1、一切问题都是时间的问题,一切烦恼都是自找的烦恼! All problems are problems of time, and all troubles are self seeking troubles!
2、一边想着逃离,一边又想着继续,我的情绪来自你的态度。 While thinking of escaping, I want to continue. My emotion comes from your attitude.
3、不做你的情人,不需要再担心,担心你会再离我而去。 Do not be your lover, do not need to worry, worry about you will leave me again.
4、不对的感情,越努力,越失意。 Wrong feelings, the more efforts, the more frustrated.
5、不想说话,因为说话要思考,很累。 I don't want to talk because I have to think about it. I'm very tired.
6、不要恨,永远不要放弃幸福的机会。 Don't hate, never give up the chance of happiness.
7、为了爱情心碎了一地,我只能自己舔舐伤口。 My heart is broken for love, I can only lick the wound myself.
8、人有时候只想独自静静的呆一会,悲伤也成享受。 What one needs sometimes is to be with oneself for a while. Even sorrow is cherished then..
9、你的心,我没有访问权。 Your heart, I have no access.
10、你要开始努力,慢慢来,还有人等你长大。 You have to start to work hard, take your time, and there are people waiting for you to grow up.
11、公元前我们太小,公元后我们又太老,没有人看到真正美丽的来到。 We are too young in BC, and too old in AD, no one can see the true beauty coming.
12、关于梦想,我没有太多温柔,只有一腔孤勇。 About the dream, I don't have too much gentleness, only a cavity brave.
13、其等着别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一点。 Waiting for others to love you, it is better to learn to love yourself more.
14、别为不属于你的观众,演不擅长的人生。 Don't play a show which you are not good at for the audiences who are not belong to you.
15、只怪我不在你的身边,不能分享你的每一瞬间。 It's just that I'm not by your side and can't share every moment of your life.
16、只要看到你和别人很亲密的样子,我就不想再和你说话了。 I don't want to talk to you anymore as long as I see how close you are to other people.
17、可能就是这么巧,我发的消息,你从来都收不到。 Maybe it's so coincidental that you never receive my message.
18、后来就算我遇见再怎么完美的人都有一个缺点,他不是你。 If you meet a perfect person later, even if he is not a perfect person.
19、后来,我遇见的人都像你,却都不是你。 Later, I met people like you, but not you.
20、回忆总是会打我一巴掌,指着旧伤不准我遗忘。 Memories always slap me in the face, pointing to the old injury and forbidding me to forget.
21、在某一刻,你有没有很想,回到某年某月的某天。 At a certain moment, do you want to go back to a certain day in a year or a month.
22、天总会黑,人总要离别,谁也不能永远陪谁。 It is always dark, people always want to leave, who can not always accompany who.
23、失去就像溺水一样,窒息的痛和锥心的苦,然后刺骨的绝望。 Loss is like drowning, the pain of suffocation and the pain of cone heart, and then the piercing despair.
24、如果你把快乐告诉一个好朋友,你将得到两个快乐。 If you tell your happiness to a good friend, you will get two happiness.
25、山是青的,水是碧的,人没有老去就看不见了。 The mountain is green, the water is green, people can't see without getting old.
26、当你喜欢了很久却只想跟你暧昧的人,我劝你趁早放弃。 When you like for a long time but just want to be ambiguous with you, I advise you to give up as soon as possible.
27、很多时候,我们不敢面对的或不愿面对的并非现实,而是欺骗。 Most of the time, what we are afraid of or unwilling to face is not reality, but deception.
28、心若无归宿,走到哪里都是流浪。 If the heart has no destination, it is wandering wherever you go.
29、想想还有点难过,有些人认识熟悉又归零。 It's a little sad to think about it. Some people know each other and return to zero.
30、想要的人生,无人赐予。想爱的人,与别人相守。 Want the life, no one gives. Those who want to love, stay with others.
31、感情被懂得是一种幸福,等待着被懂得是一种孤独! Feeling to be understood is a kind of happiness, waiting to be understood is a kind of loneliness!
32、懂了,千山万水,互道珍重不如相拥。 Understand, thousands of mountains and rivers, treasure each other is better than embrace.
33、我不主动找你了,不是因为你不重要了,而是我知道我不重要了。 I do not take the initiative to find you, not because you are not important, but I know that I am not important.
34、我为你拒绝了所有暧昧,你却告诉我你有多受欢迎。 I refused all the ambiguity for you, but you told me how popular you were.
35、我也想浪荡一生,却一不小心钟情了一个人。 I also want to wander all my life, but I fell in love with someone.
36、我并不后悔在最好的年华没有遇见你因为遇见你,才是我最好的年华。 I don't regret not meeting you in the best years, because meeting you is my best time.
37、我承认我嫉妒那些幸福的人,因为我不曾幸福过。 I admit that I envy those who are happy, because I have never been happy.
38、我最近很难过,不知道该怎么说,该从哪里说。 I'm very sad recently. I don't know how to say it or where to say it.
39、所谓爱情,就是一个人相信了另一个人的所有谎言。 The so-called love is that one person believes all the lies of another.
40、拉着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉是在朝天堂奔跑。 Holding your hand, no matter where I am, I feel running towards heaven.
41、明明自己也过得很阴暗,却还要假装太阳去照亮别人。 Clearly oneself also lives very dark, but also pretends the sun to illuminate others.
42、曾经几许青涩年华,如今逝水了无痕。 Once a few green years, now no trace.
43、真希望雨能下不停,我的意思是,你可不可以永远爱我。 I wish it would rain. I mean, can you love me forever.
44、突然发现在某些时候说某些话,真的很可笑。 It's really funny to say something at some time.
45、距离太近,爱也会变成一种消极的东西。 Too close, love can become a negative thing.
46、还要什么男朋友,夜不能寐的苦还没吃够! What more boyfriends, can't sleep at night is not enough!
47、这辈子先放过你,下辈子记得带我回家。 Let you go in this life, and remember to take me home in the next life.
48、那个身影,那个笑容,明明陌生却又渴望。 The figure, the smile, clearly strange but eager.
49、闭眼,回味身边的人与事,慢慢梳理新的未来。 Close your eyes, aftertaste the people and things around you, and slowly sort out the new future.
50、除了两情相悦,所有的喜欢都是心酸。 In addition to two love each other, all like is sad.