1、不想做好人,也不想做坏人,只想做你的心上人。 I don't want to be a good person or a bad person. I just want to be your sweetheart.

2、不是在最好的时光遇见你,而是遇见你之后都是最好的时光。 Not in the best time to meet you, but after meeting you are the best time.

3、世界上最冷的地方是什么?南极啊。错了,是没有你的地方。 What is the coldest place in the world? South Pole. Wrong, it's not where you are.

4、世界上最美好的事情莫过于,年少时遇见你,十年后还在一起。 The best thing in the world is to meet you when you were young and still be together ten years later.

5、从深情到敷衍,热情到冷漠,重视到忽略,难忘到遗忘,我都记得。 From affection to perfunctory, enthusiasm to indifference, attention to neglect, unforgettable to forget, I remember.

6、你不是钻石却光芒万丈,你不是太阳却温暖我心。 You are not a diamond but brilliant, you are not the sun but warm my heart.

7、你偷走了我的影子,不论你在哪里,我都会一直想着你。 You stole my shadow, no matter where you are, I will always think of you.

8、你可千万不要抛弃我,你是我第一次爱的人,也是唯一爱的人! You can never abandon me, you are my first love, but also the only one!

9、你的出现带给我希望,而我的希望是带给你幸福。 Your presence brings me hope, and my hope is to bring you happiness.

10、你知道我为什么想要和你在一起吗?因为生活太苦了,需要加你这块糖。 Do you know why I want to be with you? It's bitter, because you need it.

11、你还是你啊,有我喜欢的那双明眸,和一个一叫就让我心颤的名字。 You are still you, I like that pair of bright eyes, and a name that makes my heart tremble.

12、倒不是怕他会跟上来,而是怕我的心没有随我的脚步跟上来。 It's not that he will follow me, but that my heart will not follow my steps.

13、决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 What determines our life is not our ability, but our choice.

14、别人怎么看你不重要,唯一重要的是你很喜欢真实的自己。 It doesn't matter what other people think of you. The only thing that matters is that you like who you are.

15、和你一起,我不能保证你是最快乐的,但我一定是最幸福的哪个。 With you, I can't guarantee that you are the happiest, but I must be the happiest one.

16、喜欢上一个人是一瞬间的事情,忘记一个人是一辈子的事情。 Like a person is an instant thing, forget a person is a lifetime of things.

17、喜欢你的人很多,不缺我一个,我喜欢的人很少,除你就没了。 There are a lot of people who like you. I don't want one. I like very few people, except you.

18、夏天的时光溜走,容我在你的心里住上一段时间。 Summer time slip away, let me live in your heart for a period of time.

19、多想跨过山和大海,去拥抱你,而不是拿着手机说想你。 Want to cross the mountains and sea, to embrace you, rather than holding a mobile phone said miss you.

20、如果一个男人真你,永远不会丢下你,不管情形有多难。 If a man is true to you, he will never leave you, no matter how difficult the situation is.

21、如果不向你求婚,我会后悔一辈子,因为你是我的唯一。 If I don't propose to you, I'll regret it all my life, because you are the only one for me.

22、如果有一天你思念起我,就望一望天上那闪烁的小星星,有我寻觅你的泪光。 If one day you miss me, just look at the twinkling stars in the sky. I am looking for your tears.

23、心中万点涟漪,都是为你而动。眼中万里柔情,皆是为你而起。 Ten thousand ripples in my heart are all moving for you. The tenderness in my eyes is for you.

24、想你时你在天边,想你时你在眼前,想你时你在脑海,想你时你在心田。 Miss you when you are in the horizon, miss you when you are in front of you, miss you when you are in the mind, miss you when you are in the heart.

25、想你,就在瑞雪纷飞的夜晚,枕着你的笑语入眠。 Miss you, in the snowy night, pillow your smile to sleep.

26、我一生中最美好的日子是发生那件事情的那天,是和直树相遇的日子。 The best day of my life was the day when it happened. It was the day when I met Zhishu.

27、我不相信一见钟情,但是看到你的那一秒钟,我知道我错了。 I don't believe in love at first sight, but the second I saw you, I knew I was wrong.

