1、一个人如果不能学会遗忘,那将是很痛苦的事,别再自寻烦恼,快把痛苦的事给忘了吧。 If a person cannot learn to forget, it will be a very painful thing, don't bother, the pain to forget things.

2、一个人就算再好,但不愿陪你走下去,那他就是过客。 If a man is good, but he does not want to go with you, he is a passer-by.

3、一个人最大的缺点不是自私多情野蛮任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。 One's greatest weakness is not selfishness and barbarism, but a bigoted love of a person who does not love himself. When you cross the road, you hold my hand tightly. I know this is happiness.

4、不用问我想吃什么,有什么吃什么。 Don't ask me what I want to eat, what I have to eat.

5、不管将来发生什么事,你变成什么样子,你依然是我最爱的人。 No matter what happens in the future, what you look like, you are still the one I love most.

6、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。 Don't believe in the memory, the person inside, not necessarily think of you the same.

7、与爱人共同沐浴。这会很有情趣,促进爱意,而且省水。 Bathing with your lover. This will be very interesting, to promote love and to save water.

8、世界上,真的会有那么一个人默默关注着你,疼爱着你,却永远不再靠近你。 In the world, there will be a person who really cares about you and loves you, but will never be close to you.

9、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 People with the moon waxes and wanes, grief at separation and joy in Union, all this ancient hard, danyuanrenchangjiu, partings.

10、人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变。 If the life is only like the first sight, what is the autumn wind sad painting fan. It turns out to be the heart of the people, but it is easy to change.

11、你在我心中永远是最有气质、最特别和最具吸引力的。 You are always the most makings, the most special and the most attractive in my heart.

12、你无法理解我的无理取闹,就像我不懂你一直对我视而不见。 You cannot understand my vexatious, I don't know you always ignore me.

13、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Do you know the taste of missing a person, like drinking a large glass of ice water and flowing into tears for a long and long time?

14、你笑一次我可以高兴好几天,可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 You laugh once I can be happy for a few days, can see you cry once, I feel sorry for a few years.

15、你若是流泪,湿的总是我的脸;你若是悲哀,哭的总是我的心! If you weep, the wet is always my face; if you are sad, it is always my heart to cry.

16、你说本善良,只缘事伤人,真想六根清,但恨无情人,欲把山河动,只叫世人醒。 You said that this kind of kindness, only to hurt people, really want six clear, but hate no lover, want to move the mountains and rivers, only call the world wake up.

17、只不过刚好伤心不已,只不过刚好决定放弃,只不过刚好忘记哭泣,只不过刚好遇见你。 Just sad, just just decided to give up, just forget to cry, just happen to meet you.

18、只有桃花才会开在春风里,骆驼才会懂得恋慕甘泉,而一样的鸟儿,才可以一起飞。 Only the peach blossom will open in the spring, the camel will know love oasis, like the bird that can fly.

19、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。 Love is light love, love is deep love.

20、因为没有什么值得永久铭记,所以我只能任由你消失。 Because there is nothing to remember forever, so I can only let you disappear.

21、地球上有数十亿的人口,但我只愿为你一个人安定下来。 There are billions of people on the earth, but I just want to settle down for you.

22、女人喜欢长得坏坏的男人,不是喜欢长坏了的男人。 A woman likes a bad man, not a man who is long and bad.

23、如果你明天死去,我要得到你今天的爱。 If you die tomorrow, I'll get your love today.

24、如果爱,请深爱。 If love, please love.

25、婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。 Marriage can never be used to save a broken love. Broken love can only be broken in a broken marriage.

26、希望和信任是蜥蜴的尾巴,即使被切断,但它们还会再长出来。 Hope and trust are the tails of a lizard, and even if they are cut off, they will grow again.

27、幸福是当我失落 Happiness is when I am lost, you are like an angel.

28、幸福是爱情完美的独特,泪流是错爱美丽的邂逅。 Happiness is the perfect love is unique, tears are so beautiful.

29、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 When we begin, we know that there will always be an end.上一页12下一页

30、当你真的喜欢上一个人的时候,你的眼中除了他整个世界都不存在。 When you really like a person, your eyes do not exist except the whole world.

31、心碎了无痕,我感动天感动地就是感动不了你。 The broken heart, I moved the sky moved to be touched you.

32、性生活一夫一妻制:一次只与一个异性交配。 Sexual life monogamy: one mate at a time.

33、恋爱应以先做朋友开始,先爱才能谈婚姻,婚姻谈不拢就分手。 Love should start with a friend first, first love to talk about marriage, marriage is not close to breakup.

34、想牵你的手,一起到一个叫永远的地方,看天长地久的风景,尝海枯石烂的味道。 Want to hold your hand, go to a place called forever, see enduring as the universe scenery, taste the taste of the solid.

35、我]有e,e的是我在不合m的B下凵狭Ψ健 We are not wrong, the wrong thing is that we fall in love with each other in an inappropriate state.

36、我一生中遇到无数的女人,可是从来没有像你这样一个教我如此深受震撼的。 I have met countless women in my life, but I have never been so shocked by a teacher like you.

37、我不是碰不到更好的,而是因为有你,我不想再碰到更好的。 I don't touch the better, but because of you, I don't want to meet better.

38、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你。 I don't know what to say. I just suddenly think of you at this moment.

39、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 I don't want to be short of warmth, as long as you are in the company of the first world.

