1、不能给你太多的感动,但是我能陪你很久很久。 Can not give you too much moved, but I can accompany you for a long time.

2、不论在时光,还是梦里,你都是我最想见的人。 No matter in time or dream, you are the person I want to see most.

3、世界那么大,你遇到了我,我遇到了你,真好。 The world is so big, you met me, I met you, so nice.

4、个人的激情与理想越多,越有可能幸福。 The more people are happy, the more likely they are to be happy.

5、为什么我那么胖,还是抵不过你的轻轻一撩。 Why am I so fat, or can't resist your gentle lift.

6、互道晚安后你开始睡觉我开始想你。 After saying good night to each other, you start to sleep and I start to miss you.

7、你不在的分分秒秒、都是思念在作祟。 Every minute of your absence is haunted by missing.

8、你在我心里干嘛呀!这么晚了还不回去睡觉呐? What are you doing in my heart! Why don't you go back to bed so late?

9、你永远比你想象中的要漂亮,所以姑娘,不要悲伤。 You are always more beautiful than you think, so girl, don't be sad.

10、你跑步跑的快吗,不快的话,我应该能追的上你。 Do you run fast? If not, I should be able to catch up with you.

11、做我女朋友吧,行就行,不行我再想想办法。 Be my girlfriend, OK, no, I'll try again.

12、其实人间也没有什么疾苦,不过是想你罢了。 In fact, there is no suffering in the world, but just miss you.

13、只要你愿意,我愿为你对抗全世界。 As long as you want, I will fight the whole world for you.

14、吃烧烤是先考海鲜还是烤肉,烤肉,先考虑你。 Eat barbecue is the first test seafood or barbecue, barbecue, consider you first.

15、喜欢你是我的骄傲,把你放在心里是我的自豪。 Like you is my pride, put you in my heart is my pride.

16、喜欢你,笨拙而热烈,一无所有却又倾尽所有。 Like you, clumsy and warm, nothing but all.

17、喜欢想七想八,总是一不小心就想要和你一起到老。 Like to think seven to eight, always want to be old with you.

18、回首爱情,有甜蜜、有幸福,有悲伤,也有痛苦。 Looking back on love, there are sweetness, happiness, sadness and pain.

19、因为我喜欢你,比地球上任何一个人都要喜欢你。 Because I like you more than anyone on earth.

20、在和别人酒酣耳热之际,任何话题都会联想到你。 When you are drinking with others, any topic will think of you.

21、天有牛O织女,地上金童玉女,唯吾与尔。 There are cattle and weavers in the sky, golden children and jade maids on the ground, only I and I.

22、好好生活慢慢爱你,不早不晚刚好是你。 Live a good life, love you slowly, no sooner or later, it's just you.

23、对不起,你不适合我,你放屁,我明明百搭。 I'm sorry you don't suit me.

24、念着你,每一天离不开你,怎么能不把你捧在手心。 Miss you, every day can not leave you, how can not hold you in the palm of my hand.

25、愿与你携手一生,相恋、相伴、相守一辈子! Willing to hand in hand with you for life, love, accompany, stay together for a lifetime!

26、我一点也不担心未来没有你,我知道会有你。 I don't worry about the future without you, I know you will.

27、我们一起白头,谁都不许偷偷去h油。 We are white headed together. No one is allowed to steal oil.

28、我化学不好,但我知道只有我俩能发生反应。 I'm not good at chemistry, but I know that only we can react.

29、我妈天天念叨着要找个儿媳妇,我看你就挺合适的。 My mother talks about looking for a daughter-in-law every day. I think you are quite suitable.

30、我怕黑,可是你是阳光,可以照亮一切黑暗。 I am afraid of the dark, but you are the sun, can light up all the darkness.

31、我想和你拥抱,和你彻夜聊天,还想和你接吻。 I want to hug you, chat with you all night, and kiss you.

32、我愿化作萤火虫,以我的一生,为你点盏灯。 I would like to turn into a firefly and light a lamp for you with my whole life.

33、我把手搓热,只想给你更高的温度。 I rub my hands hot, just want to give you a higher temperature.

34、我是一个*,在等很爱很爱我的疯子。 I am a fool, waiting for a madman who loves me very much.

35、我爱你,更像狗爱鸡骨头,唯恐别人抢走了你。 I love you, more like a dog loves chicken bones, for fear that others will take you away.

36、我爱你,看你的眼神是崇拜,对你的心情是依赖。 I love you, look at your eyes is worship, is dependent on your mood.

37、我还是很喜欢你,偷鸡不成没关系,我有的是米。 I still like you very much. It doesn't matter if you steal chicken. I have rice.

38、我还是很喜欢你,像阳光落在赤道与北极不争朝。 I still like you very much, like the sun falling on the equator and the North Pole.

39、手心里写着你的名字,握紧是幸福,摊开是思念。 Your name is written in the palm of your hand. Holding is happiness and spreading is missing.

40、星星雀跃着带着我的心跳,进了你眼中的银河里。 The stars jump with my heart, into the Milky way in your eyes.

41、是我错了,只要我们之间有矛盾,都是我错了。 I'm wrong. As long as there is contradiction between us, it's all my fault.

42、最美不过偷瞄你是你忽然转头,看见你的微笑。 The most beautiful but peeking at you is that you suddenly turn your head and see your smile.

43、月亮照回湖心,野鹤奔向闲云,我步入你。 The moon shines back to the center of the lake, the wild crane rushes to the idle cloud, I step into you.

44、有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了! Some people can not say where good, but no one can replace!

45、有美一人,清扬婉兮,邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。 There is a beautiful person, Qingyang Wanxi, meet by chance, suitable for my wish.

46、桂林山水甲天下,山美,水美,远不及你的美。 Guilin's landscape is the best in the world. The beauty of mountains and waters is far less than that of you.

47、每次看着你的眼睛,我都忍不住想表白。 Every time I look into your eyes, I can't help but express myself.

48、没尽头,也没堤口。不比月亮薄,风也吹不走。 No end, no levee. No thinner than the moon, the wind can't blow away.

49、没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。 There is no perfect fit for two people, only two hearts of mutual accommodation.

50、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 Love is not a magnificent oath, but a light accompany.

51、爱情,不是左转,不是右转,而是,向前走。 Love is not turning left, not turning right, but walking forward.

52、真希望你没见过什么大世面,一生只爱我这张脸。 I hope you haven't seen anything in the world. I love my face all my life.

53、簟⑻真了,以至于我舍不得醒怼 The dream is so real that I can't bear to wake up.

54、繁星闪烁在天空,你在我心上闪耀万丈光芒。 Stars twinkle in the sky, and you shine in my heart.

55、苦尽甘来,所以你来了。 You're here because you're here.

56、记住,永远不要因为新鲜感,而舍弃一直陪你的人。 Remember, never give up the person who always accompany you because of the freshness.

57、说不出为什么爱你,但你就是我不爱其他人的理由。 I can't say why I love you, but you are the reason why I don't love others.

58、谁都看见了我的憔悴,只有你视而不见。 Everyone has seen my haggard, only you turn a blind eye.

59、谢谢你带我来看日落看鬼怪,看星辰落入海。 Thank you for showing me sunsets, ghosts and stars falling into the sea.

60、这是一级头,这是二级头,你在我的心里头。 This is the first level, this is the second level, you are in my heart.