine. On the north and the south, with a realgar wine in children's forehead draw a "king" word, also wearing colorful sweet bursa. Every Dragon Boat Festival, people sweep the house clean, sprinkle with realgar water in the kitchen, to kill the vermin or prevent propagation of poisonous insect.   About the Dragon Boat Festival and many children's songs, these children's songs, lively, vivid and makes people love it. These children's songs also added many joys of appeal to the Dragon Boat Festival.   To see the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat, can eat delicious dumplings, I really like the Dragon Boat Festival!   每年农历五月初五为端午节,是中国民间的传统节日,又称端阳节,重五节。   端午节有许多习俗也与“五”这个数字联系在一起。用红、黄、蓝、白、黑五色丝线系在儿童的脖颈、手腕或足踝上,称为长命缕。各家要插“五端”:菖蒲、艾草、石榴花、蒜头、龙船花。   赛龙舟、吃粽子是端午节的主要活动,相传龙舟竞渡是为了捞救投汩罗江而死的爱国诗人屈原。把粽子投进江河,是让蛟虾蟹吃饱了,不再去吃屈原的遗体。端午节流行于汉、壮、布依、侗、仡佬等民族地区。学者闻一多认为,端午节是龙节,是四五千年以前南方少数民族纪念龙神的节日。南方过端午节要吃“五黄”:黄瓜、黄鱼、咸鸭蛋黄、黄豆瓣包的粽子、雄黄酒。这天无论北方南方,都要用雄黄酒在儿童的额头上画个“王”字,还要佩带五颜六色的香囊。每逢端午节,人们把房子扫干净,在厨房里洒上雄黄水,用来杀死毒虫或防止毒虫孳生。   关于端午节还有许多儿歌,这些儿歌活泼、生动,令人们十分喜爱。这些儿歌也给端午节增添了许多欢乐的情趣。   端午节能看龙舟,能吃好吃的粽子,我真喜欢端午节啊!   篇二:描写端午节的微信好文章英语版   "Dragon boat". "End" is "at the beginning of" the meaning of "beginning", so the lunar may fifth day is called "dragon boat". In the tang dynasty, because of the tang dynasty emperor Tang Xuanyu's birthday is in August 5, in order to avoid "five" word, with the echo "noon" replaced the word "five", from then on, "terminal five" renamed "dragon-boat festival".   Why falls on this day will be "Dragon Boat Festival"? The folk. One of the most popular, is to commemorate qu yuan.   Qu yuan is the warring states period of big officer, chu chu does not accept his rule that deposed him instead of exile, he was in exile on the way to see the decline and fall of chu, people's suffering, you are unable to save people, he himself, facilitate of the fifth in 278 BC, in lost himself. After the people know, chu boating rushed to rescue, but already too late, people worried about water of the mi low river fish, turtles, bite to eat qu yuan's body, a bamboo shell wrapped in rice into the river to feed the fish. From then on, rowing, zongzi is our China customs.   I really like the Dragon Boat Festival, I look forward to the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival every year.   “端午”。“端”是“初”“始”的意思,所以阴历五月初五称为“端午”。到了唐代,因为唐朝皇帝唐玄宇的生日是八月五日,为了避用“五”字,就用回音“午”替换了“五”字,从此,“端五”便改称“端午”了。   为什么五月初五这一天会成为“端午”呢?民间流传着很多种说法。其中最流行的说法,就是为了纪念屈原。   屈原是战国时楚国的大官,楚国不采纳他的治国主张,反而将他免职流放,他在流放途中看到楚国衰亡,人民遭受苦难,自己又无力挽救老百姓,他心中悲愤难忍,便于公元前278年的五月初五,投入汩罗江自尽。楚国百姓知道后,竟相划船前去相救,但已来不及了,百姓们担心江中的鱼,鳖,咬食屈原的遗体,便用竹壳裹米投入江中喂鱼。从此,划龙舟,包粽子就是我们中国的风俗了。   我很喜欢端午节,我每年都盼望端午节的到来。   篇三:描写端午节的微信好文章英语版   There is many, many for the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, but we often say most is about qu yuan. Some people may not heard, or to the content of the story some fuzzy, but don't worry, I'll tell you something about:   Qu yuan is the story of a patriotic poet, he was as a teenager is left the prime minister, is the emperor's reuse. Treacherous court official know one year, a few looked at qu yuan, so reuse and loved by the emperor, the in the mind is very jealous. Think a plan together. A few days later, they start moving. These people, every day around the edge of the emperor, the emperor shun not all the time. The emperor also is really of, is a can't afford to temptation by the emperor, a few words of sweet words, took him faint geostrophic "fans" day.   Emperor have treacherous court official in the persuasion, to qu yuan's exile, in the soil of exile, qu yuan heard a bad news, said his country was the enemy away, and the people were dead, then qu yuan jumped into the miluo river.   People heard the news, then hurriedly paddle boat in the river for the body of qu yuan, some package rice dumplings into the river, don't let the fish eat qu yuan's body.   Now you should know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, also should know the reason of racing dragon boats and eating zongzi!   对于端午节的由来有许多许多,不过我们最常说的就是关于屈原的。也许有些人没有听过,或者对这个故事的内容有些模糊,不过不用担心,我来给你们讲讲:   屈原是故事后的一位爱国诗人,他在十几岁是就当上了左丞相,十分的皇帝的重用。知道有一年,几位奸臣看着屈原这么受皇帝的重用和宠爱,心里非常妒忌。一起想了一个计策。过了几天,他们开始行动了。他们这些人,天天围绕在皇帝的边上,每时没刻都在顺皇帝的心。那皇帝也真是的,是一位受不起诱惑的皇帝啊,几句甜言蜜语,就把他“迷”的天昏地转。   皇帝有在奸臣的劝说下,把屈原流放,在流放的土中,屈原听到一个不幸的消息,说自己的国家被敌军抢走,百姓生不如死,于是屈原跳进汨罗江。   百姓们听到这个消息,于是赶紧划着船在江里捞屈原的尸体,有些人包棕子投进江中,不让鱼儿吃屈原的尸体。   现在你们因该知道端午节的由来了吧,也因该知道赛龙舟和吃粽子的原因了吧! 相关文章推荐:

3、  导语:在中国传统节日中,不仅是端午节,还有许多节日值得我们去探索,屈原这种爱国精神值得我们学习!下面是小编为您收集整理的英语文章,希望对您有所帮助。   篇一:描写端午节的微信好文章英语版   Fifth lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional Chinese folk festival, also called DuanYangJie,








