1、一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房。 A man has only one heart but two atria.
2、一直压抑着,自你离开就想流的眼泪。 Has been repressed, since you left want to shed tears.
3、不断的失去,然后变得无所畏惧。 Constantly lose, and then become fearless.
4、不是每个人都会要你那么欺负,还不是因为爱你。 Not everyone will want you to bully, not because of love.
5、与其庸人自扰,不如看淡点好。 It's better to look down on it than to disturb others.
6、人并不是美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。 People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.
7、人生可以重复着初恋,却不可以重复着后悔。 Life can repeat the first love, but can not repeat regret.
8、他眼里有星辰大海,唯独没有我。 There are stars and sea in his eyes, but there is no me.
9、以后,我不会再无理取闹了,所以你得看着我。 In the future, I won't make trouble again, so you have to look at me.
10、你我皆有苦衷,你又何必诉说身不由己呢? You and I all have difficulties. Why do you tell me that you can't help yourself?
11、你看到我嘴角挂着笑,却忽略了我眼角含着泪。 You see my mouth with a smile, but ignore my eyes with tears.
12、你要知道,我现在过的很好,所以不需要你的干涉。 You know, I'm doing well now, so I don't need your interference.
13、你那么孤独,却说一个人真好。 You're so lonely, but it's nice to be alone.
14、分开,是再也不见的分开,是一生的分开。 Separation, is never seen again, is the separation of life.
15、千年的等待,却只换来一句:你的爱早已不在! Thousands of years of waiting, but only in exchange for a sentence: your love is no longer there!
16、原来,一个人可以难过,没有情绪,没有语言。 Originally, a person can be sad, no mood, no language.
17、只是过程没有结果,放弃压抑着想念。 It's just that the process has no result, giving up and suppressing missing.
18、只要你过的幸福快乐,无所谓伴在谁的左右。 As long as you live a happy life, it doesn't matter who is with you.
19、外面雪白的一片,把整个世界都淹没。 It's snowy outside, drowning the whole world.
20、女人的直觉是最准的,尤其是要分手的时刻。 Women's intuition is the most accurate, especially when it comes to breaking up.
21、好男人,就是和媳妇吵架时,抱着必输的心态。 A good man is one who always loses when he quarrels with his daughter-in-law.
22、如果不能保证一定幸福,就让自己保持快乐吧。 If you can't guarantee happiness, keep yourself happy.
23、如果回首、是否还是熟悉的摸样。 If you look back, is it still familiar.
24、如果爱可以重来,我会为你放弃一切。 If love can come again, I will give up everything for you.
25、如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便护他安好。 If you love each other, you can carry your hand to the old; if you miss it, you will protect him.
26、当你喜欢一个优秀的人时,你会觉得自己千疮百孔。 When you like a good person, you will feel that you are full of holes.
27、很多道理我们都是心知道,却做不到。 We know a lot of truth, but we can't do it.
28、思念碎了一地,我该拿什么想你。 Missing a broken ground, I should take what to miss you.
29、总是装作不在乎,因为伤的太多次心以麻木。 Always pretend not to care, because hurt too many times, the heart to numb.
30、想着在一起的时候,脸上慢慢的露出了微笑。 Think of together, the face slowly showed a smile.
31、感觉就像暴雨一样,说来就来没有预兆。 It's like a rainstorm. There's no sign.
32、我喜欢用上句号。给每句话后面给个结尾。 I like to use a full stop. Give each sentence an end.
33、我在忙着我的生活,可笑的梦想只能远方。 I am busy with my life, ridiculous dream can only be far away.
34、我宁愿保持沉默也不向那些根本不在意我的人诉苦。 I'd rather keep silent than complain to people who don't care about me at all.
35、我左手拿着轮回,右手放飞希望。 I hold reincarnation in my left hand and hope in my right hand.
36、我带着一堆情话在起风的季节里,等风也等你。 I take a pile of love words in the windy season, waiting for the wind to wait for you.
37、我微笑,是不是真的懂得成全。 I smile, is not really know how to complete.
38、我的心不是公交车,不是有空位你就能坐下来的。 My heart is not a bus, not a seat you can sit down.
39、我知道我曾经错过许多,总是一个人难过。 I know that I have missed a lot, always a person sad.
40、我说我不回头,请你也不要回头。 I said I don't look back, please don't look back.
41、早知道伤心总是难免的,又何必在意那一点点温存。 Early know that sad is always inevitable, and why care about that little bit of warmth.
42、有一种感情叫做无缘,有一种放弃叫做成全。 It's called giving up. There's a kind of relationship.
43、有些路是自己一个人走的,天黑风很大。 Some of the roads were taken by myself. It was dark and windy.
44、有时候,真的会因为太爱他而不敢打扰他。 Sometimes, I really don't dare to disturb him because I love him too much.
45、有没有那么一个人,会使你心甘情愿的赴汤蹈火。 There is no such a person, will make you willing to go through fire and water.
46、每个人就像手机一样,型号不同,价格自然不同。 Everyone is like a mobile phone. Different models make different prices.
47、没什么好聚好散,其实都铁了心要幸福给旧人看。 There's nothing to get together and to be scattered. In fact, we are all determined to show happiness to the old people.
48、没有声音,但是泪水却爬满了那憔悴的容颜。 There was no sound, but tears were crawling over the haggard face.
49、烦躁厌倦沉默,纠结了我所有的情绪。 Fidgety, tired of silence, entangled all my emotions.
50、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 Love is not a magnificent oath, but a light accompany.
51、独自一人躲在无人的角落里,细数你给的伤悲。 Alone hiding in no one's corner, count the sadness you give.
52、生命太短,没留时间给我们每日带着遗憾醒。 Life is too short for us to wake up with regret every day.
53、看着他们的其乐融融,突然觉得我很多余。 Looking at their happiness, I suddenly feel that I have more than a lot.
54、硬扯出的一抹笑,你看这是否心疼。 Hard pull out a smile, you see if this is heartache.
55、纠结在灵魂里的痛,是你曾经给的伤口。 Entangled in the soul of the pain, you have given the wound.
56、谎言巧妙美化过的剧情,结局终究逃不出悲。 Lies cleverly beautified the plot, the end can not escape sorrow.
57、谢谢你总是在没人陪的时候想起我,但我不缺你。 Thank you always think of me when no one is with me, but I don't want you.
58、趁我还爱你,你能不能不要错过我。 Can you not miss me while I still love you.
59、距离会让你遗忘,但是回忆却会永驻。 Distance will make you forget, but memories will stay forever.
60、那一句,对不起,始终没有说出口。 That sentence, I'm sorry, has not been said.