1、一定是我太懂事了,懂事的你以为我什么事都能一个人解决。所以你以为我不需要你疼,最后你越走越远。 I must be too sensible, sensible you think I can solve everything by myself. So you think I don't need your pain. In the end, you go farther and farther.
2、上帝制造人类的时候就把我们制造成不完美的人,我们一辈子努力的过程就是使自己变得更加完美的过程。 When God made human beings, he made us imperfect people. The process of our lifelong efforts is to make ourselves more perfect.
3、不应该在该奋斗的年纪去选择偷懒,只有度过了一段连自己都被感动了的日子,才会变成那个最好的自己。 Should not be in the age of struggle to choose lazy, only after a period of even their own were moved by the day, will become the best of their own.
4、不必太纠结于当下,也不必太忧虑未来,当你经历过一些事情的时候,眼前的风景已经和以前不一样了。 Don't worry too much about the present, and don't worry about the future. When you have experienced something, the scenery in front of you is not the same as before.
5、不必太纠结于当下,也不必太忧虑未来;当你经历过一些事情的时候,眼前的风景已经跟从前的不一样。 Don't worry too much about the present, and don't worry too much about the future; when you experience something, the scenery in front of you is not the same as before.
6、不要在该奋斗的年纪选择去偷懒,只有度过了一段连自己都被感动了的日子,才会变成那个最好的自己。 Don't choose to be lazy at the age of struggle. Only after a period of time when you have been moved, can you become the best you can be.
7、不要期待,不要假想,不要强求,顺其自然,如果注定,便一定会发生。心安,便是活着的最美好状态。 Don't expect, don't imagine, don't force, let it be. If it's doomed, it will happen. Peace of mind is the best state of being alive.
8、与其埋怨世界,不如改变自己。管好自己的心,做好自己的事,比什么都强。人生无完美,曲折亦风景。 It's better to change yourself than complain about the world. It's better to manage your own heart and do your own things better than anything. Life is not perfect, twists and turns are also scenery.
9、与其总被别人身上的光芒刺痛了双眼,不如趁着青春,来一次华丽的冒险,给自己一个发出光芒的机会。 It is better to take advantage of youth to have a gorgeous adventure and give yourself a chance to shine.
10、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。保持积极阳光、拼搏进取的心态,幸运和美好就会不期而至。 Life only comes out of the beautiful, there is no waiting for the brilliant. Keep the positive sunshine and enterprising attitude, luck and beauty will come unexpectedly.
11、人生的高度,一半始于努力,一半源自选择,能看到金钱所铺陈的极致舒适与美好,才会明白努力的意义。 Half of the height of life begins with hard work and the other comes from choice. Only when we can see the extreme comfort and beauty of money can we understand the meaning of hard work.
12、人生,要的就是惊涛骇浪,这波涛中的每一朵浪花都是伟大的,掌握知识掌握技能掌握必要的社会经验。 Life, want is the stormy waves, the waves of each spray are great, master the knowledge, skills, grasp the necessary social experience.
13、今天努力的你,是为明天的你铺路。不是所有的鱼都生活在同一片海里,现在不眠的你,一定要固执到底。 You who work hard today pave the way for you tomorrow. Not all the fish live in the same sea, now sleepless you, must be stubborn to the end.
14、从没有白费的努力,也没有碰巧的成功。只要认真对待生活,终有一天,你的每一份努力,都将绚烂成花。 There was no wasted effort, no coincidental success. As long as you take life seriously, one day, your every effort will be gorgeous.
15、伤痛使你更坚强,眼泪使你更勇敢,心碎使你更明智。所以,感谢过去吧,它会带给我们一个更好的未来。 Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser. So, thank the past, it will bring us a better future.
16、你不能决定太阳几点升起,但可以决定自己几点起床。你不能控制生命的长度,但可以增加生命的宽度。 You can't decide when the sun rises, but you can decide what time you get up. You can't control the length of life, but you can increase the width of life.
17、你之所以一边埋怨自己,一边又安于现状,是因为你还没走到无路可走的时候。真正的选择,是别无选择。 The reason why you blame yourself and be content with the status quo at the same time is that you have not come to a time when there is no way to go. The real choice is no choice.
18、你梦想成为什么样的人,你就能成为什么样的人。你今时今日所处的位置都是基于你所信赖和梦想的一切。 You can be what you want to be. Where you are today is based on everything you believe in and dream of.
19、你要知道,想要快意人生,就要活得比别人努力,要么十分优秀,要么十分漂亮,不然就没有资格抱怨。 You have to know that if you want to enjoy your life, you have to live harder than others. You are either excellent or beautiful, or you are not entitled to complain.
20、你要逼自己优秀,然后骄傲的生活,余生还长,何必慌张,以后的你,会为自己所做的努力,而感到庆幸! You have to force yourself to be excellent, and then live a proud life. Why panic? In the future, you will be glad for your efforts!
21、你走过的每一条弯路,其实都是必经之路,你要记住的是,你永远都无法借别人的翅膀,飞上自己的天空。 Every crooked road you walk through is actually the only way. What you should remember is that you can never fly into your own sky by others' wings.
