
2、5 RMB. Large drink is only 5 RMB. And all the fruits are free.   Come and get your noodles today!   

3、5 RMB. Special 3 is beef and potato noodles. The large bowl is 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB. Special 4 is tomato and egg noodles. The large bowl is only 3 RMB and the small


5、Everyone ___ _ _____.   每个人要剪头发   答案   

6、Everyone ____ ____ a computer ___their desk.   每个人在他们的桌子上都将会有一台电脑   

7、Everyone has a haircut.   初一英语阅读理解精选练习七   阅读理解精选练习七   American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year; the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.   High school students take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class. After class, they do a lot of interesting things.   After high school, many students go to colleges. They usually have to pay a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.   

8、Everyone will have a computer on their desk.   

9、How many kinds of desserts does Dessert House have?   A. three B. two C. one D. four   

10、If you have 30 RMB and you can buy kind(s) of desserts.   A. three B. two C. one D. four   

11、In America, summer holidays begin in .   A. September B. July C. May D. February   

12、In American high school students after class.   A. do the homework B. go to work   C. play basketball D. do many interesting things   

13、In order to(为了) , many American college students work after class.   A. help their parents B. get money for their studies   C. help others D. learn some useful things   

14、It goes from London to Beijing , a distance of over 8,000 in 91/2 hours.   

15、It goes from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport in eight minutes.   

16、It__ ___ ___ Big Ben.   以大本而闻名   

17、It__ ___ ____ way to ___ __ school.   这是到达学校的`最好方式   答案   

18、It’s famous for Big Ben.   

19、It’s the best way to get to school.   初一英语完成句子提升训练及答案一   完成句子提升训练   

20、Many Americans like to eat apples during lunch because they __________ at noon.   A. eat nothing but apples B. feel it better to eat apples C. always eat simple food D. can get apples easily   

21、Mary wants large bowl and Emma wants a small bowl. They only have 6 RMB and Emma doesn't eat eggs or beef. They can eat a large bowl of noodles and a small bowl of   noodles.   A. mutton and carrot, tomato and egg B. chicken and cabbage, mutton and carrot   C. tomato and egg, beef and potato D. beef and potato, chicken and cabbage   答案:ABCCD   初一英语阅读理解精选练习五   阅读理解精选练习五   Almost everyone likes to eat apples. Apples grow in nearly every part of the world. The United States produces more apples than any other country except France. The states of Washington and New York grow the most apples. New York is on the east coast and Washington is on the west near Canada.   Apples are red, yellow or green. They are very popular in the United States. Many people like to carry apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches. Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook, so they often have their lunches very simply. Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favorite dessert of many Americans.   The state of Washington is proud of its apples. The trees there produce nearly five billion apples every year - one apple for every man, woman and child in the whole world.   根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。   

22、More than 200 people from Dongsi are learning English.   

23、More than 32 million passengers travel on British Airways planes every year.   

24、Nancy likes dessert very much but she doesn't eat tomatoes or potatoes. She can eat .   A. a large dessert B. a medium dessert   C. a small dessert D. both A and C   

25、No one will do heavy work.   

26、No one will use paper, pencils and pens.   

27、The state of Washington is proud of its apples because they think _____________.   A. everyone in the world can share their happiness B. they can produce apples for every person all over the world   C. their apples are better than any other fruit D. their apple trees are the best in the world   初一英语阅读理解精选练习四   阅读理解精选练习四   Such kinds of pollution as water pollution, air pollution and sound pollution are very common (常见的) to us, and people are doing something to reduce (减少) the environmental pollution. But do you know a kind of pollution called electricity pollution?   Recently, a newspaper reported that most teachers and students in a school suffer from headaches, tiredness and sleepiness. At last they found out the reason. Some areas beside the school were under construction. There was a strong magnetic field (磁场) on the road with high-voltage (高压) lines. The magnetic field could cause electrical discharge phenomena (放电现象). That led to a chemical reaction (化学反应), so human health was in danger in such an environment.   At present, experts are trying their best to find out a solution (解决办法) to this problem.   

28、The underlined phrase "suffer from" means "__________" in Chinese.   A. 来自 B. 始于 C. 死于 D. 遭受   答案: D

29、Today we order a large dessert, two small bowls of mutton and carrot noodles and a large bowl of tomato and egg noodles. We need to pay RMB.   A. 26 B. 20 C. 23 D. 24   

30、What can we know from the underlined sentence? (理解并判断)   A. American apples taste good. B. We can see apples everywhere in America.   C. Americans like to eat apples. D. Americans regard (把……视为) apples as their best food.   

31、When a boy is six years old, he .   A. has to stay at home B. can go to high school   C. is old enough to go to school D. always plays at home   

32、Which is right? .   A. American students usually have a two - month holiday.   B. American students have three terms in a year.   C. A ten -year -old child usually has six subjects at school.   D. American students don't like to go to school.   答案:51~55 BCDBA   初一英语阅读理解精选练习六   阅读理解精选练习六   Dessert house   We have three kinds of desserts: small, medium and large. A small dessert with strawberries, bananas and ice cream is 10 RMB. A medium dessert with apples, tomatoes and cheese is 12 RMB. A large dessert with pears, potatoes and ice cream is 15 RMB.   Welcome to our house.   Noodle House   We have some great specials. Special 1 is chicken and cabbage noodles, and the large bowl is just 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB. Special 2 is mutton and carrot noodles, and the large bowl is only 5 RMB and the small

33、__ __ ____ do heavy work.   没有人要做繁重的工作.   

34、__ goes __ Shanghai Station __ Pudong Airport __ eight minutes.   从上海站到浦东机场用八分钟   

35、___ -___ ___ use _____, pencils and pens.   将没有人使用纸,铅笔和钢笔   

36、___ goes ____ London __ Beijing , a distance of ____ 8,000 __ 91/2 hours.   从伦敦到北京距

37、____ ___ 32 _______ passengers travel __ British Airways planes every year.   在英国的大不列颠,每年有3200万人航空旅行.   

38、____ _____200 people ____ Dongsi ___ ________ English.   从东四来的200多人正在学习英语.   

39、____________ produces the most apples in the world. (阅读并判断或推理)   A. The United States B. Canada C. China D. France   

40、初一英语完成句子提升训练及答案参考   完成句子提升训练   

