1、一道彩虹出现在天边,好像一道连接天空的桥。 A rainbow appears in the sky, like a bridge connecting the sky.

2、下了雨,天气凉爽,云天极美,还看到了雨后彩虹。 It rained, the weather was cool, the clouds were very beautiful, and I saw a rainbow after the rain.

3、下过雨的天气超级美,很意外的看见了彩虹。 The rainy weather was super beautiful. I was surprised to see a rainbow.

4、不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹,难道这一次就是我们。 Without wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow? Is it us this time.

5、乌云的背后是阳光,阳光的背后是彩虹。 Behind the dark clouds is the sun, and behind the sun is the rainbow.

6、今儿雨下透了,彩虹好美。 It's raining hard today. The rainbow is so beautiful.

7、今天下了几场雨,我都不知道有彩虹,还那么美。 It rained a few times today. I didn't know there was a rainbow. It was so beautiful.

8、今天既然有彩虹,好可惜我没看见。 Since there is a rainbow today, it's a pity I didn't see it.

9、今天的天空美爆了,下完雨很幸运地看到了彩虹! Today's sky is beautiful. After the rain, I'm lucky to see the rainbow!

10、他们都说风雨过后会有彩虹。那么,我的彩虹呢? They all say there will be a rainbow after the wind and rain. So, what about my rainbow?

11、你是独角兽,穿过魔法丛,是治愈我的小彩虹。 You are a unicorn, through the magic bush, a little rainbow that heals me.

12、你的爱就像彩虹,我张开了手却只能抱住风。 Your love is like a rainbow. I open my hand, but I can only hold the wind.

13、你的风暴越大,你的彩虹就越亮。 The bigger your storm, the brighter your rainbow.

14、努力奋斗,只为给自己明天一个彩虹。 Work hard, just to give yourself a rainbow tomorrow.

15、友情就像彩虹,在你经历暴风雨后照亮你的天空。 Friendship is like a rainbow, illuminating your sky after a storm.

16、周末就像一道彩虹,远观貌美如花,近看浮云飘渺。 The weekend is like a rainbow, beautiful as flowers from a distance and misty clouds from a distance.

17、在我看来,如果你想要彩虹,你就得忍受雨滴。 In my opinion, if you want a rainbow, you have to endure raindrops.

18、在生活中,你要么选择歌唱彩虹,要么就继续歌唱。 In life, you either choose to sing the rainbow or continue to sing.

19、坚强一点,风雨过后总会有彩虹。 Be strong, there will always be a rainbow after the wind and rain.

20、外面下雨了,推开窗户我遍看到一道彩虹。 It's raining outside. When I open the window, I see a rainbow all over.

21、大雨,傍晚回家途中,雨停,偶遇彩虹和晚霞,甚美! It rained heavily. On the way home in the evening, the rain stopped. I came across rainbow and sunset glow. It was very beautiful!

22、天空中出现了一道彩虹,宛如一座彩桥悬在上空。 A rainbow appeared in the sky, like a color bridge hanging above.

23、好美啊,下完雨看到彩虹。 It's so beautiful. I see the rainbow after the rain.

24、如果你往下看,你永远找不到彩虹。 If you look down, you'll never find a rainbow.

25、如果生活如此忧郁,请从彩虹中选择另一种颜色。 If life is so blue, please choose another color from the rainbow.

26、幸福并不总是粉红色的。学会欣赏彩虹。 Happiness is not always pink. Learn to appreciate the rainbow.

27、当彩虹变成了模糊的记忆,一场忧伤的风便要刮起。 When the rainbow becomes a vague memory, a sad wind will blow.

28、彩虹七色分明,灿烂夺目,仿佛一座节目的彩色拱门。 The rainbow has seven distinct colors and is dazzling, just like a colorful arch of a program.

29、彩虹下,我微笑的等待你回来。 Under the rainbow, I smile and wait for you to come back.

30、彩虹像挂在天边的一缕霞衣,曼妙无比。 The rainbow is like a wisp of rosy clothes hanging on the horizon. It is very graceful.

31、彩虹当空,美轮美奂。 The rainbow is beautiful in the sky.

32、彩虹总在下雨后出现,没有下雨前出来的彩虹。 Rainbows always appear after rain. There is no rainbow before rain.

33、彩虹是云朵的梦,我们是此刻撞进梦里的小幸运。 The rainbow is the dream of clouds. We are the lucky ones who hit into the dream at the moment.

34、彩虹的微笑,我会努力找回来,挂在自己脸上。 Rainbow smile, I will try to find it back and hang it on my face.

35、彩虹美丽,是因为心中积满了温暖的雨滴。 The rainbow is beautiful because the heart is full of warm raindrops.

36、彩虹,很大,很美,淋着雨跑到了屋顶拍到的。 The rainbow, big and beautiful, ran to the roof in the rain.

