1、一段好的关系,感觉来得更重要。 A good relationship is more important.

2、不去张扬,甘愿淡泊。 Not to publicize, willing to be indifferent.

3、不管你圈子多大,好好跟我说话。 No matter how big your circle, talk to me well.

4、不要过多抱怨,相遇本来就是最美好。 Don't complain too much. Meeting is the best.

5、与人方便,自己方便。 It's convenient to be with others and yourself.

6、与其埋怨世界,不如改变自己。 Better change yourself than complain about the world.

7、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。 After dark clouds, sunshine is more joyful. After discord, love is sweeter.

8、也许生活并不糟糕,糟糕的只是你我。 Maybe life is not bad. It's just you and me.

9、人善被人欺,马善被人骑。 People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden.

10、人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数。 There is no road in life, every step counts.

11、人生这么短,我凭什么委屈自己给你脸。 Life is so short, why should I aggrieve myself to give you face.

12、人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密。 There are some unspeakable secrets in one's life.

13、人知足就会快乐,心简单就会幸福。 People will be happy if they are satisfied, and happy if their hearts are simple.

14、从今天起,做自己的贵人。 From today on, be your own.

15、你单纯太过,多余了那些温柔。 You are too simple to be gentle.

16、你哭的很难过,我却笑的很做作。 You cry very sad, but I smile very affectation.

17、你总说自己太忙了,其实你只是太拖了。 You always say that you are too busy, in fact, you are just too late.

18、你的孤独,总是欲盖弥彰。 Your loneliness is always to be covered.

19、你笑得越用力,你的心底就越悲伤。 The harder you laugh, the sadder your heart will be.

20、内心的强大,永远胜过外表的浮华。 The inner strength is always better than the outer ostentation.

21、冬天何以解忧?唯有吃肉。 How can winter help you? Only meat.

22、凉白开最解渴,大实话才动人。 The best way to quench thirst is to be honest.

23、别和社会过不去,因为你会过不去。 Don't get along with the society, because you will.

24、别让我的容忍,成为你不要脸的资本。 Don't let my tolerance become your shameless capital.

25、包容不是做不好,而是不博爱。 Tolerance is not bad, but not fraternal.

26、友情是培养的,纯洁点。 Friendship is cultivated, pure point.

27、困惑的时候,换个角度去思考。 When confused, think in a different way.

28、城市越大,越让人心慌。 The bigger the city, the more disturbing it is.

29、多说不如少说,少说不如不说。 Say more than less, say less than not.

30、富时,要学着让别人对自己好。 When you are rich, learn to make others treat you well.

31、幸福不是寻不到,而是不知足。 Happiness is not to be found, but to be dissatisfied.

32、幸福不是终点,而是旅程的途中。 Happiness is not the end, but the journey.

33、形式主义,只是看形式而已。 Formalism is only about form.

34、快乐分享错了人,就成了显摆。 If you share happiness with the wrong person, it becomes a show.

35、懂得多,看的透,并不是好事。 It's not a good thing to know more and see through.

36、成见不如理解,抱怨不如放下。 Prejudice is better than understanding, complaint is better than letting go.

37、成长就是这样,不断告别,不断遇见。 Growing up is like this, constantly say goodbye, constantly meet.

38、我不知趣,也不会改。 I don't know what's interesting, and I won't change it.

39、我是个很丧的人,却笑的比谁都开心。 I am a very sad person, but I laugh more happily than anyone else.

40、抽烟并不酷,酷的是把烟戒掉。 Smoking is not cool. The cool thing is to give up smoking.

41、拥有了又想*,*了又想拥有。 Have and want freedom, free and want to have.

42、接受成长,也接受所有的不欢而散。 Accept growth, and accept all the disagreements.

43、放弃不难,但坚持真的很酷! It's not hard to give up, but it's really cool to persist!

44、既然没有如愿,不如释然。 Since it didn't work out, it's better to be relieved.

45、是非在己,毁誉由人,得失不论。 It's up to you to destroy your reputation, regardless of gain or loss.

46、有些苦,笑一笑,就冰释了。 Some bitterness, smile, will be released.

47、没钱没势,身边全是敷衍搪塞。 No money, no power, all around are perfunctory.

48、熬过苟且,还是苟且。 Go through it, or go through it.

49、用爱情索取的钱,难索回爱情。 It's hard to get back love with the money it takes.

50、男人要有钱,和谁都有缘。 If a man wants to have money, he is destined for everyone.

51、痛苦不是离不开,而是舍不得。 Pain is not inseparable, but reluctant.

52、真正的霸道,是温和而坚定。 The real bully is gentle and firm.

53、碰对了爱人,幸福一辈子。 Meet the right lover, happy life.

54、绊倒我的人,我让他一辈子爬不起来。 The one who trips me, I'll keep him from getting up all his life.

55、若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己。 If you are always ignored, why do you despise yourself.

56、若要前行,就得离开你现在停留的地方。 If you want to move forward, you have to leave where you are staying.

57、逢人只说三分话,不可全交一片心。 When you meet someone, you can only say three words, but you can't make one heart.

58、错过的,就当是路过。 What we miss is just passing by.

59、长大了,成熟了,很多事情就看透了。 Grow up, mature, a lot of things will see through.

60、顺势而为,随遇而安。 Take advantage of the situation and be content with it.