1、一生复能几,倏如流电惊。 Life can be a few, such as the current shock.
2、一种信仰,诠释一种过往。 A belief, an interpretation of a past.
3、万物易逝,唯爱永存。 All things are perishable, but love lasts forever.
4、三分长相,七分打扮。 Three looks, seven looks.
5、不去张扬,甘愿淡泊。 Not to publicize, willing to indifferent.
6、不喜欢,那么避开它。 Don't like it, then avoid it.
7、不染市侩,只沐爱河。 Don't dye the Philistine, just bathe in love.
8、不畏将来,不念过往。 Do not fear the future, do not read the past.
9、不纠缠烂事,不活在过往。 Don't worry about bad things, don't live in the past.
10、不能正己,安能化人。 If you can't correct yourself, you can transform people.
11、与人同过,功让他人。 If you are in the same boat with others, you should give credit to others.
12、买房不后悔,后悔别买房。 Don't regret buying a house.
13、事情做完,睡下心安。 When things are done, sleep well.
14、人以群分,物以内聚。 People are divided into groups and things are cohesive.
15、人怕丢脸,树怕剥皮。 People are afraid of losing face, and trees are afraid of peeling.
16、人生一辈子,真的好难。 It's hard to live a lifetime.
17、人生志气立,所贵功业昌。 A man of high ambition and great achievements.
18、人生苦短,别去赶时间。 Life is short. Don't rush.
19、人生苦短,勿虚度年华。 Life is short. Don't waste your time.
20、从小离娘,到大话长。 From my mother, to talk long.
21、你可以平凡,但不能平庸。 You can be ordinary, but not mediocre.
22、你是我嘴角上扬的力量。 You are the power of my mouth.
23、做个善良的人,踏实。 Be a good person, steady.
24、兼听则明,偏听则暗。 If you listen to both sides, you will be bright; if you listen only, you will be dark.
25、勇敢忘记,勇敢向前。 Brave to forget, brave to move forward.
26、勤能补拙,俭可养廉。 Diligence can make up for one's weakness, and frugality can make up for honesty.
27、千人所指,无疾而死。 A thousand people say that he died of no disease.
28、可以会意,不可言传。 You can understand, but you can't tell.
29、善待自已,幸福无比。 Treat oneself kindly, happiness is incomparable.
30、在交友上,较真不如大度。 In making friends, it's better to be magnanimous than sincere.
31、大悲无泪,大悟无言。 Great sorrow without tears, great understanding without words.
32、如果你走不起来,那就爬! If you can't walk, climb!
33、如鱼饮水,冷暖自知。 If a fish drinks water, it knows when it is cold or warm.
34、妻有私情,恨夫彻骨。 A wife who has an affair hates her husband to the bone.
35、宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 Better a broken jade than a whole house.
36、得众动天,美意延年。 It's good to have a good life.
37、恨不过的,就抚平。 If you can't hate it, you can pacify it.
38、悲伤才念情,寂寞才说爱。 Sad to read love, lonely to say love.
39、感情,要不离不弃的。 We should never abandon our feelings.
40、我不入地狱,谁入地狱。 I don't go to hell. Who goes to hell.
41、我的时光,你的白发。 My time, your white hair.
42、来如风雨,去似微尘。 Come like wind and rain, go like dust.
43、此心光明,亦复何言。 If this heart is bright, what can we say.
44、气势不必倚尽,留些厚道。 You don't have to rely on all the momentum, leave some kindness.
45、没有梦想,何必远方? No dream, why far away?
46、爱情看破了,不过是聚散。 Love has seen through, but it is gathering and dispersing.
47、爱是经得起平淡的流年。 Love is able to stand the dull time.
48、看透的人,处处是生机。 People who see through are full of vitality.
49、看阴晴圆缺,淡定过日子。 Look at the ups and downs, live a calm life.
50、累了痛了,自己忘。 Tired and painful, I forget.
51、美人少子,艳花无实。 Beautiful women have little children, but beautiful flowers have no fruit.
52、苦难无法阻挡梦想的前行。 Suffering can't stop the dream from moving forward.
53、英雄肝胆,菩萨心肠。 The courage of a hero is the heart of a Bodhisattva.
54、言不在多,醒世则经。 If you don't talk much, you should wake up to the world.
55、言之无文,行而不远。 Words without words are not far away.
56、说话慢,但行动起来要快。 Speak slowly, but act fast.
57、量要阔大,志要果毅。 We should be broad in quantity and resolute in ambition.
58、闲人愁多,忙人快活。 Idle people worry much, busy people are happy.
59、除了你,我百毒不侵。 I'm invincible except you.
60、难字压顶,寸步难行。 It's hard to make a move.