1、一段友情,彼此永远珍藏在心底。 A friendship, each other forever treasure in the bottom of my heart.

2、一贵一贱交情见。 One is expensive and the other is cheap.

3、万两黄金容易得,知心一个也难求。 Ten thousand taels of gold are easy to get, but not a bosom friend.

4、不是纠缠,而是随意。 It's not entanglement, it's randomness.

5、不离不散,贫贱相守。 Do not leave, poor and humble together.

6、不能与你感同身受,但能做你的最佳听众。 I can't empathize with you, but I can be your best audience.

7、与朋友交,言而有信。 Make friends, keep your word.

8、世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。 Friendship is rare in the world, and equal friendship is more difficult to seek.

9、交朋友不求多,只求善,只求真。 Make friends not for many, but for the good and for the truth.

10、亲情是一种深度,友情是一种广度。 Family affection is a kind of depth, while friendship is a kind of breadth.

11、人生乐在相知心。 The joy of life lies in knowing each other.

12、人生于世有几个知己,多少友谊成长存。 Life in the world have a few confidants, how much friendship growth and survival.

13、人生难得一知己,多少人,感慨万千。 Life is hard to find a confidant. How many people feel.

14、什么时候,你感觉离朋友越来越远? When do you feel more and more away from your friends?

15、你看到的风景,是我们一起走过的曾经。 The scenery you see is what we have been through together.

16、*之交难以经远。 It is difficult to make a long-term friendship.

17、友情,因为信任更深。 Friendship, because trust is deeper.

18、友谊的本质在于原谅他人的小错。 The essence of friendship is to forgive others' mistakes.

19、合意友来情不厌,知心人至话投机。 A good friend is never tired of coming, but a bosom friend is a good speculator.

20、同样是混日子,和你一起就混得开心一些。 It's the same thing. I'll have a good time with you.

21、在你遇事时,没有敷衍的理由。 When you are in trouble, there is no excuse for perfunctory.

22、天下快意之事莫若友,快友之事莫若谈。 No matter how happy you are in the world, you can never talk about it.

23、好朋友就是不求相同喜欢,但求厌恶一致。 A good friend is not seeking the same likes, but seeking the same dislike.

24、好朋友就是,我前言不搭后语,你却都懂。 A good friend is that I don't know what to say, but you know it all.

25、山河不足重,重在遇知已。 The most important thing is to meet a friend.

26、常常在想,一份友情能好到怎样的程度? Often think, how good a friendship can be?

27、彼此温暖,彼此慰藉。 Warm each other, comfort each other.

28、思念不断,长长久久。 Miss constantly, for a long time.

29、愿我们的友谊长存,愿我们的梦想成真。 May our friendship last forever and our dreams come true.

30、我们在一起有什么说什么,一点都不拘束。 We are not at all constrained by what we say together.

31、我们的关系就是,新郎未知,新娘已定。 Our relationship is that the groom is unknown and the bride is set.

32、推心置腹,无话不说。 I'm sincere. I don't have to say anything.

33、敞开心扉、珍惜一生。 Open your heart and cherish your life.

34、是你浪费在我身上的时间,让我变得珍贵。 It's the time you waste on me that makes me precious.

35、曾经是因为依赖,今天的礼貌是因为陌生。 Once it was because of dependence, but today's politeness is because of strangeness.

36、最真的触动,莫过于心灵牵手。 The most real touch is the hand in hand.

37、有一种友情,希望到永远。 There is a kind of friendship, hope forever.

38、有了朋友,生命才显出它全部的价值。 With friends, life shows its full value.

39、有福同享,有难互删。 There is happiness to share, but it is difficult to delete each other.

40、朋友不在多,有你就足够! Friends are not many, you are enough!

41、朋友就是,我前言不搭后语,你却都懂。 A friend is, my foreword does not match after the language, but you understand.

42、朋友是心有灵犀的相契。 A friend is a soul in the heart.

43、朋友是我永远的财富,朋友是我心灵的港湾。 Friends are my forever wealth, friends are the harbor of my soul.

44、朋友是永藏心底的牵挂。 Friends are always hidden in the bottom of my heart.

45、朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。 The discord between friends is an opportunity for the enemy to attack.

46、梦;总不够漫长,可我需要梦想。 Dream; it's not long enough, but I need a dream.

47、深深的祝福,送上我美好的心愿。 Deep blessing, send me a beautiful wish.

48、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you won't get lost.

49、珍惜缘分,珍惜友谊。 Cherish fate and friendship.

50、真正的友谊在别后,美丽的彩虹在雨后。 After the rain, the true friendship is not after the rain.

51、真正的友谊,如春暖花开。 True friendship is like spring blossoms.

52、真正的感情,缘于一颗珍惜的心。 The true feeling comes from a cherished heart.

53、真正的朋友联不联系,彼此从未忘记。 True friends are not connected and never forget each other.

54、真正的知己,是一份懂得。 A true confidant is an understanding.

55、给我惦记,让我感动。 Let me remember, let me move.

56、网络中有您,我很快乐。 I'm very happy to have you on the Internet.

57、谁不懂得友谊,谁就不懂得生活。 Friendship, who does not know life.

58、谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友。 He who asks for a friend without faults has no friend.

59、财富不是朋友,而朋友却是财富。 Wealth is not a friend, but a friend is wealth.

60、骂我可以,动手,请打我朋友。 Scold me, do it, please hit my friend.