1、As you know that technology is advancing all the time, we hope that you continue,offering us your improved technologies.   你知道技术一直在进步,我们希望你方继续提供你们改进的技术   

2、The expenses incurred for this purpose will have to be borne by the Chinese side.   因该目的产生的费用须由中方承担   

3、To help our joint venture, we hope that you would keep supplying us with advanced   management techniques and technologies.   为帮助我们的合资企业,我们希望你方继续向我方提供先进的管理技能和技术   

4、We hope you will continue offering us improved technology without extra charges.   我们希望你方将继续无偿提供改良的技术   

5、We shall help you to the present and future technology concerned with the production from time to time.   我们将不停地帮助你方更新现在和将来的产品技术   

6、We think that it is better to transfer our knowledge in the form of know-how investment.   我们认为最好以投资的方式来进行技术转移   9,First let’s start with the delivery of all the drawings, technical data and other documents relating to the engines.   首先让我们开始移交有关发动机的图纸、技术数据和其它的文件   

7、We will pay all the expenses involved in documentation and transfer of knowledge.   我们将支付包括文件和技术转移的`所有费用   

8、We will pay all the specialists for their services rendered to us.   我们将支付专家服务费   

9、You will undertake the obligations to deliver to us the drawing, information and other data.   你方应承担移交图纸、信息和其它数据的义务