40、我也想拥抱你,可是人群太挤你始终不会是我的唯一。 I want to hug you, but you will not always crowded crowd is the only one for me.

41、我会跟你吵架,但我不会离开你,不论友情还是爱情。 I will quarrel with you, but I will not leave you, no matter friendship or love.

42、我做的一切都是默默的,有苦有甜,更多的是自己咀嚼心痛。 Everything I did was silent, bitter and sweet, and more of my heart pain.

43、我只要你带我一起,别叫我放开你,我做不到,我只要你,信不信。 I want you to bring me together, don't let me let go of you, I can't do it, I just you, believe it or not.

44、我太笨明知道这不是缘分明知道你是错的人,我还是奋不顾身。 I'm too stupid to know that it's not the fate that knows you are wrong, and I'm still desperate.

45、我希望谈一场七年的恋爱,携手五十年的相濡以沫,骄傲的对子孙谈我们的爱情。 I want to talk about a love for seven years, in fifty years of marriage, the proud grandchildren about our love.

46、我想将对你的思念,寄予散落的星辰;但愿星光照进你的窗前,伴你好眠。 I want to miss you and send out the scattered stars; I hope the stars shine into your window and sleep with you.

47、我想要和你共度一把伞,有过每一个炎热的夏天和雨天! I want to spend an umbrella with you, and every hot summer and rainy day!

48、我愿意一生守在你的身边,冬天作你的棉被,夏天作你的电风扇。 I would like to staywith you all my life, be your quilt in winter, and be your fan in the summer.

49、我爱你,不要问我为什么,因为是你。 I love you, do not ask me why, because it is you.

50、我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切包括你。 I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything including you.

51、我爱你,生生世世都要和你在一起。 I love you, generation after generation will together with you.

52、我的笑容,可以给任何人,但我的心,只能给一个人。 My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart can only be given to one person.

53、我落日般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤。 My sunset like melancholy is like a melancholy bird, and the melancholy flying bird flies into my sunset.

54、有一种奢侈品相得到却不敢要,一旦失去了就失去了。 There is a kind of luxury that can not be obtained, and once lost, it is lost.

55、有一种爱叫无缘,不是不爱而是没有缘分,也有一种爱叫成全!去成全别人也成全自己。 There is a kind of love called the absence of love, not love but no fate, but also a kind of love called complete! To become all the other is to be himself.

56、有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 With you, I lost myself. Losing you, how I wish I lost myself again.

57、有些回忆,即使痛苦,却仍要记住,只因那时的美好。 Some memories, even if the pain, still have to remember, only because of the beauty of that time.

58、有多少笨蛋,明知道没有结果,却还是偏执的爱下去。 How many idiots, know that there is no result, but still paranoid love to go down.

59、梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。 The dream is dead, the heart is broken, leaving only to prepare for the departure.

60、梦想是你的热气球,只有怀揣梦想的人,才不会坠跌。 Dream is your hot air balloon, only the dream of the person, can not fall.

61、此刻我很挂念你,请为我小心照顾自己。 Now I miss you very much, please take care of myself.

62、没什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。 Nothing special, just want to hear your voice.

63、清醒固然很好,可是爱情太清醒不好,如果可以糊涂深爱一个人,请你不要遗憾什么了。 Lucid is very good, but love is too sober, if you can be confused and deep love a person, please do not regret what.

64、爱一个人感觉大概就是什么都会在意,又什么都可以原谅。 Love a person feels about what all care about, and everything can be pardon.

65、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。 When you fall in love with a person, there is always a little fear, fear of getting him, and fear of losing him.

66、爱很简单很单纯,你我大胆说出来。 Love is simple and simple, you and I dare to say it.

67、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.

68、爱情是个变幻莫测的家伙,它渴望得到一切,却几乎对一切都感到不满。 Love is a fickle guy. It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfied with everything.

69、爱情这个世界有太多悖论,就算小心翼翼不见得会得满分。 There are too many paradoxes in the world of love, even if you are careful not to get full marks.

70、爱情,并不是婚姻的唯一。但是,你却是我的唯一。 Love is not the only one in marriage. But you are the only one in me.

71、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me, you say, in my heart more frustrations.

72、爱,直至成伤。之后就是永远。对不起,即使你感觉不到我。 Love, until it hurts. Then it's forever. I'm sorry, even if you don't feel me.

73、爱,让人太无奈,情,却让我摸不到底。 Love, let people too helpless, love, but let me feel the end.

74、简简单单的生活才是真,爱情宣言又有何用呢。 The simple and simple life is true. What is the use of thedeclaration of love.

75、花易散,梦易醒,唯有那命里唯一的你,在我生命中永不消散。 Flowers are easy to disperse, and dreams are easy to wake. Only the only you in that life will never dissipate in my life.

76、蓝色的窗帘,玻璃般的心,对你透明,却容易伤心。 Blue curtains, glass like hearts, transparent to you, but easy to be sad.

77、要记住每一个对你好的人,因为他们本可以不这么做的。 Remember everyone who is good for you, because they can't do it.

78、让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。 Let me love you two days, the day you have, and the day that you did not.


80、这样的等待,也是甜蜜的一种负担,思念你,早已成为生活中,不可或缺的习惯。 Such a wait, is also a sweet kind of burden, thinking of you, has long become an indispensable habit in life.
