1、不想说那么多,被闺蜜背叛过的,有没有! Don't want to say so much, betrayed by my best friend, have you!

2、不知道你们遇到过没有,反正我是遇到了背叛。 I don't know if you have met me. Anyway, I have met betrayal.

3、世上有种姐妹情深,叫闺蜜;有种背叛小三,也叫闺蜜。 There is a kind of sisterhood in the world, called girlfriends; there is a kind of betrayal of junior, also called girlfriends.

4、世界上没有真正的友谊,只有彻心痛肺的背叛。 There is no real friendship in the world, only a heartbreaking betrayal.

5、你可曾感受过,昔日无话不谈的闺蜜反目成仇。 You may have felt that the former friends who had nothing to say became enemies.

6、别把朋友看得太重了,一担背叛你,你就伤得更重了。 Don't take your friends too seriously. If you betray you, you will be hurt even more.

7、回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。 Memories bind our time, and time breaks our memories.

8、在牛逼的闺蜜,最终会背叛自己。 The girl who is forced by the cow will betray herself in the end.

9、垃圾,要是我就算见了面都当不认识。 Rubbish, if I see you, I don't know you.

10、对不起只是背叛的理由,没关系只是失望的借口。 Sorry is just a reason for betrayal, never mind is just an excuse for disappointment.

11、对不起,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。 Sorry, I'm not mature enough to forgive betrayal.

12、我以前曾经相信现在错了。 I used to believe that I was wrong.

13、我是一个没有办法接受背叛的人。 I'm a man who can't accept betrayal.

14、我最怕欺骗,伤害,背叛和离开。 I'm afraid of cheating, hurting, betraying and leaving.

15、我讨厌付出真心,然后得到的却是背叛。 I hate to give my heart and then get betrayal.

16、我讨厌背叛我的人。 I hate people who betray me.

17、曾经的深信不疑,如今的物是人非。 Once believed, now things are not people.

18、有多少人是被最好的朋友背叛过的。 How many people have been betrayed by their best friends.

19、有时候,转身离开比假装无动于衷更好! Sometimes it's better to turn around and leave than to pretend to be indifferent!

20、真理会伤害我们一段时间,但谎言会伤害我们一生。 Truth will hurt us for a while, but lies will hurt us for a lifetime.

21、真相会让我们痛一阵,但谎言会令我们痛一生。 Truth will hurt us for a while, but lies will hurt us for a lifetime.

22、美好的回忆现在给我带来很多痛苦。 Good memories now bring me a lot of pain.

23、背叛伤害不了你,能伤你的,是你太在乎。 Betrayal can't hurt you. What can hurt you is that you care too much.

24、背叛我对我说谎的都是你!你给我滚好闺蜜! You are the one who betrayed me and lied to me! You get away with me!

25、背叛是无耻的,但不是你的错。肆无忌惮才是真的错。 Betrayal is shameless, but it's not your fault. Unbridled is the real fault.

26、背叛,让我看透了闺蜜的心。也或许是我不够好吧! Betrayal, let me see through the heart of my best friend. Maybe I'm not good enough!

27、脸上的泪痕,是你对我背叛最好的解释。 Tears on your face are the best explanation for my betrayal.

28、被信任的人欺骗是最痛苦的事情,但是我却无能为力。 It's the most painful thing to be cheated by a trusted person, but I can't help it.

29、被信任的人欺骗,真的很伤心,你自己心里明白。 It's really sad to be cheated by trusted people. You know it in your heart.

30、被最信任的人欺骗,也没有比这个更可悲的了! There is nothing sadder than being cheated by the most trusted!

31、被朋友伤害了的时候,别怀疑友情,但提防背叛你的人。 When hurt by a friend, don't doubt friendship, but beware of those who betray you.

32、跟我几年的闺蜜最终被背叛了我。 My best friend of several years was finally betrayed.

33、遭遇过闺蜜的背叛吗? Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?

34、遭闺蜜背叛,与闺蜜反目成仇的站出来吧。我理解你! Betrayed by your best friend, stand up against your best friend. I understand you!

35、闺蜜,是不是因为我的信任让你背叛了我? My dear friend, did you betray me because of my trust?