1、一个人的生活就像童话,只是没有王子,我也不是公主。 A person's life is like a fairy tale, but there is no prince, and I am not a princess.

2、一直向西走,越过晨昏线,越过日界线,回到初识你的那一天。 Go west all the time, cross the line of dawn and dusk, cross the line of the sun, and return to the day when you first met.

3、上帝让你再活一天并不是因为你需要,而是因为有人需要你。 God wants you to live another day not because you need it, but because someone needs you.

4、人生一世,草木一秋,皆是过程。美与可爱,有心皆懂。 Life, plants and autumn are all processes. Beauty and loveliness are understood by heart.

5、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。 Life is only beautiful, not brilliant.

6、以后我宠你,以后都要开心。 I will spoil you in the future and be happy in the future.

7、任何事情,总有答案。与其烦恼,不如顺其自然。 There is always an answer to everything. It's better to let nature take its course than worry.

8、你对我访问受限,我让你黑名单见。 Your access to me is limited. I'll blacklist you.

9、你是近处的灯火,也是遥远的星河。 You are the light near you and the star river far away.

10、你负责下厨洗碗,我负责吃完不剩。 You are responsible for cooking and washing dishes. I am responsible for eating.

11、做颗星星,有棱有角,还会发光。 Be a star, have edges and corners, and shine.

12、决定好啦!要暗暗努力。 It's up to you! Try to work in secret.

13、别打听我是什么人,没坏到你身上就是好人。 Don't ask me who I am. I'm a good man if I'm not bad enough for you.

14、只要我愿意,我有千万种样子。 As long as I want, I have tens of millions of looks.

15、命运自认幽默,想法太多由不得我。 Fate thinks it's funny. I can't help thinking too much.

16、哪有谁比谁运气好,只是更加拼命罢了。 No one is more lucky, just more desperate.

17、因为知足,所以更接近幸福。 Because of contentment, it is closer to happiness.

18、奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命努力。 Miracles happen sometimes, but you have to work hard for them.

19、学会自立自强,世态炎凉,世界并不善良。 Learn to be self reliant, the world is cool, the world is not good.

20、寂寞对望的灵魂,你是我,而我是你,你不是我,我也不是你。 Lonely looking soul, you are me, and I am you, you are not me, I am not you.

21、希望熬过孤独的你,能活成你最想要的样子。 I hope you can live as you want to live through loneliness.

22、当一个人熬过了所有苦难,也就没那么难过了。 When a person through all the suffering, it is not so sad.

23、得罪谁,也不能得罪权势;和谁过意不去,也别和钱过意不去。 He who offends cannot offend power; he who disagrees with him must not quarrel with money.

24、总有一天我会长大,一个人抵过千军万马。 One day I will grow up and be worth thousands of troops.

25、想哭就哭,想笑就笑,不要因为世界虚伪,你也变的虚伪了。 Cry if you want to cry, smile if you want to laugh. Don't be hypocritical because of the world. You have become hypocritical.

26、愿你,看见的是风和日丽,想起的,都是感动与幸福。 I wish you, what you see is sunny, what you think of is moving and happiness.

27、我永远无法找到原稿,然后将你一笔抹去。 I'll never find the manuscript, and then I'll erase you.

28、我的梦想就是站在万人敬仰的高度,俯视曾经看不起我的人。 My dream is to stand at the height of admiration of thousands of people and look down on the people who once looked down on me.

29、我连最爱的长发都剪短了,还有什么是不能放弃的。 My favorite long hair has been cut short. What else can't be given up.

30、才不跟你说晚安,没我的日子里,祝你夜夜难安。 I don't want to say good night to you. In the days without me, I wish you good night.

31、既然是梦,为何不大胆一点? Since it's a dream, why not be bold?

32、既然没有了以后,何必再记住曾经。 Since there is no later, why remember once again.

33、星河可摘不可得,夜凉船影浸疏星。 Star River can not be picked, night cool boat shadow soak sparse star.

34、是金子总会发光,要不然就会游泳。 Gold always shines, or it will swim.

35、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 The most painful distance is that you are not around me but in my heart.

36、此后,你向南我往北,风雨不相认,山水不相逢。 Since then, you go south and I go north, wind and rain do not recognize each other, mountains and rivers do not meet.

37、此时相望不相闻,月夜思乡忆故人。 At this time, we don't know each other. On the night of the moon, we miss our hometown and remember our old friends.

38、每一个高喊减肥的妹子,都有一张停不下来的嘴。 Every girl who shouts to lose weight has a mouth that can't stop.

39、毕业照是唯一我照过很丑,却没有扔掉的照片。 Graduation photos are the only ones I've ever taken that are ugly but haven't thrown away.

40、永远不要害怕做你自己,记住,原创永远比盗版有价值。 Never be afraid to be yourself. Remember, originality is always more valuable than piracy.

41、没有人在等我,我也不会再回头,就这样吧。 No one is waiting for me, and I won't look back. That's it.

42、没有谁能够像你一样,一颦一笑都投我所好。 No one can like you, a smile all cast me good.

43、活着不是硬道理,活着并硬着才是道理。 To live is not the absolute truth, but to live and to be rigid is the truth.

44、淡蓝色,并不是我的最爱,却是我最难忘的。 Light blue is not my favorite, but my most unforgettable.

45、现在可怕的不是早恋,而是你对异性失去兴趣了。 What's terrible now is not puppy love, but your loss of interest in the opposite sex.

46、生活其实就是一场戏,我们就该演绎好自己的角色。 Life is actually a play. We should play our roles well.

47、的眼睛在W光粝抡凵滂璨的光,唯壹想到的~是流光溢彩。 Your eyes refract the bright light under the flash. The only words you think of are streamer.

48、知交比情人更难得,朋友比爱情更长久。 A friend is more difficult than a lover, and a friend is longer than love.

49、离开一个错的人,才能遇上一个对的人。 Leave a wrong person to meet a right one.

50、离开你的那一天开始,左心房渐渐停止跳动。 The day you left, the left atrium gradually stopped beating.

51、缘起,在人群中,我看见你。缘灭,我看见你,在人群中。 Origin, in the crowd, I see you. Fate, I see you in the crowd.

52、被你宠着,惯着也是种幸福。 Being spoiled by you is also a kind of happiness.

53、要有自己对未来的设想和目标,女人要为自己而活为自己而奋斗。 To have their own vision and goals for the future, women should live for themselves and strive for themselves.

54、让爱回家吧,他们是我们的父母,我们每个人最亲最近的人。 Let love go home. They are our parents. Each of us is the closest.

55、记住,永远不要因为新鲜感,扔掉一直陪你的人。 Remember, never throw away the person who has been with you because of the freshness.

56、走到最后才发现,原来我们怀念的都只是流逝的曾经。 Finally, we found that what we miss is only the passing of the past.

57、走遍万水千山,得到最初的自己。愿世间温柔的灵魂,都能相遇。 Go through thousands of rivers and mountains to get the first self. May the gentle souls of the world meet.

58、这个世界上,对我来说,没有什么能比让你快乐更重要。 There is nothing more important to me in this world than to make you happy.

59、逆着光A从来只是过去,而不是未来。 Against the light is never the past, not the future.

60、随便以后你和谁暧昧,我都不会皱一下眉。 After you and who ambiguous, I will not frown.