1、万里长篇不及你只言片语,风和日丽不如你寥寥一面。 Ten thousand miles is not as long as your words, and the wind and the sun are not as beautiful as you.

2、不懂心动,只是看到你好看的眉眼,就好像看过了万水千山。 Do not understand the heart, just to see your good-looking eyes, it seems to have seen thousands of rivers and mountains.

3、不是在最好的时光遇见了你,而是因为有你在,我才有了最好的时光。 I met you not at the best time, but because of you, I have the best time.

4、不求被全世界宠爱,只求这一生是你一个人的例外。 Don't ask to be loved by the whole world, just ask this life is your exception.

5、世界上最幸福的事,就是和一个不庸俗的人,做一对庸俗的情侣。 The happiest thing in the world is to be a vulgar couple with a non vulgar person.

6、今晚要做一个甜甜的梦,我的意思是,我要梦到你。 I want to have a sweet dream tonight. I mean, I want to dream about you.

7、你可知,我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。 You know, my loneliness for a hundred years is only waiting for you alone, and love songs for thousands of nights are only singing for you alone.

8、你在人潮不知所措,我却跟在你身后,伸手怕犯错,缩手怕错过。 You are at a loss in the crowd, but I follow you behind, hand out for fear of mistakes, hand down for fear of missing.

9、你是不是每天都熬夜?不然我怎么会每个梦里都有你。 Do you stay up late every day? Otherwise, how could I have you in every dream.

10、你是我的文艺复兴,带我走出黑暗,给了我新的信仰和救赎。 You are my Renaissance, take me out of the dark, give me a new faith and salvation.

11、你是最好的,如果真有比你要好的人,我就装作没看见。 You are the best. If there is someone better than you, I pretend not to see.

12、你白发苍苍说带我流浪,我还是没犹豫,就随你去天堂。 You white haired said to take me wandering, I still did not hesitate to follow you to heaven.

13、你要经常对我说“我爱你”,否则我会假设你不爱我。 You should always say "I love you" to me, otherwise I will assume you don't love me.

14、你问我爱你值不值得,其实你应该知道,爱就是不问值不值得。 You ask me if I love you is worth it, in fact, you should know that love is not worth it.

15、假如你到了一个地方,那里没有门没有窗。别担心,你是在我心里。 If you go to a place where there are no doors or Windows. Don't worry, you are in my heart.

16、即使你到了白发苍苍牙齿掉光满脸皱纹的时刻,我还是会说爱你如初。 Even if you come to the moment when your white hair and teeth are gone and your face is wrinkled, I will still say that I love you as before.

17、即使生活不是那么容易,但我还是希望你在我的未来。 Even though life is not so easy, I still hope you are in my future.

18、喜欢一个人,始于颜值,敬于才华,合于性格,久于善良,终于人品。 Like a person, start with Yan value, respect for talent, combined with character, long for goodness, and finally character.

19、喜欢你的人很多,不缺我一个;我喜欢的人很少,除你就没了。 There are a lot of people who like you, and I'm not missing one; there are few people I like, except you.

20、太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦,八卦衍万物,万物不如你。 Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four images, four images give birth to eight trigrams, eight trigrams give birth to all things, all things are inferior to you.

21、如果你愿意,我就喜欢你,如果你不愿意,我就单相思,你愿意吗? If you want, I like you. If you don't want, I'll miss you alone. Do you want to?

22、如果你现在就在我身边,我大概喝白开水也能甜得眯起眼。 If you are by my side now, I may drink boiled water to make my eyes squint.

23、对于世界而言,你是一个人,但是对于我来说,你是整个世界。 To the world, you are one person, but to me, you are the whole world.

24、对你的爱,不管阴晴圆缺不更改;对你的情,不管海枯石烂永存在。 To your love, no matter whether it's cloudy or sunny or not, to your love, no matter the sea is dry or the rocks are rotten forever.

