1、不是希望你听话,是想听你的真心话。 I don't want you to be obedient. I want to listen to your heart.

2、为热爱的人或事物洒下热血和热泪,最坏的结果无非就是对方一句你想怎样。 Shed blood and tears for the person or thing you love, the worst result is nothing more than a sentence you want from the other party.

3、主宰自己命运的感觉真好,我感觉自己充满力量,正确而坚定。 It's good to be in charge of my own destiny. I feel powerful, right and determined.

4、他完全懂得整体大于部分之和的道理,他说人也是一样的,只是有的人,从整体上看更加浅薄。 He fully understood the truth that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. He said that people are the same, but some people are more superficial on the whole.

5、你只是眼里容不下美好事物,我同情你。 You just can't hold good things in your eyes. I sympathize with you.

6、哪怕穷困潦倒,食不果腹,哪怕天各一方,无法相见,我们爱着彼此,我们就一定能抓住希望。 If we love each other, we will surely be able to hold on to hope, even if we are poor and can't eat enough, even if we can't meet each other in different places.

7、因为你,让我以为我会无坚不摧。 Because of you, let me think I will be invincible.

8、太想你反而错过你,太爱你从未放弃你。 Miss you too much but miss you, love you too much and never give up you.

9、当你爱一个人时,你的睫毛会上下跃动,小星星从里面蹦出来。 When you love someone, your eyelashes will jump up and down, and little stars will come out of it.

10、当她走出那扇门,我想起第一次见她,怎么会有人想从朱莉·贝克的手里挣脱呢? When she walked out of the door, I thought of seeing her for the first time. How could anyone want to break free of Julie Baker?

11、我爬得越高,风景就越发曼妙迷人。 The higher I climb, the more beautiful the scenery becomes.

12、我确实怦然心动了,彻彻底底的。 I was really in a heartbeat, absolutely.

13、有一天你会遇到个如彩虹般绚烂的人,到那时,以前或以后的痛苦都不足以改变你的爱。 One day you will meet a person who is as gorgeous as a rainbow. At that time, the pain before or after will not be enough to change your love.

14、有时候,一开始的一点点不安,可以为往后省下许多痛苦。 Sometimes, a little uneasiness at the beginning can save a lot of pain for the future.

15、有时开始的一点不舒服,能够避免一条充满痛苦的道路。 Sometimes a little discomfort at the beginning can avoid a path full of pain.

16、有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。 Sometimes the initial forbearance can avoid the pain along the way.

17、直到有一天看着它,我不再泪眼朦胧,我领悟到了更深层的寓意。 Until one day, looking at it, I no longer have tears in my eyes, I understand the deeper meaning.

18、虽然我已经十年没有见过他,但我知道我会永远想念他。 Although I haven't seen him for ten years, I know I will miss him forever.

19、超越他的眼睛,他的笑容和他闪亮的头发,看看他到底是什么样子。 Look beyond his eyes, his smile and his shining hair to see what he looks like.

20、遇见你那刻起,我便怦然心动了。 From the moment I met you, my heart throbbed.