1、一个人住在心里久了,便会生根发芽,往后的喜欢都与他有关。 A person has lived in his heart for a long time, then he will take root and sprout. His later likes are related to him.

2、一个人的名字,从未说出口,不是因为忘记,而是怕它汹涌。 A person's name, never said, is not because of forgetting, but afraid of its surging.

3、一个人的寂寞俩个人的错,有错是有错,就看谁能先承认错。 One person's loneliness, two people's mistakes, whether there is a mistake or not, depends on who can admit the mistake first.

4、不痛不痒不哭不闹不疯不笑,现在的我安安静静,等你回来。 No pain, no itching, no crying, no madness, no laughing, now I am quiet, waiting for you to come back.

5、不要说自己交友的条件有多高,缘分到了,你想逃也逃不了。 Don't say how high the conditions for making friends are. When fate comes, you can't escape if you want to.

6、人的一生会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。 People's life will meet two people, one amazing time, one gentle years.

7、人需要沉淀,要有足够的时间去反思,才能让自己变得更完美。 People need to settle down and have enough time to reflect to make themselves more perfect.

8、你和她接吻的时候,有没有突然想到、我曾用力咬过你的唇。 When you kissed her, did you suddenly think that I had bitten your lips.

9、你是我小心维护的梦,我疲倦的享受着这个无法靠近的光芒。 You are my dream carefully maintained. I am tired of enjoying the light that cannot be approached.

10、假如时间能够倒流,那么是不是就没有那么多如果来伤人了。 If time can be reversed, then there will not be so many injuries.

11、做不了自信骄傲的人,是因为骨子里有种叫自卑软弱的东西。 We can't be confident and proud because there is something called inferiority and weakness in our bones.

12、其实一个人挺好的。没有顾虑没有牵绊无非是孤单了一点。 Actually a person is very good. No worries, no obstacles, no loneliness.

13、再美的镜子,一旦破裂,即便是修复,也难以弥合那道裂痕。 No matter how beautiful the mirror is, once it breaks, even if it is repaired, it is difficult to close the crack.

14、原来我们都还太小,小到还不懂爱情,所以弄得便体鳞伤。 It turns out that we are all too small to understand love, so we get bruised.

15、发现自己的闪光点,挖掘自己的潜能,做你真正喜欢的事业。 Find your own flash point, tap your potential, and do what you really like.

16、只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼,你就叫我上黑板讲答案。 Just because I saw you more in the crowd, you asked me to go to the blackboard and tell me the answer.

17、因为爱过,所以不会成为敌人;因为伤过,所以不会做朋友。 Because of love, they will not be enemies; because of injury, they will not be friends.

18、在我们懵懂的时候,总会有这么个人,让我们为他犯贱很多年。 In our ignorant time, there will always be such a person, let's be cheap for him for many years.

19、大不了我不想了,大不了你不爱了,大不了我一个人生活。 Big deal I don't want, big deal you don't love, big deal I live alone.

20、如果不想做点事情,就不要想到达这个世界上的任何地方。 If you don't want to do something, don't want to go anywhere in the world.

21、带着感动上路,一路不会寂寞,一路花开满地,绿树成荫。 With moving on the road, all the way will not be lonely, all the way flowers, trees.

22、当你还不能对自己说今天学到了什么东西时,你就不要去睡觉。 Don't go to bed when you can't tell yourself what you learned today.

23、当我说“你忙吧”的时候,多希望你能说“没事,你重要”。 When I say "you are busy", I hope you can say "it's OK, you are important".

24、总是向你索取却不曾谢谢你,直到长大以后才懂得你不容易。 Always ask from you but never thank you, until you grow up to understand that you are not easy.

25、想想灰太狼,想想光头强,青春的路上,没有理由不坚强。 Think of grey wolf, think of bald strong, youth on the road, there is no reason not strong.

26、我不想伤害任何人,但有些言行中又不经意的伤害了别人。 I don't want to hurt anyone, but some words and deeds inadvertently hurt others.

