1、一天省一把,十年买匹马。 Save one a day and buy a horse in ten years.
2、一时强弱在于力,万古胜负在于理。 Strength for a time depends on strength, and strength for all ages depends on reason.
3、为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。 If you don't do something bad, you won't be surprised to knock at the door in the middle of the night.
4、入门休问枯荣事,一看容颜便得知。 Don't ask about withered glory at the beginning. You will know when you see your face.
5、口说不如身逢,耳闻不如目见。 It's better to meet each other than to speak, but it's better to see than to hear.
6、古人不见今时月,今月曾经照古人。 The ancients did not see this month. This month, they did.
7、只有人脏水,没有水脏人。 Only people dirty water, no water dirty people.
8、善恶随人作,祸福自己招。 Good and evil follow man's actions, and misfortune calls on him.
9、庄稼怕天旱,做事怕蛮干。 The crops are afraid of drought, and the work is afraid of recklessness.
10、有车就有辙,有树就有影。 A car has a rut, a tree has a shadow.
11、有麝自然香,不用大风扬。 There is musk natural fragrance, not strong wind.
12、求财恨不多,财多害人子。 There is not much desire for wealth, and wealth does harm to the son of man.
13、活到老,学到老,难解的问题日渐少。 Never too old, never too old to learn.
14、流水下滩非有意,白云出岫本无心。 Running water down the beach unintentionally, white clouds out of Xiuben unintentionally.
15、玉不琢,不成器;人不学,不知理。 If you don't carve, you won't make it; if you don't learn, you won't know.
16、男人好吃要背帐,女人好吃要上当。 If a man wants to eat, he will be punished. If a woman wants to eat, he will be cheated.
17、话经三张嘴,长虫也长腿。 After three mouths, the worm has long legs.
18、边学边问,才有学问;勤学好问,不怕脑笨。 Only by learning and asking, can we have knowledge; diligent and inquisitive, not afraid of brain stupidity.
19、运去金成铁,时来铁似金。 When gold is sent, iron is like gold.
20、马行无力皆因瘦,人不风流只为贫。 The weakness of the horse line is due to its thinness, and the lack of good manners is only due to poverty.