37、彩虹,赐我乐观的心态,就像你给的心态一样。 Rainbow, give me an optimistic attitude, just as you give me an optimistic attitude.

38、想要看见美丽的彩虹,就得承受滂沱大雨的洗礼。 If you want to see a beautiful rainbow, you have to bear the baptism of torrential rain.

39、想象之中,雨过一道彩虹,抬起了头,瑟瑟灰色天空。 In my imagination, after a rainbow, I looked up and saw the gray sky.

40、我家真的是每天都能看到彩虹,心情好好。 My family can really see the rainbow every day. I'm in a good mood.

41、我彩虹般的幻想,被你一句话劈的什么都不是。 My rainbow like fantasy is nothing split by your word.

42、我用铅笔画出了彩虹。我用橡皮擦去了乌云。 I drew a rainbow with a pencil. I rubbed off the dark clouds with an eraser.

43、打雷下雨我都不怕,不经历风雨怎么能见彩虹。 I'm not afraid of thunder and rain. How can I see a rainbow without going through wind and rain.

44、敢爱自己,就像你是彩虹两端的金色。 Dare to love yourself, just as you are the gold at both ends of the rainbow.

45、暴风雨过后,可悲的不是没能看到彩虹,而是感冒了。 After the storm, the sad thing is not that I didn't see the rainbow, but that I caught a cold.

46、枯叶蝶没有了保护色,心中彩虹已消失,你不见了。 The dead leaf butterfly has no protective color, the rainbow in her heart has disappeared, and you are gone.

47、梦想中的彩虹,因生命骤雨的洗涤而更加灿烂。 The rainbow in the dream is more brilliant because of the washing of the shower of life.

48、欲见彩虹,先享受雨。 To see the rainbow, enjoy the rain first.

49、毕业,彩虹不会消失得太久。 After graduation, the rainbow won't disappear for long.

50、温室的花朵,看不到天空。世界有风雨,才会有彩虹。 The flowers in the greenhouse can't see the sky. The world has wind and rain, there will be a rainbow.

51、瀑布很美,有彩虹映衬,很壮观而且色彩迷人。 The waterfall is beautiful, set off by a rainbow, spectacular and charming in color.

52、熬的过风雨才能守得到彩虹。大风大雨不要出门了。 Endure the wind and rain to keep the rainbow. Don't go out in the wind and rain.

53、理想不是天上的彩虹,而是心中坚实的信念。 Ideal is not a rainbow in the sky, but a solid belief in the heart.

54、相信彩虹总跟着薄雾,会带来幸福。 I believe that the rainbow always follows the mist and will bring happiness.

55、看到彩虹了,就是风大吹乱了头发。 When you see the rainbow, the wind messed up your hair.

56、看到彩虹了,看了一路的晚霞,很美很美。 I saw the rainbow and the sunset glow all the way. It's very beautiful.

57、童话说雨后会有一道彩虹,却不曾说过它会转瞬成空。 Fairy tales say that there will be a rainbow after the rain, but they never say that it will become empty in an instant.

58、经历风雨不一定会有彩虹,感冒是必须的。 There may not be a rainbow after experiencing wind and rain. It is necessary to catch a cold.

59、走出门,天上下了雨,一抬头,看见了彩虹!好美。 Out of the door, it rained. When I looked up, I saw a rainbow! beautiful.

60、那天边的彩虹不会为任何人定格。 The rainbow on that day will not freeze for anyone.

61、那道美丽的彩虹挂在树林上空,洒下无数亮斑。 The beautiful rainbow hung over the trees and sprinkled countless bright spots.

62、那道美丽的彩虹是挂在树林上空,酒下无数亮斑。 The beautiful rainbow is hanging over the woods, with countless bright spots under the wine.

63、阳光依旧那么刺眼,彩虹依旧那么光彩。 The sun is still so dazzling, and the rainbow is still so brilliant.

64、阴霾已过,最美不过遇见!带上希望,雨过就有彩虹。 The haze has passed, the most beautiful is to meet! With hope, there will be a rainbow after the rain.

65、雨中和雨后的晚霞,可惜没有看到东边的彩虹。 The sunset in and after the rain, but I didn't see the rainbow in the East.

66、雨有点急,彩虹很美。 The rain is a little urgent. The rainbow is beautiful.

67、雨过,是彩虹的天,风过,有馨香落满怀。 After the rain, it is a rainbow day. After the wind, there is a sweet smell falling.

68、雨,刷新了整个天气,彩虹挂在天边。 The rain refreshed the whole weather, and the rainbow hung in the sky.

69、雷雨过后,彩虹像天空笑弯的唇。 After the thunderstorm, the rainbow is like the smiling lips of the sky.

70、风雨过后未必有彩虹,但肯定会有希望,会有光芒。 After the storm, there may not be a rainbow, but there will certainly be hope and light.