28、我不过是你生命中的一个选择,而你却是我这辈子唯一的答案。 I am just a choice in your life, and you are the only answer in my life.

29、我只要一闭上眼就能看见你,因为你已经住进了我的心里。 I can see you as soon as I close my eyes, because you have lived in my heart.

30、我向来三分钟热度,一天有1440分钟,所以因为你,我每天都沸腾480遍。 I always have three minutes of heat, 1440 minutes a day, so because of you, I boil 480 times a day.

31、我在开心时想你,难过时想你,忧愁时想你,无时无刻不在想你。 I miss you when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am sad, I miss you all the time.

32、我想要的很简单:兜里有糖,肚里有墨,手里有活,卡里有钱,未来有你。 What I want is simple: sugar in my pocket, ink in my belly, life in my hand, money in my card, and you in the future.

33、我见过最美的清晨,是凌晨五点,阳光洒在你熟睡的脸。 The most beautiful morning I've ever seen is five o'clock in the morning. The sun shines on your sleeping face.

34、我这一生遇见的所有人里,任他们多漂亮,都未及你矜贵。 Of all the people I met in my life, no matter how beautiful they are, they are not as precious as you.

35、把你的心给我一小部分,一天就好。把我的整个心拿给你,一万年。 Give me a small part of your heart in one day. Give you my whole heart, ten thousand years.

36、拿一颗小星星,蘸一蘸你说的晚安,然后大口大口的吃掉。 Take a little star, dip it in your goodnight, and then take a big bite.

37、早上起来,看到你和阳光都在,就是我想要的未来。 Wake up in the morning and see you and the sunshine are there. That's the future I want.

38、星星是银河递给月亮的情书,你是世界赠与我的恩赐。 Stars are love letters from the Milky way to the moon. You are a gift from the world.

39、最好的爱情大概就是,你宠爱我像个孩子,我崇拜你像个英雄。 The best love is that you love me like a child and I worship you like a hero.

40、最让人羡慕的不是被很多人追,而是遇见一个不管怎样都不会放弃你的人。 The most enviable thing is not to be chased by many people, but to meet someone who will never give up on you.

41、月亮很亮,亮也没用,没用也亮,我喜欢你,喜欢也没用,没用也喜欢。 The moon is very bright, bright also useless, useless also bright, I like you, like also useless, useless also like.

42、有了你,我的生活变得无限宽广,有了你,世界变得如此迷人。 With you, my life becomes infinitely broad. With you, the world becomes so charming.

43、每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。 Every night before going to bed to listen to you say good night, is belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness.

44、爱与被爱的关系大概就是,互相道了晚安,你开始睡觉,我开始想你。 The relationship between love and being loved is to say good night to each other, you start to sleep, and I start to miss you.

45、牛肉猪肉和羊肉,你喜欢吃哪种肉?我知道了,一定是我这块心头肉。 What kind of meat do you like, beef, pork or mutton? I see. It must be my heart.

46、理想不再是骑马喝酒闯天涯,只是无论再晚我都要回家。 The ideal is no longer riding and drinking, but no matter how late I will go home.

47、真想睡觉的时候翻身一滚就滚进你怀里,想想都甜啊。 I really want to roll into your arms when I go to sleep. It's sweet to think about it.

48、等待花开花谢岁月的变迁,我对你的爱曾从不改变! Waiting for the change of time, my love for you has never changed!

49、记住在我有生之年我都不会给你钱的,因为我的工资卡都会给你保管。 Remember, you will not give me the salary card.

50、说实话,我确实想你,但我更想每天睡醒后还有你。 To tell you the truth, I do miss you, but I want to wake up with you every day.

51、轻轻地,一片落叶飘进我的心里,占满了我全部的心。 Gently, a fallen leaf floated into my heart, occupied all my heart.

52、这世上只有一个我能称之为家的地方,那就是你在的地方。 There is only one place in the world that I can call home, and that is where you are.

53、遇见你之前,我没想过结婚,遇见你之后,结婚我没想过别人。 Before I met you, I didn't want to get married. After meeting you, I didn't think about anyone else.