1、一年庄稼两年种,闲时积肥忙时用。 The crops are planted two years a year, and they are used when they are busy.

2、一早一晚勤动手,管它地冻九尺九。 Work hard in the morning and night, and freeze nine feet nine.

3、三九不封河,来年雹子多。 There will be more hail in the coming year.

4、今冬麦盖一尺被,明年馒头如山堆。 This winter wheat cover a foot quilt, next year steamed bread is like a mountain pile.

5、今年麦子雪里睡,明年枕着馒头睡。 Sleep in the snow this year, sleep on the steamed bread next year.

6、八月十五云遮月,正月十五雪打灯。 The clouds cover the moon on the fifteenth day of August, and the snow lights on the fifteenth day of the first month.

7、农家肥,养分全,施一季,壮一年。 Farm manure, nutrients, a season, strong year.

8、冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。 If you eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, you don't need a prescription.

9、冬至无雨过年雨,冬至下雨过年晴。 There is no rain on the winter solstice, and it rains on the winter solstice to make it sunny.

10、冬至晴一天,春节雨雪连。 Winter solstice sunny day, Spring Festival rain and snow.

11、冬至晴,新年雨,中秋有雨冬至晴。 It is sunny in winter solstice, rainy in new year, rainy in mid autumn and sunny in winter solstice.

12、冬至晴,明年阴雨多。 The winter solstice is fine, and next year it will be cloudy and rainy.

13、冬至晴,春节阴。 The winter solstice is sunny and the Spring Festival is overcast.

14、冬至有霜,腊雪有望。 Winter solstice frost, wax snow is expected.

15、冬至雨,小寒见霜冻。 Winter solstice rain, frost in the cold.

16、冷在三九,热在中伏。 Cold in 39, hot in the middle.

17、初冬积肥原料广,烂叶碎草挖坑塘。 In the early winter, the raw materials of accumulated fertilizer are wide, and the rotten leaves and broken grass dig pits and ponds.

18、南风打大寒,雪打清明秧。 The south wind blows the cold, the snow hits the clear seedling.

19、南风送大寒,正月赶狗不出门。 The south wind brings cold, and the dog can't go out in the first month.

20、各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜。 Every man sweeps the snow in front of his door, and never cares about the frost on other people's tiles.

21、大寒大寒,无风也寒。 It's very cold. It's cold when there's no wind.

22、大寒天气暖,寒到二月满。 It's very cold and warm. It's cold until February.

23、大寒小寒,无风自寒。 It's very cold, but it's cold when there's no wind.

24、小寒不寒,清明泥潭。 It's not cold, it's clear and bright.

25、小寒大寒寒得透,来年春天天暖和。 It will be warm next spring.

26、小雪不分股,大雪不出土。 Light snow does not split, heavy snow does not dig.

27、小雪不把棉柴拔,地冻镰砍就剩茬。 If the snow doesn't pull the cotton and firewood, the ground will be frozen and the sickle will be stubble.

28、小雪不砍菜,必定有一害。 If snow doesn't cut vegetables, there must be harm.

29、推粉不赚钱,看看猪和田。 Pushing flour doesn't make money. Look at pigs and fields.

30、时到小雪,打井修渠莫歇。 When it comes to light snow, it's time to dig wells and repair canals.

31、春打黄昏,冬打五更。 In spring, at dusk, in winter, at night.

32、春节前后少农活,莫忘鱼塘常巡逻。 Before and after the Spring Festival less farm work, do not forget the fish pond often patrol.

33、榨油磨面,富了不见。 Oil grinding, rich disappeared.

34、浇后再划搂,保墒增温防裂口。 After pouring, it should be cut to keep moisture, increase temperature and prevent cracks.

35、男也懒,女也懒,下雨落雪翻白眼。 Men are also lazy, women are lazy, rain and snow roll their eyes.

36、腊月三场白,来年收小麦。 In December, three fields are white, and wheat will be harvested in the coming year.

37、节气到冬天,畜棚栏圈要堵严。 When the solar term comes to winter, the barns should be closed tightly.

38、薯菜窖,牲口棚,堵封严密来防冻。 Potato cellar, barn, sealed to prevent freezing.

39、靠天吃饭俄断肠,双手勤劳粮满仓。 Depend on the weather, Russia heartbroken, hands industrious, grain full warehouse.

40、靠天越靠越荒,靠手粮食满仓。 Depending on the day, the more barren, relying on the hands of grain warehouse.