1、一切情,不在言语,在心上。 All feelings, not in words, in the heart.
2、一旦喜欢上谁,就别无所求。 Once you like someone, you have nothing to ask for.
3、一爱到底,永远不悔! One love to the end, never regret!
4、亲爱的,我爱你,一生不变。 Dear, I love you forever.
5、亲爱的,让我们幸福到永久。 Honey, let's be happy forever.
6、何必要在一起,让我爱上你。 Why to be together, let me fall in love with you.
7、余光是你,余生是你! The rest of my life is you!
8、余生很长,想和你没完没了。 I want to spend the rest of my life with you forever.
9、你幸福的笑,让我欢乐连连! Your happy smile makes me happy!
10、你微笑的脸,让我愁云消散。 Your smiling face makes me sad.
11、你是我的宝贝,让我不再孤单。 You are my baby, let me no longer alone.
12、你真好,我真的很爱你。 It's very kind of you. I really love you.
13、你被捕了,因为涉嫌喜欢我。 You're under arrest for liking me.
14、你这么甜,甜进了我的心里。 You are so sweet, sweet into my heart.
15、别离开我,好吗? Don't leave me, will you?
16、因为是你,我才会是现在我。 Because it's you, I'm who I am now.
17、在闹市里,你就是青山秀水。 In a busy city, you are the green mountain and the beautiful water.
18、在风雪中,你就是灿烂骄阳。 In the wind and snow, you are the sun.
19、守望着你一生,青丝变白发。 Watch your whole life, green hair turns white.
20、心往神驰,与你相伴。 Go for it and be with you.
21、想做一缕风,能随时陪你身边。 Want to be a breeze, can accompany you at any time.
22、想着你,满腔都是甜蜜。 Thinking of you is full of sweetness.
23、想给你温柔,也想被你照顾。 I want to be gentle and take care of you.
24、愿真心换来真爱,牵手到永远。 May the true love come from your heart, hand in hand forever.
25、我从不孤独,只是有些想你。 I'm never alone, just miss you.
26、我养你,一辈子。 I'll keep you for life.
27、我去月球了,回来给你带兔子。 I went to the moon. I'll bring you rabbits.
28、我想见你,不远万里。 I want to see you. It's a long way.
29、我是爱你的,看见就爱上了。 I love you when I see you.
30、我曾踏月而来,只因你在山中。 I came here on the moon because you were in the mountains.
31、我爱你到一无所有,不曾后悔。 I love you to nothing, never regret.
32、我爱你,一生一世。 I love you all my life.
33、我爱你,凡不爱你的都是*。 I love you. Whoever doesn't love you is a fool.
34、我爱你,心被你填得满满的。 I love you, my heart is full of you.
35、我的心,只给你。 My heart, only for you.
36、我的爱一生一次,一次一生。 My love is once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime.
37、或早或晚,能够遇到你就好。 Sooner or later, I wish I could meet you.
38、或苦或乐,我们在一起就好。 Either bitter or happy, we'd better be together.
39、日有所思,夜有所梦。 Day has thought, night has dream.
40、此生,我愿在你身旁。 In this life, I would like to be by your side.
41、浓浓的爱意,萦绕心头。 Deep love, lingering in my heart.
42、浪漫温馨,甜蜜幸福。 Romantic warmth, sweet happiness.
43、深深的眷恋,情浓爱厚。 Deep attachment, deep love.
44、爱你没减,心心念念。 I love you with all my heart.
45、爱你要我,我爱你一生一世。 Love you want me, I love you all my life.
46、爱到平淡,就该结婚。 If you love nothing, you should get married.
47、爱情是个梦,而我总是睡过头。 Love is a dream, and I always overslept.
48、牵手同行,爱意无限。 Hand in hand, love is boundless.
49、用最温柔的眼神,给你呵护。 With the gentlest eyes, give you care.
50、痴痴的相守,永不言弃。 Infatuated with each other, never give up.
51、真爱在时时涌动,只为你发酵。 True love is always surging, only fermenting for you.
52、真的很想你,却不敢打扰你! Really miss you, but dare not disturb you!
53、真的很爱你,你却不属于我! I really love you, but you don't belong to me!
54、真真的誓言,响彻云霄。 True oath, resounding through the sky.
55、知道你会来,所以我等。 I knew you would come, so I waited.
56、花在美,也没你在我心里美。 Flowers in the United States, not you in my heart.
57、让我陪着你,直到永远! Let me accompany you forever!
58、送你红豆,敌不了我的相思。 Send you red beans, can't rival my lovesickness.
59、遇见你,是我最美丽的意外。 Meeting you is my most beautiful accident.
60、风花雪月不等人,要献便献吻。 The wind, the flowers, the snow and the moon wait for no one. If you want to offer them, kiss them.