1、一巴掌扇醒我所有的痴心与妄想,然后我滚。 A slap of the hand awakens all my infatuation and delusion, and then I roll.
2、一段路口,过难了就错选了。 A section of the road, too difficult to choose the wrong.
3、不知不觉,你的习惯也成了我的习惯。 Unconsciously, your habits have become my habits.
4、世界太暗,人心太黑,我们太傻,爱情太假。 The world is too dark, people are too black, we are too stupid, love is too fake.
5、世界很乱,需要宁静、而我却不是安静的人。 The world is very chaotic, need quiet, but I am not quiet person.
6、你从不拒绝,不让我走开,也没让我留下来。 You never refuse, you never let me go, you never let me stay.
7、你在也没上线,那么我该对谁诉说我的思念。 You are not online, so I should tell who I miss.
8、你拥有多少个怀抱,才会想起最温暖的是我。 How many hugs do you have to remember the warmest is me.
9、你枉有一杯醉人酒,却解不了半点愁。 You have wasted a cup of intoxicating wine, but you can't solve a little worry.
10、你给予我故事的开头,却没有和我共写结局。 You gave me the beginning of the story, but you didn't write the ending with me.
11、你能给我玩游戏的那种认真,我便与你深爱。 You can give me the kind of serious game, I will love you.
12、其实你不爱我,你只是刚好遇到我。 In fact, you don't love me, you just meet me.
13、再也没爱你的勇气了,没有你我还照样活着。 I don't have the courage to love you anymore. I'm still alive without you.
14、再惹我,我就用天马流星拳,把你打成浮云。 If you provoke me again, I will fight you with the Tianma meteor fist.
15、原来肤浅的不是爱,而是那颗尚未成熟的心。 The original superficial is not love, but the immature heart.
16、哭不出来,想着没人明白,太在意你的存在。 Can't cry, think no one understand, too concerned about your existence.
17、喜欢你这件是,我准备放弃了。 Like you this is, I am ready to give up.
18、回来吧,我还像以前一样爱你。 Come back. I love you as much as I used to.
19、多少的黑名单,都曾是必不可少的早安。 How many blacklists have been essential good morning.
20、女人,多一点淡定从容,少一点稚嫩与依赖。 Women, more calm and calm, less immature and dependent.
21、如果你用心寻找,你会发现爱其实无处不在。 If you look hard, you will find that love is everywhere.
22、如果可以,我愿睡死在梦里,因为那里有你。 If I could, I would like to sleep in a dream, because there are you.
23、如果爱可以重来,我是否还会爱的遍体鳞伤。 If love can come again, will I still love all over again.
24、如果男人不帮你穿上婚纱,你就送他件袈裟。 If a man doesn't help you put on the wedding dress, you will send him a cassock.
25、小姑娘不懂事,都会迷恋几个叛逆的不良少年。 The little girl is not sensible. She is infatuated with some rebellious teenagers.
26、总是孤单一人,有寂寞相伴,与寂寞有染。 Always alone, accompanied by loneliness, with loneliness.
27、我们不再是我们,我们依然是我们。 We are not us anymore, we are still us.
28、我们手牵手的旅途还没走完,你却转身不在。 We haven't finished the journey hand in hand, but you are not there.
29、我再也不要依赖任何人,因为我厌倦了失望。 I don't want to rely on anyone anymore, because I'm tired of disappointment.
30、我告诉自己要勇敢地面对,就算心碎也完美。 I told myself to face it bravely, even if my heart is broken, it is perfect.
31、我就是这样想你,念你,却也不打扰你。 That's how I miss you and miss you, but I don't disturb you.
32、我希望我的世界可以单纯一点,再单纯一点。 I hope my world can be a little more simple, a little more simple.
33、我并不会一直记住他,只是偶尔想起会难受。 I don't remember him all the time, but sometimes it hurts.
34、我无法述说我的苦楚,也无力诠释我的快乐。 I can't tell my pain or explain my happiness.
35、我用一秒爱上你,用余生忘掉你。 I love you for a second and forget you for the rest of my life.
36、我真的害怕有一天你真的亲口跟我,分手吧。 I'm really afraid that one day you'll break up with me.
37、我记住你所有的话,就是没记住你不喜欢我。 I remember all your words, but I don't remember that you don't like me.
38、或许,爱有离别,却因彼此的不懂珍惜开始。 Perhaps, love has left, but because each other do not know how to cherish the beginning.
39、无人与我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温。 No one stands with me at dusk, no one asks me if my porridge is warm.
40、既然已回不到过去,还不如想想自己的未来。 Since we can't go back to the past, it's better to think about our future.
41、早知道善心总是难免的,你又何苦一往情深。 Knowing that kindness is always inevitable, why do you have to go all the way.
42、时间,可以让记忆消遣,也可以使记忆深刻。 Time, can let the memory amuse, also can make the memory deep.
43、有个人,爱过了就结束了。 There is a person, love is over.
44、有些人,错过就不在。有些事,后悔也无奈。 Some people, miss is not. Some things, regret also helpless.
45、有人天生带着伤口,有人天生是别人的伤口。 Some people are born with wounds, others are born with wounds of others.
46、有没有人爱,我们也要努力做一个可爱的人。 If there is any love, we should try our best to be a lovely person.
47、未来你许她长情,会不会想起亏欠我的时光。 In the future, will you think of the time you owe me when you allow her to be in love.
48、每个少年都会长大,我们同时也要试着洒脱。 Every teenager will grow up, and we should try to be free and easy at the same time.
49、烟花美得刺眼,我怕的无处潜藏。 The fireworks are dazzling, I'm afraid of nowhere to hide.
50、真正的爱是相守相望,无论是贫穷或者富贵。 True love is to keep each other together, whether it is poor or rich.
51、眼泪流下的瞬间,我很想念你却没有了语言。 Tears flow down the moment, I miss you but no language.
52、祝你岁月无波澜,敬我余生不悲欢。 I wish you all the best for the rest of your life.
53、等到互相都没话说了,这段感情也就结束了。 When we have nothing to say to each other, the relationship is over.
54、等待,不是因为等那个人回来,因为还有爱。 Waiting, not because waiting for that person to come back, because there is still love.
55、红杏不想出墙,偏偏墙太矮。 Apricots don't think of walls, but they are too short.
56、红色的玫瑰凋落在土地,化作你天堂的嫁衣。 The red rose withers in the land and becomes your heaven's wedding dress.
57、该放弃的决不挽留,该珍惜的决不放手。 What should be given up will never be retained, and what should be treasured will never be let go.
58、请对自己好一点,因为受伤了,没人会心疼。 Please be nice to yourself, because no one will be hurt.
59、转身的那一秒开始,我的幸福,便与你无关。 Turn around that second, my happiness, it has nothing to do with you.
60、风从水上走过,留下粼粼波纹。 The wind passed over the water, leaving ripples.