1、一个人并不孤单,想一个人时才孤单。 A person is not alone, only when you want to be alone.

2、下午适合想念,傍晚适合见面,夜晚适合共眠。 It is suitable for missing in the afternoon, meeting in the evening and sleeping together at night.

3、世界上最难的事,大概就是看到你忍不住吧。 The most difficult thing in the world is to see you can't help it.

4、世间有百媚千红,唯独你是我情之所钟。 There are a hundred beauties and thousands of red in the world, but you are my favorite.

5、为了节约用水,我建议你和我一起洗澡。 In order to save water, I suggest you take a bath with me.

6、从前,眼前人是心上人。以后,心上人是枕边人。 Once upon a time, the person in front of me was my sweetheart. After that, the sweetheart is the pillow.

7、你就像一碗汤,让我的心永远不会凉。 You are like a bowl of soup, let my heart never cold.

8、你是个有担当的人,在你的责任里加我一个吧。 You are a responsible person. Add me to your responsibilities.

9、你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。 You are my persistent reason, but also my crazy excuse.

10、你是我的今天明天以及此后的,每一天每一秒。 You are my today, tomorrow and after, every day and every second.

11、你根本就不是我喜欢的类型,只是碰巧撞进了我的心。 You're not my type at all. You just happened to bump into my heart.

12、你的快乐一直不缺观众,也愿你的无邪有人真懂。 Your happiness has always been in the audience, and I hope that your innocence is really understood by someone.

13、你的笑容可以给很多人,唯独真心留给我啦。 Your smile can give a lot of people, only the heart to me.

14、你眼里有春和秋,胜过我见过的一切山川河流。 You have spring and autumn in your eyes, more than all the mountains and rivers I have ever seen.

15、你还想要一个妈妈嘛,我可以把我的妈妈分给你。 You want a mother. I can give you my mother.

16、关于我们,我只想说,简单一句,就是爱你。 About us, I just want to say, in a word, love you.

17、只希望有一天,我在做饭,你在捣乱。 I just hope one day, I'm cooking and you're making trouble.

18、听谁的?这是劳资的地盘,当然得听你的了! Listen to who? This is the territory of labor and capital. Of course, I have to listen to you!

19、唱一首写不完的歌,荡漾着爱你的音符。 Sing an endless song, rippling with love notes.

20、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子。 Drink your wine of love, if there is no refill, I would like to be thirsty for a lifetime.

21、她若事瘦,你便看她伸懒腰时优雅得像天鹅伸颈。 If she is thin, you can see that she stretches as gracefully as a swan.

22、好想当个小土狗啊,见到你就摇尾巴。 I want to be a local dog. I'll wag my tail when I see you.

23、想做那个只喜欢你,也只被你喜欢的人。 I want to be the one who only likes you and is only liked by you.

24、我不懂什么值不值得,只知道有一天心累了就放下。 I don't know what value is not worth, only know one day heart tired put down.

25、我不能给你全世界,但我的全世界都可以给你。 I can't give you the whole world, but my whole world can give you.

26、我家狗狗让我捎句话给你,我想你了。 My dog asked me to send you a message. I miss you.

27、我对你的爱就像拖拉机上山,轰轰烈烈。 My love for you is just like a tractor going up the mountain.

28、我想认真地谈场恋爱,自你而始,自你而终。 I want to have a serious love, starting from you and ending with you.

29、我爱你,只想今生给你无边的暖,令你笑容甜甜! I love you, just want to give you boundless warm, make you smile sweet!

30、我爱你,看你的眼神是崇拜,对你的心情是依赖。 I love you, look at your eyes is worship, is dependent on your mood.

31、我的微笑可以给任何人,但我的心只给你一个。 My smile can give anyone, but my heart only gives you one.

32、我的苹果手机丢了,不过幸好没有把你弄丢。 I lost my iPhone, but fortunately I didn't lose you.

33、把你的爱、定格在这一秒钟,拥有永久的幸福。 Put your love, freeze frame in this second, have permanent happiness.

34、把对你的爱守护在高山上;谁都靠不近。 Keep my love for you on the high mountain; no one is near.

35、整夜阑珊,满脑子是你,才知道什么叫着迷。 All night long, full of brain is you, just know what is infatuation.

36、时间过去了有几分,你的容颜在我心。 Time has passed. Your face is in my heart.

37、春天的鲜花开满了墙,你是我的如愿以偿。 Spring flowers bloom all over the wall, you are my wish.

38、昨晚做噩梦了,没有你在梦中,就是最大的噩梦。 I had a nightmare last night. Without you in the dream, it was the biggest nightmare.

39、最美的不是下雨天,是曾经和你躲过的屋檐。 The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but the eaves that you have avoided.

40、有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。 There are beauties, I don't forget when I see them, I don't see them for a day, and I think like crazy.

41、每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 Every day without dancing is a failure to live.

42、没有谁的爱情应该遮遮掩掩,既然爱她,那就告诉她。 No one's love should be covered up. Since you love her, tell her.

43、爱情不可能长期地隐藏,也不可能长期地假装。 Love can't be hidden or pretended for a long time.

44、爱,起于微笑,浓于亲吻,逝于泪水。 Love begins with a smile, thickens with a kiss, and ends with tears.

45、用整个人生将你精心收藏,用漫长岁月把你安放妥当。 You will be carefully collected with the whole life, and you will be placed properly in the long years.

46、电话里的沉默不是拖延,而是舍不得。 Silence on the phone is not procrastination, but reluctance.

47、真想睡觉的时候翻身一滚就滚进你怀里,想想都甜啊。 I really want to roll into your arms when I go to sleep. It's sweet to think about it.

48、能不能把我们的革命友谊再升华一下。 Can we further sublimate our revolutionary friendship.

49、虽然我不知你身在何方,但我知道,你一直在我心里。 Although I don't know where you are, I know that you are always in my heart.

50、那些与你絮叨的日常里,藏着我对你隐而不言的欢喜。 Those with you in the daily chatter, hiding my silent joy for you.