1、1, the festival is also heavy, the jade pillow yarn kitchen, in the middle of the night cool. - Li Qingzhao, "Drunk, Yin, Mist, Clouds, and Everlasting" 2, Yin and Qing Yuan are missing, and they are happy for a good time. - Xu Youzhen "Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival" 3, according to the wild frost, into the river Guishui, one by one curling. - Shi Dazu "Qi Tianle · Mid-Autumn Festival Suzhen Ding"8, blue smoke power, Bihai Fei Jinjing. - 晁补之 "Cong Xiange · Zhangzhou Mid-Autumn Festival" 9, curtain 栊 last night listening to the wind and rain, not like, when the time. - Pan Xibai "Da You·Nine Days" 10, more Xiao Xiao, Shantou people go. - Wu Wenying "Sweeping Flowers, West Lake Cold Food" 11, blush is hating the clear rain. - Zhao Ling "Butterfly Love Flower · Want to reduce Luo Yi Han did not go"12, listening to Yuan Zhen, this year old ah, 愁 also thousands, grievances also thousands. - Wang Shuo, "Guilan Palace, Yuanxiao" 13, spring and cloud in the light smoke-free, cold and cold. - Zhu Mengde "Western Summer Cold Food Deportation" 14, a few days of the West Wind, the flowers are raining. - Wu Wenying, "Butterfly Flower, Jiuzhi and Wu Jianshan Yun" 15, all things to send the spring to the wax, the end of the year in the future. - wearing retro "except the night" 16, the situation refers to the Mid-Autumn Festival, very good month, not according to people. - Xin Qiji "Magnolia slow · Ganzhou to send Fan y" 17, stone support machine shadow, the pool seems to be ubiquitous. - Li Wei, "The same mountain, the Tanabata" 18, will be a lot of Ming, pay and Jin Zun, vote for the common, flowing Xixia. - 晁补之 "Cong Xiange · Zhangzhou Mid-Autumn Festival" 19, looking back at Xiling Songbai Road, the intestines are also broken, and the same. - Chen Zilong "Tang Duo Ling · Cold Food" 20, a trail of moss lying on the grass, Mo Guancheng head played. - Zhao Ding "cold food" 21, Frost Wei by the Asian phase, killing the scorpion in the army. - Cen Shen "Following the doctor to climb the high on the 9th" 22, remember the long walk, the bow bow {扌笮} Liu, the predecessor comment. - Yao Yunwen, "Zixiangxiang slow, near Chongyang" 23, the DPRK is expected to be clear and near, and it is necessary to send silver carp. - Wang Yisun "High balcony, wrecking plum acid" 24, the red boat is full of lake songs, there are high buildings outside the flowers. - Zhongshu "Sue to the heart and cold food" 25, Liuqu Pingshan and Mengyao. - Nalan Xingde "Mulberry Seeds, Nine Days" 26, Dingzhong Refined Dansha. - Xie Zhende "沁园春·寒食郓州道中" 27,三千英尺清澈见底,五十年的春梦昌盛。 -乔吉《折桂·客窗清明》



4、世界上的宝藏镜仍然和谐,海神仙子会回去。 -吴文英《思嘉·中秋节》


6、二月江南鲜花盛开,他的家乡冷食已远不悲哀。 -孟云清《冷食》


8、仲夏端午节,清朝重拾长寿。 -李隆基“端午节” 4, sub-cool leaves under the leaves. —— 晏 道 《 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶- Wu Wenying "Zi Qiuhua · Tanabata" 6, the sun and the moon often hang loyal and daring, wind and dust barriers but traitors. - Song Jiang "Man Jiang Hong · Xi Chong Chongyang" 7, crane hook empty tape spider silk. - Wu Wenying "Feng Qiyu · Jiachen Qixi"

9、余浩万事如意,万分欣慰,倚着酒吧高呼晚烟。 -王琼,《关楼长城九日》


11、八神奉命调整金顶,春天复活,囊袋充满。 -《唐书·白酒》


13、净洗净绿杯露好,聊天推荐香。 -吴文英,“浪涛沙·吴尖山白酒九号”

14、净洗浮玉片,胜花,春光。 -吴文英《玉漏,冬瓜,中秋赋》


16、刘霞舟的船仍不稳定,可数日,与中秋节有关。 -刘国《唐多陵·鹿野满亭洲》

17、半开审判,焦铎直接被怀疑。 ---纳兰性德,《佛曼,飓风,扶余,冷食》

18、南岩更加寂寞。 -纳兰·兴德《摘九日之子》

19、可能并非一无所获,玉又冷又甜。 -晏殊《中秋节》

20、听着窗外的泪水和波涛,梦还在滴滴。 -张浮花糖果,七夕》


22、在篱笆下,试重阳,醉绿的菊花。 -吴文英《一寸金·秋意》

23、小鸟与官路幽静,花香砸烂了空心。 -张Ji《从西吴桥到瓜沿村的清明节有心脏》



26、新衣服用​​尽,也像去年一样。 -王健《冷食》

27、昨晚打回北方,目前从东方时代开始。 -孟浩然《天嘉缘日记》

28、晋江陵金头,飞京仍是这样。 -吴谦“海玉春,尚未到海獭有福”



31、桐花半亩,静锁朝阳雨。 -周邦彦《赵氏窗外冷食冷食》

32、槁申申,报销。 -文天祥《回Dong举中秋节请宴》


34、没有水晶窗帘,云母屏风,冷浸甜粉。 -晁补之《丛香阁·漳州中秋节》

35、淡枣先火,仙桃是落花。 -孟浩然《清明节美刀食坊》

36、清书画迷,春书于晋宏。 -温庭T《清明节》



39、生锅大火bamboo竹,守旧j开听胡椒。 -《每日除夜》

40、用手帽子和笑声。 -吴文英,《蝶花九号与吴建山押韵》

41、用新的酷半枕,隐约有云的消息。 -张甫摇糖·七夕》

42、甩掉振动的运动,因秋季睡眠不足。 -王健《第七届春节》

43、老去珍惜花,相对无花。 -吴谦《海沧淳·尚不知海獭有福》


45、落花雨下,冷食。 -吴文英,“佛人,落花,夜雨,冷食”


47、这一次,不用刀算世界,割伤了心脏上的伤疤。 -黄小麦《向阳夜月,清明附近》


49、阳光半开,花朵散落。 -吴文英,“瑞龙吟·德庆清明大赛”

50、露水,干燥,固定,丝制冰腕。-吴文英“玉漏瓜,中秋福” 66 ,丹桂花开了第二个。-吴文英“司嘉克·中秋节”

51、青柳竹轮走过车。 -欧阳修,《桑树种,清明上虞西湖》

52、风吹雨扬的杨胜,罗洛无处吊英灵。 -北Bei《端午节》

53、飞向大镜子的地方。 -湘子N《从香阁·中秋节》
