1、一份简单的爱情,日出而作,日落而息。 A simple love, sunrise and sunset and rest.

2、一曲离别动了谁的心弦,绝口不提的伤。 Whose heartstrings have been moved by a parting song, the wound that never mentions.

3、不要丈着我爱你,你就可以随意伤害我。 Don't love me, you can hurt me at will.

4、亲情只需要一个动作,爱你只需要一个眼神。 Family love only needs an action, love you only need a look.

5、以前哭着分不开,现在都能用玩笑释怀。 In the past, crying can't be separated, but now can be relieved with jokes.

6、你伤的我,似乎连掉泪的力气都没有了。 You hurt me, it seems that even the strength of tears are not.

7、你哭得最惨的那一天一定长大了不少吧。 You must have grown up the day you cried the worst.

8、你已经远远离开了,我也会慢慢的走开。 You are far away, and I will walk away slowly.

9、你必须拼尽全力,才有资格说自己运气不好。 You have to do your best to be qualified to say you are not lucky.

10、你的微笑是我的骄傲,这种感觉让我很好。 Your smile is my pride. It makes me feel good.

11、你还是离我而去,我的世界,从此不再有你。 You still leave me, my world, no longer have you.

12、分了就分了,不遗憾,离不开只是习惯。 Divided on the division, no regret, inseparable from just habit.

13、分手啦,再见吧,我们的感情到此结束吧! Break up, goodbye, let's end our relationship!

14、别指望我能回头找你,也别以为你多可贵。 Don't expect me to come back to you or think you are so valuable.

15、原谅我不能答应你,我哭得连屏幕都看不清。 Forgive me for not being able to promise you. I cry so much that I can't see the screen clearly.

16、原谅我没能耐把跟每个人的关系都处好。 Forgive me for not being able to get along with everyone.

17、只是难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。 It's just hard to avoid complaining about the hand of time, writing love as love.

18、只要你相信自己,你就会懂得如何生活。 As long as you believe in yourself, you will know how to live.

19、后来我才发现,很多人的世界根本不缺我。 Later, I found out that I didn't lack a lot of people.

20、听着忧伤的歌,唱的全是我说不出的心情。 Listening to sad songs, singing is all I can not say the mood.

21、和你就算爱多一天,最终分手还是会上演。 Even if you love more than one day, the final break-up will still be staged.

22、喜欢那些唯美的歌曲,触动我心痛的旋律。 Like those beautiful songs, touch my heartache melody.

23、因为爱你,我才落寞。因为想你,我才寂寞。 Because I love you, I am lonely. Because I miss you, I am lonely.

24、在你们拥抱的那一刻,我心一分为二。 At the moment of your embrace, my heart is divided into two.

25、多希望你能明白我,即使我什么也不说。 I wish you could understand me, even if I didn't say anything.

26、季节在不断的更替,对你的思念仍被我保留。 The seasons are changing, and I still miss you.

27、安全感就是,你需要的那个人一直都在。 Security is that the person you need is always there.

28、对于烟我戒不掉,就像某些人我忘不了。 I can't quit smoking, just like some people I can't forget.

29、开始,你是个姓名,后来,你成了背影。 At first, you are a name. Later, you become the figure of your back.

30、开端很美,进程很累,终局很悲,苏醒很难。 The beginning is beautiful, the process is very tired, the end is very sad, it is difficult to wake up.

31、心会累爱会冷,这是感情必经的过程。 The heart will be tired, love will be cold, this is the emotional process.

32、感情都是一点一点积累的,失望也是。 Feelings are accumulated little by little, so is disappointment.

33、感的人酆刃【疲寂寞的人鄢老歌。 Sad people like to drink wine, lonely people love to sing old songs.

34、我不需要太多解释,还是我不需要向你解释。 I don't need too much explanation, or I don't need to explain it to you.

35、我也想发张你照片下面写上这是我爱人。 I also want to send a picture of you. It says this is my wife.

36、我们离暧昧那么近,却离爱情那么远。 We are so close to ambiguity, but so far away from love.

37、我只是习惯有你,并不是缺你不可。 I'm just used to having you. It's not that I need you.

38、我只是失去了,想得到,得到了,想不要。 I just lost, wanted, got, wanted not.

39、我可以装做无所谓,到没你的地方再崩溃。 I can pretend that it doesn't matter, and I'll crash where I don't have you.

40、我坚信,没有什么能够阻挡得了爱情。 I firmly believe that nothing can stop love.

41、我是你眼中的魔鬼,也是爱你的可怜鬼。 I am the devil in your eyes and the poor one who loves you.

42、我是有多爱你,才可以把一切情绪埋在心里。 How much I love you can I bury all my emotions in my heart.

43、我的人生就是张白纸,只有未来没有过去。 My life is a piece of white paper, only the future, no past.

44、我的思念依偎在这个寒冷的夜里,难以入眠。 My missing nestles in this cold night, hard to sleep.

45、我还来不及炫耀你,你就已经不是我的了。 You won't be mine before I can show you off.

46、无论什么时候,你回过头,我一直都在。 Whenever you look back, I'll always be there.

47、时间淹没了心里的你,最后消失在我的世界。 Time drowned you in my heart, and finally disappeared in my world.

48、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 The most painful distance is that you are not by my side but in my heart.

49、月亮为何如此孤单,因为他爱上了向日葵。 Why the moon is so lonely, because he fell in love with sunflowers.

50、有些痛,说不出来只能忍着,直到慢慢淡忘。 Some pain, can not say, can only endure, until slowly forgotten.

51、有时候,折腾一下只为了证明自己的重要性。 Sometimes, toss around just to prove your importance.

52、未来一定很好,即使现在有诸多不幸。 The future must be good, even if there are many misfortunes now.

53、爱情是从告白开始的,分手是从眼泪结束的。 Love begins with confession and ends with tears.

54、生活将我们磨圆,是为了让我们滚得更远。 Life round us, is to let us roll further.

55、真正的陪伴,经得起坎坷,经得起平淡。 Real company, can withstand the ups and downs, withstand the plain.

56、谢谢你让我懂得了,世态炎凉胜者为王。 Thank you for letting me understand that the world is in hot water and the winner is the king.

57、路越走越美丽,美丽的风景都在后面。 The more beautiful the road is, the more beautiful the scenery is behind.

58、身不由己的我们不再是我们,要有多难过。 Involuntarily we are no longer us, how sad to have.

59、那些关于我们的回忆,我记得,你遗忘了。 Those memories about us, I remember, you forgot.

60、那些看上去对每个人都好的人,其实最无情。 Those who seem to be good to everyone are actually the most ruthless.