27、我也不会再等待你的信息,我也不会再时刻把你挂在嘴边。 I will not wait for your information, and I will never talk about you.

28、我们好不容易鼓起了勇气在一起,最终却敌不过命中的注定。 We finally summoned up the courage to be together, but finally the enemy was doomed to hit.

29、我们都在犯同一个错:和喜欢的人吵架、和陌生人讲心里话。 We are all making the same mistake: quarreling with people we like, talking to strangers.

30、我就想问问你,我在你心里到底重不重要,你到底爱不爱我。 I just want to ask you whether it is important that I am in your heart and whether you love me or not.

31、我的世界装的满满都是你,而你的世界似乎找不到我的身影。 My world is full of you, and your world seems to find me.

32、我要在阳光下,用力的微笑,以此证明,我,过得很快乐。 I want to smile hard in the sun to prove that I am happy.

33、明明想说怀念不如相见,却都在用相见不如怀念来劝告自己。 Clearly want to say miss is better than meet, but are using meet better than miss to advise themselves.

34、最美的爱情,不是天荒,也不是地老,只是在一起,仅此而已。 The most beautiful love is not the end of time or the end of time. It's just being together. That's all.

35、有一天,当你死心塌地爱上一个人的时候,也许你无法再骄傲。 One day, when you fall in love with someone, maybe you can't be proud anymore.

36、樱花簇簇,风过不留痕,朵朵化为黛色雨,倾尽天下相思情。 Cherry Blossom clusters, the wind does not leave a trace, one after another into the black rain, devoted to the love of the world.

37、没什么比等待更难受,当你连自己在等什么都不知道的时候。 There's nothing worse than waiting, when you don't even know what you're waiting for.

38、爱一个人,不是一辈子的事。爱一个人,是一个阶段的事。 It's not a lifetime to love someone. It's a stage to love someone.

39、现在坏学生的主要症状,上课风都吹的倒,下课狗都撵不到。 Now the main symptom of bad students is that the wind blows in class and the dogs can't catch up after class.

40、生活上依赖别人,又希望得到别人尊重,那是没有可能的事。 It is impossible to depend on others in life and hope to be respected by others.

41、生活就像宋祖德的嘴,你永远都不知道下一个倒霉的会是谁。 Life is like song Zude's mouth. You never know who will be the next unlucky one.

42、直到这一天你对我的爱只剩下残骸,我依然可以为你死而无憾。 Until this day your love for me only remains, I can still die for you with no regrets.

43、窗外默默的雨,却未曾发觉,此时此刻,你占据了我的思想。 The silent rain outside my window, but I didn't realize it. At this moment, you occupy my mind.

44、累了,倦了,想要的并不多,只是干净的爱情和简单的生活。 Tired, tired, want not much, just clean love and simple life.

45、美好的回忆中,那一脸甜蜜的笑,是我对你戒不掉的思念。 In the beautiful memory, the sweet smile on that face is my missing for you.

46、能不能有一次你站在原地不动,一次就好,这一次不要退。 Can you stand where you are once, just once, this time don't back.

47、若再见两字一说,我便已知道再甜美的你好,也拉不回前缘。 If I say goodbye, I'll know how sweet you are, and I can't pull back.

48、落下的不是泪,而是那颗早已被你伤透了的心,你知道吗? It's not tears that fall, but the heart that has been broken by you, you know?

49、请你刮开我的文字,细细品读,你会发现什么被熏陶的美丽。 Please scrape away my words and read them carefully. You will find out what is the edified beauty.

50、这一辈子,至少要有一次坐在海边,耐心的等待日升日落。 In this life, at least once, you should sit by the sea and wait patiently for the sun to rise and set.

51、这喜酒是要吃多久啊,你看现在都几点了,我要回去喂猪啊! How long does the wedding wine last? It's the time. I'm going back to feed the pigs!

52、这辈子做的最错的一件事就是爱上了你,让我想忘却忘不掉。 The most wrong thing to do in my life is to fall in love with you and make me want to forget.