22、偶尔的抱怨发泄一下,也是十分必要的。但是无休止的抱怨只会增添烦恼,只能向别人显示自己的无能。 It's also necessary to vent your complaints occasionally. But endless complaints will only add to the trouble, can only show others their incompetence.
23、别人对你好,你要争气,图日后有能力有所报答,别人对你不好,你更要争气望有朝一日,能够扬眉吐气。 When others treat you well, you should strive for success and try to be able to repay you in the future. If others treat you badly, you should strive for self-confidence. One day, you can be proud.
24、别人拥有的,不必羡慕,只要努力,也会拥有;自己拥有的,不必炫耀,因为别人也在奋斗,也会拥有。 Others have, do not envy, as long as efforts, will have; own, do not have to show off, because others are also struggling, will have.
25、别有事没事就去抱怨别人,其实都是你的懒惰让你变得无能,一个最失败的人,就是成天只会抱怨的人。 Don't complain about others when you have nothing to do. In fact, it is your laziness that makes you incompetent. The most unsuccessful person is the one who only complains all day long.
26、努力的原因是希望死后的墓志铭可以有底气刻上:一生努力,一生被爱,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。 The reason for the effort is to hope that the epitaph after death can have the strength to engrave on it: to work hard all one's life, to be loved all one's life, to have everything you want, and to let go of what you can't get.
27、即使生活费尽心思为难你,你也要竭尽全力熬过去;即使别人想方设法刁难你,你也要坚强勇敢挺过去。 Even if life is hard on you, you should try your best to get through it; even if others try to make you difficult, you should be strong and brave.
28、去爱一个能让你每天高兴起床的人!去爱一个能让你做事充满动力的人!永远彼此陪伴,成为对方的阳光。 Love someone who makes you wake up happy every day! Love someone who can make you do things with motivation! Always accompany each other and become the sunshine of each other.
29、哲学是探究理性东西的,正因为如此,它是了解现在的东西和现实的东西的,而不是提供某种彼岸的东西。 Philosophy is to explore rational things, because of this, it is to understand the present and the reality of things, rather than to provide something on the other side.
30、在这个世界上,还有另一种东西,凌驾于爱情和*之上,值得你为之付出一切去守护,这就是你的信仰。 There is another thing in this world, which is superior to love and freedom. It is worthy of all your efforts to protect it. This is your faith.
31、天上不会掉馅饼,如果你想改变命运,那就逼自己一把,如果人生中真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一种结果。 There is no pie in the sky. If you want to change your destiny, force yourself. If there is a miracle in your life, it is just another result of your efforts.
32、如果你不握紧拳头,你就不知道你力量到底有多大;如果你不咬紧牙关,你就不知道你的坚持到底有多狠。 If you don't clench your fist, you don't know how strong you are; if you don't clench your teeth, you don't know how hard you insist.
33、如果有一天,你站在人生的十字路口,你无需迷茫,也无需纠结,内心深处的声音,便是你最好的选择。 If one day, you stand at the crossroads of life, you don't need to be confused or entangled. The voice in your heart is your best choice.
34、如果真苦,你哪有时间喊累。如果真惨,你哪有时间觉得丢脸。因为承受得还不够,所以你才有时间抱怨。 If it's hard, you don't have time to cry tired. If it's miserable, you don't have time to feel ashamed. You don't have enough to bear, so you have time to complain.
35、岁月都会告诉你,你想要的,不一定都会给你,但是只有你有备而来,那么有可能那样东西就会随之而来。 Years will tell you, you want, not necessarily will give you, but only you are prepared, then it is possible that things will follow.
36、很多时候我们的焦虑,是因为太急功近利。成功不是一天两天就能达到的,专心专注!时间自会给你答案。 Most of the time, our anxiety is because we are too eager for quick success and instant benefit. Success can't be achieved in a day or two. Concentrate! Time will give you the answer.
37、心外无物,闲看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒。却难做到。想来求而不得的,才是好的。 There is nothing out of my heart. I watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court. It's hard to do. Those who want to ask but can't are good.
38、所谓精进,就是拼命努力,心无旁骛埋头眼前的事情,这是提高心性、磨炼人格最重要,也是最有效的方法。 The so-called diligence is to work hard and concentrate on the things in front of you. This is the most important and effective way to improve your mind and temper your personality.
39、抱怨是一件最没意义的事情。如果实在难以忍受周围的环境,那就暗自努力练好本领,然后跳出那个圈子! Complaining is the most meaningless thing. If you really can't stand the surrounding environment, then try to practice your skills secretly, and then jump out of that circle!
40、撕开所谓成熟的面具,我们都是没有长大的孩子,伤心,就无所顾忌的哭吧;开心,就肆无忌惮的笑吧。 Tear off the so-called mature mask, we are not grown-up children, sad, we have no scruples to cry; happy, unscrupulous smile.