25、对待这个世界,我有无数种态度对待你,我只有爱你。 To this world, I have countless attitudes towards you, I only love you.

26、当我看到你的那一刻,我就已经爱上了你,你微笑,因为你知道! When I see you that moment, I already fell in love with you, you smile, because you know!

27、心中万点涟漪,都是为你而动。眼中万里柔情,皆是为你而起。 The ripples in my heart are all for you. The tenderness in my eyes is all for you.

28、我不怕等你,我怕等到最后,你选择的那个人不是我。 I'm not afraid to wait for you, I'm afraid to wait until the end, the person you choose is not me.

29、我写得最好的不是繁体字,也不是楷体字,是你的名字。 What I write best is not traditional Chinese characters, nor regular Chinese characters. It's your name.

30、我喜欢你,像你的眉眼不行,像你的脾气不行,不是你不行。 I like you, like your eyes can not, like your temper can not, not you can not.

31、我喜欢春天的花,夏天的树,秋天的黄昏,冬天的雪以及每天的你。 I like flowers in spring, trees in summer, dusk in autumn, snow in winter and you every day.

32、我喜欢的样子你都有,和你在一起的时候,我从来没有羡慕过任何人。 I like the way you have, with you, I have never envied anyone.

33、我在今生遇到你是多么幸运,和你在一起是多么不幸。 How lucky I am to meet you in this life and how unlucky I am to be with you.

34、我给不了你世界上最好的一切,可是我一定会把我最好的一切都给你。 I can't give you the best in the world, but I will give you the best.

35、我要做你一辈子的恋人,少一年,一天,一个时辰,都不算一辈子。 I want to be your lover all my life, one year less, one day less, one hour less than all my life.

36、或许我给不了你那么多温暖和感动,但有个词叫尽我所能。 Maybe I can't give you so much warmth and moving, but there is a word called do my best.

37、教你一个可以快速变瘦的方法吧,把你的心放在我这。 Teach you a way to lose weight quickly. Put your heart on me.

38、最近有谣言说我喜欢你,我要澄清一下,那不是谣言。 There is a rumor that I like you recently. I want to clarify that it is not a rumor.

39、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年;有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。 Some people, once met, will look for thousands of years; some heart, once started, it will be difficult to recover.

40、深爱一个人是什么感觉?就是对TA舍得:时间,钱,命。 What is it like to love someone deeply? Is to give up to ta: time, money, life.

41、爱有时真的很简单,是你是我,一阵子吵,一辈子好,一起相扶到老。 Sometimes love is really very simple, you are me, quarrel for a while, good life, together to help each other to old.

42、用一刹那交换一个天长地久,用现在交换你的从此以后。 With a moment to exchange a forever, with now to exchange your henceforth.

43、说好的一辈子,差一年、一个月、一天、一个时辰,都不算一辈子。 A good life, one year, one month, one day, one hour, is not a lifetime.

44、过尽千帆,皆不是吾心所爱;弱水三千,只有你知我冷暖。 I don't love to cross a thousand sails, but only you know how warm I am.

45、过往皆不念,心中只念你,悲喜皆不谈,开口只谈你。 The past is not read, the heart only read you, sorrow and joy are not talked about, only talk about you.

46、这世上只有一个我能称之为家的地方,那就是你在的地方。 There is only one place in the world that I can call home. That is where you are.

47、这满天星辰是你,世界在我眼里,而我眼里皆是你。 The stars are you, the world is in my eyes, and my eyes are you.

48、遇见你之前,我尚是一张白纸,遇见你之后,我变成了一叠情书。 Before meeting you, I was still a piece of white paper. After meeting you, I became a stack of love letters.

49、遇见你的时候上帝在我耳边说了四个字“在劫难逃”。 When I met you, God said four words in my ear, "I'm doomed.".

50、遇见你,是我一生的幸运;喜欢你,是我做过最好的事情。 Meeting you is my life's luck; liking you is the best thing I have ever done.