1、一个人的梦是悲哀的,因为没有爱。 A person's dream is sad, because there is no love.

2、一些东西,忘不掉,那么就残存着。 Some things, can't be forgotten, then remain.

3、不是姐不想想你,是姐没有时间想你。 It's not that I don't think about you, but that I don't have time to think about you.

4、为你付出真心,换来的只是不值一提。 Pay for you sincerely, in exchange for nothing.

5、人去楼空空寂寂,旧日恩情情切切。 When people go to the building, it is empty and silent, and the old days are full of gratitude.

6、人生的真理,只是藏在平淡无味之中。 The truth of life is only hidden in the insipid.

7、从此他成了我的噩梦,分手渐行渐远。 Since then, he has become my nightmare, breaking up gradually.

8、他没有很忙,只是你不够重要而已。 He's busy. He's just not important enough.

9、任何百毒不侵的人,都曾无药可救过。 Anyone who is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons has never been cured.

10、你是上天的温柔,我是人间的悲剧。 You are God's gentle, I am the human tragedy.

11、你是我的天下无双,也是我的念念不忘。 You are my unique in the world, but also my unforgettable.

12、你是瞎子吗?怎么看不到我对你的好。 Are you blind? I can't see my kindness to you.

13、你爱的只是回忆,还有不甘心失去。 What you love is memory, and you are not willing to lose it.

14、你说谎瞒不过我,你诚实我又难过。 You can't keep me from telling lies. I'm sorry you're honest.

15、你走后的余生,对于我而言都是噩梦。 The rest of your life is a nightmare for me.

16、即使输掉了一切,也不要输掉微笑。 Even if you lose everything, don't lose a smile.

17、在这喧嚣的世界里,我只想听你的声音。 In this noisy world, I just want to hear your voice.

18、失去的不在拥有,落红曾经灿烂过。 The lost is not in possession, falling red once brilliant.

19、如若离去,请将最美的背影留给我。 If you leave, please leave the most beautiful back to me.

20、定了的事情,就不会轻易的去改变。 Fixed things, it will not be easy to change.

21、对你,我已经付出了我所有的微笑。 To you, I have given all my smiles.

22、帅有个屁用,到头来还不是被卒吃掉! Handsome has a fart use, in the end is not eaten by the pawn!

23、幸福很容易,只要多几个理由骗自己。 Happiness is easy, as long as a few more reasons to cheat themselves.

24、当悲伤的眼泪流尽时,我们仍在痛。 When the tears of sorrow run out, we are still in pain.

25、怎么会没有心事,那一直是你的名字。 How can there be no worry, it has always been your name.

26、成千上万个路口,总有一个人要先走。 Thousands of intersections, there is always one person to go first.

27、我忙着让别人幸福,却忘了自己的幸福。 I am busy making others happy, but I forget my own happiness.

28、我爱你,不要问我为什么,因为是你。 I love you, don't ask me why, because it's you.

29、我的幸福,就是和你温暖的过一辈子。 My happiness is to have a warm life with you.

30、我看着你的背影,我满脑子里的伤怀。 I look at your back, I am full of sadness in my mind.

31、我走了。这一别遥遥无期。归期渺茫。 I'm leaving. It's a long way to go. The time to return is remote.

32、我那么爱笑还是抵不过内心四处荒芜。 I love to laugh so much, but I can't resist the desolation in my heart.

33、戒也戒不掉的习惯、像毒瘾漫开。 It's like a drug addiction that you can't get rid of.

34、明明用尽力气想要遗忘却反而记的更牢。 I try my best to forget, but I remember it better.

35、明明说中了你的心里话,却还假装微笑。 Clearly said your heart, but also pretended to smile.

36、曾经。我爱你那么真。你伤我那么深。 Once upon a time. I love you so true. You hurt me so much.

37、最伤人的话,往往出自最温柔的嘴。 The most hurtful words often come from the softest mouth.

38、最后一秒,你说的借口让我体无完肤。 At the last second, the excuse you said left me in pieces.

39、有些伤痛,忍过了疼久了也成习惯了。 Some pain, endure the pain for a long time has become a habit.

40、有没有那么一首歌。会让你想起我。 There's no song like that. It will remind you of me.

41、此一去不过经年,再回首不复往昔。 It's only been a few years since this time. I can't look back on the past.

42、灿烂的烟花,绽放着来自我心的寂寞。 Brilliant fireworks, blooming from my heart of loneliness.

43、爱你很痛苦,但是不去爱你更痛苦。 It's painful to love you, but it's more painful not to love you.

44、爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。 Love all, trust a few, and live up to no one.

45、爱若是你给的天灾,我注定要被害。 Love if you give me a natural disaster, I am doomed to be killed.

46、生命不在乎得到什么,只在乎做过什么。 Life doesn't care what you get, only what you do.

47、用微笑掩饰寂寞,才发现笑的好假。 With a smile to cover up loneliness, only to find a good fake smile.

48、真正的放弃并不会张扬而是慢慢不联系。 Real give up will not publicize, but slowly do not contact.

49、离开,即使一个人也罢,懂得就好。 Leave, even if a person also, understand good.

50、等不到你的回音,整个世界都很安静。 I can't wait for your reply. The whole world is quiet.

51、给你一巴掌,在给你揉揉。这就是人心。 Give you a slap, knead for you. This is the heart.

52、若我深情与你,你是否会倾城与我。 If I love you, will you fall with me.

53、课桌上所有秘密文字是我曾经的青春。 All the secret words on the desk are my youth.

54、距离是否产生美,承诺是否会实现。 Whether distance produces beauty and whether the promise will be realized.

55、路过的风景。有没有人为你好好收藏。 Passing scenery. Do you have a good collection.

56、这世上没有冷男,只是他暖的不是你。 There is no cold man in this world, but he is not warm for you.

57、这个世界那么脏,谁有资格说悲伤。 The world is so dirty, who has the right to say sad.

58、适可而止吧,不要成为那个可笑的人。 Enough is enough. Don't be that ridiculous person.

59、面向太阳高傲的活,只为亲爱的自己。 Facing the sun, proud of life, only for my dear self.

60、面色红润万人倒、莫非姑娘用大宝。 The complexion is ruddy, ten thousand people pour, is it possible that the girl uses the big treasure.