41、无论发生什么都会慢慢好起来,所以难过的人不要再难过了。累了就去放松一下,然后打起精神再继续生活。 No matter what happens, it will gradually get better, so the sad people should not be sad any more. When you are tired, you should relax for a while, and then you can keep on living.
42、无论受多大创伤,心情多么沉重,一贫如洗也好,都要坚持住。太阳落了还会升起,不幸的日子总有尽头。 No matter how much trauma you suffer, how heavy your heart is, or how poor you are, you should stick to it. When the sun goes down, it will rise, and bad days will come to an end.
43、最困难的选择无非只有两个选项:你敢,或不敢。愿你能做对那几次重要的选择,活出你自己想要的模样。 You dare not choose only two options. May you make the right choices and live up to what you want.
44、有些选择是无可奈何,有些失去是命中注定。有些事,过去了,后悔无益;有些人,离开了,惋惜无用。 Some choices are helpless, some losses are predestined. Some things, past, regret is useless; some people, left, regret useless.
45、有时候,珍惜,是为了更好的拥有;而放下,则是为了更好地前行。心动,只是一时,心懂,才有一生。 Sometimes, cherish, is to have better; and put down, is to better move forward. Heart, only for a while, heart understand, just have a life.
46、每个人都有属于自己的舞台,这个舞台,是那么光灿,美丽,生命从此辉煌无悔!只要坚韧不拔的走下去! Everyone has their own stage, this stage, is so bright, beautiful, life from now on brilliant without regret! As long as persevere to go on!
47、每天多一点点的努力,不为别的,只为了日后能够多一些选择,选择云卷云舒的小日子,选择自己喜欢的人。 Every day a little bit more efforts, not for anything else, just to be able to choose more choices in the future, choose the small days of cloud cirrus and Yunshu, and choose the people you like.
48、每天都会疲惫和沮丧,却仍然保持战斗力,因为我知道,只有努力奔向更好的地方,才会遇见更好的你。 Every day will be tired and depressed, but still maintain combat effectiveness, because I know that only strive to better places, will meet a better you.
49、没有不会淡的疤,没有不会好的伤,没有不会停下来的绝望,时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。 There is no scar that won't fade, no wound that won't be good, and there's no despair that won't stop. Time will not only let you see through others, but also let you recognize yourself.
50、没有人能替你承受,也没有人拿得走你的坚强。每个人都是孤独的行者,在行走的过程中慢慢变得坚强。 No one can bear for you, no one can take away your strong. Everyone is a lonely walker, in the process of walking slowly become strong.
51、生命没有草稿,年华不容浪费,朝着一个目标不停地向前,让梦想照进现实,才是当下最应该做的事情! Life has no draft, time can not be wasted, moving towards a goal, let the dream into reality, is the most important thing to do now!
52、生命没有草稿,年华不容浪费,朝着一个目标不停的向前,让梦想照进现实,才是当下最应该做的事情。 There is no draft of life, time can not be wasted, moving towards a goal, let the dream into reality, is the most important thing to do now.
53、生活中,起伏我们心灵的事很多,挫伤我们眼睛的事不少,如果,全部计较,全都生气,心会醉眼会碎。 In life, there are a lot of ups and downs in our hearts and a lot of things that frustrate our eyes. If we care about all of them and are angry, our hearts will be drunk and our eyes will be broken.
54、生活从来都不会停止推你向前,保持专注,别因为后悔而放慢脚步。微笑,原谅,遗忘,然后继续向前。 Life never stops pushing you forward, stay focused, and don't slow down because of regret. Smile, forgive, forget, and move on.
55、生活有进有退,不要轻易就自暴自弃。与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。没有人能给你光明,除了你自己。 Life has advance and retreat, don't abandon yourself easily. Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. No one can give you light except yourself.
56、看不清的东西,就让它继续模糊下去吧。有些事,有些爱,有些情,有些人,看得太透彻,反而会受伤害。 If you can't see clearly, let it continue to blur. Some things, some love, some feelings, some people, see too thoroughly, but will be hurt.
57、虽然生命对于我们来说,只有一次。然而,淡淡的生命轨迹,就在你永不言弃的每一瞬,散发悠远的芳香。 Although life is only once for us. However, the trace of life, in every moment you never give up, send out a long fragrance.
58、记住生命中不期而遇的温暖,记得大雨磅礴、没有带伞的日子。懂得与陪伴,比我们口中说的爱更为重要。 Remember the unexpected warmth of life, remember the heavy rain, no umbrella days. Understanding and company is more important than the love we say.
59、识得进退,懂得回归,以平常心对待生活,生活,无处不是坦途;以平常心看待人生,人生无处不是胜境。 Knowing how to advance and retreat, knowing how to return, treat life with an ordinary mind, life is a smooth road everywhere; looking at life with an ordinary mind, life everywhere is a victory.
60、逆境总是有的,人生总要进击。愿你不要屈从于命运的安排,坚韧不拔,锲而不舍!做永远的生活强者! There is always adversity, and life is always on the offensive. May you not submit to the fate of the arrangement, perseverance, perseverance! Be the strong man of life forever!