1、不管什么时候遇到你,都是我这一生最大的幸福。 No matter when I meet you, it is the greatest happiness of my life.

2、亲爱滴,今生你是我的唯一,对你只有一心一意。 Dear drop, this life you are my only, to you only wholeheartedly.

3、人生又那么长,我可能要记着你一辈子了。 Life is so long, I may remember you all my life.

4、什么时候才能睡觉一翻身就能躺倒你怀里啊? When can you fall asleep?

5、任何为人称道的美丽,不及我第一次遇见你。 Any beauty praised by others is not as beautiful as the first time I met you.

6、你是我的复苏,我的承上启下,也是我的终结。 You are my recovery, my connecting link, and my end.

7、你是我的温带海洋性气候,每天都是暖暖的! You are my temperate marine climate, every day is warm!

8、你要开心点,这样我也能沾光替你高兴。 You have to be happy, so I can be happy for you.

9、只要你回首,我还在原地等你,你会开心吗? As long as you look back, I am still waiting for you, will you be happy?

10、可是我从没怀疑,爱你,是我做过的最好的事情。 But I never doubt that love you is the best thing I've ever done.

11、喜欢你,是春夏秋冬天南地北的问候与念起。 Like you, is the spring, summer, autumn and winter greetings and read.

12、因为你,我相信真爱,因为你,我相信永远。 Because of you, I believe in true love, because of you, I believe in forever.

13、在这兵荒马乱的年纪里,遇见你,简直就是天意。 In this age of war and chaos, to meet you is the will of God.

14、大抵知心有庭树,亭亭一如你风致。 Most of all, a bosom friend has a garden tree, just like you.

15、太平盛世里,也没什么好担心的,唯一担心没有你。 In peace and prosperity, there is nothing to worry about, the only worry about not having you.

16、如果你累了可以止步看夕阳,人生路上我陪你流浪。 If you are tired, you can stop to watch the sunset. I will accompany you wandering on the way of life.

17、宇宙中有亿万星光,而我最喜欢的星星,在你眼里。 There are billions of stars in the universe, and my favorite star is in your eyes.

18、山涧河川,风朗明媚,我只要眼前的人是你。 Mountains and rivers, the wind is bright and beautiful, as long as I am in front of you.

19、想你的时候、会看着你的照片独自掉眼泪。 When I miss you, I will look at your photos and cry alone.

20、想数一千遍的羊,想了一千遍的你。 Sheep who want to count a thousand times, you who think a thousand times.

21、想给你脖子上种草莓,向全世界宣称你是我的。 I want to plant strawberries around your neck and claim you are mine to the world.

22、想采满人间的温柔,连同明月星河皆赠于你。 I would like to gather the tender of the world, and give you the moon and the star river.

23、我不完美,可是我们加在一起,肯定是完美的。 I'm not perfect, but we must be perfect together.

24、我只想做你的全部,差一分一毫我都不满足。 I just want to do all of you. I'm not satisfied with one point.

25、我喜欢你已经超过了两分钟,系统提示不能撤回了。 I like that you have been more than two minutes, the system prompt can not be withdrawn.

26、我喜欢你超过两分钟了,不能撤回了。 I like you for more than two minutes. I can't withdraw.

27、我对你的爱,融化了星辰闪烁,将江河都吞没。 My love for you has melted the stars and swallowed up the rivers.

28、我思念你,以及那些温柔的过去。 I miss you, and those gentle past.

29、我想作诗,写雨,写夜的相思,却唯独写不出你。 I want to write poetry, write rain, write the night of Acacia, but only can not write you.

30、我想你应该很忙吧!那你只看前面三个字就好了。 I think you should be very busy! Then you can just look at the first three words.

31、我想在你那买块地,什么地?你的死心踏地? I want to buy a piece of land from you. Where? Your dedication?

32、我想成为你的夜晚,也想成为你的早晨。 I want to be your night, and I want to be your morning.

33、我是困不住的野马,现在却只想做你怀里的猫。 I'm a wild horse that can't sleep, but now I just want to be a cat in your arms.

34、我有很多个梦想,每个梦想里都有你。 I have many dreams, and you are in every dream.

35、我没有你以为的那么洒脱,爱或不爱都能随口说。 I am not as free and easy as you think, love or not love can be said casually.

36、我没有饮过最烈的酒,但我放弃过最爱的人。 I haven't drunk the strongest wine, but I've given up the one I love the most.

37、我爱你,我不会写诗,我能说的就是,相信我。 I love you. I can't write poetry. All I can say is, believe me.

38、我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了天空。 My heart, the bird of the wilderness, finds the sky in your eyes.

39、我的眼里没有星辰,没有大海,只有你。 I have no stars, no sea, only you.

40、我觉得上帝对我太残酷了?直到现在才让我遇见你。 I think God is cruel to me? I haven't met you until now.

41、我觉得咱们不适合做至交好友,更适合天长地久。 I don't think it's suitable for us to be close friends. We are more suitable for eternity.

42、我身上有206根骨头,见到你我就有了第207根。 I have 206 bones in my body. When I see you, I have 207th.

43、无尽的夜,无尽的路,带着我对你无尽的想念。 Endless night, endless road, with my endless miss for you.

44、晴空的世界,没有奇诺,只有卡布。 There is no Chino in the clear sky world, only Kabu.

45、曾经沧海难为水,你在我心里是最美。 You are the most beautiful in my heart.

46、最美的故事是,我们都白发苍苍讲着相遇的过往。 The most beautiful story is that we all have white hair and talk about the past when we met.

47、最长情的陪伴就是早安和晚安,你都在我身旁。 The longest love of company is good morning and good night, you are by my side.

48、月亮被嚼碎了变成星星,你就藏在那漫天星光里。 The moon is chewed into a star, and you hide in the starry sky.

49、枝头一摇,满怀梨白,春至,你何时燕衔泥同归? A wave of branches, full of pear white, spring, when do you swallow the mud with the return?

50、欢喜是你,喜欢是你,往后余生,全是你。 Joy is you, love is you, and for the rest of your life, it's all you.

51、漫天星光,沿途散播,长路尽头有灯火。 All over the sky, spread along the way, there are lights at the end of the long road.

52、爱你不打烊,地球却已经不对外营业了,晚安。 Love you do not close, but the earth has no business, good night.

53、看着自己,一天天越来越可爱,也是蛮怕的。 Looking at themselves, more and more lovely every day, but also quite afraid.

54、眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞。 The eyes are raining for her, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her.

55、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。 When it's sunny, maybe I'll love you again.

56、谁愿谁能一生安好,我只希望你明天最快乐。 I just hope you are the happiest tomorrow.

57、过了这么久之后,心里那个人,还是你。 After such a long time, the person in my heart is still you.

58、那些细腻的记忆,总是在我的脑中盘旋环绕。 Those delicate memories are always circling in my brain.

59、那被我塞进抽屉的泛黄日记,记叙我们过往的回忆。 The yellowing diary I put into the drawer narrates our past memories.

60、驾照你不用去考了,我想做你一辈子的司机。 You don't have to take the driver's license test. I want to be your driver for life.