1、一天一根线,十年积成缎。 One thread a day, ten years into satin.

2、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 An inch of time is an inch of gold, which is hard to buy.

3、三寸气在千般用,一旦无常万事休。 Three inch Qi is used in all kinds of ways, once impermanent, everything will rest.

4、不怕人不敬,就怕己不正。 Not afraid of disrespect, afraid of their own wrong.

5、云彩经不起风吹,朝露经不起日晒。 Clouds can't stand the wind, and dew can't stand the sun.

6、人不劝不善,钟不打不鸣。 People are not good at persuading and the clock doesn't ring.

7、人恶人怕天不怕,人善人欺天不欺。 The wicked are afraid of heaven, and the good deceive heaven.

8、今日有酒今朝醉,明天倒灶喝凉水。 Today, I'm drunk. Tomorrow, I'll pour cold water on the stove.

9、但看三五日,相见不如初。 But seeing three or five days is not as good as seeing each other.

10、但行好事,莫问前程。 But do good, don't ask for the future.

11、先钉桩子后系驴,先撒窝子后钓鱼。 First nail the stake, then tie the donkey, first sow the nest, and then fish.

12、十年窗下无人问,一举成名天下知。 Nobody asked me for ten years, and I became famous all over the world.

13、受恩深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。 It's better to step back when you're in favor, and rest when you're satisfied.

14、只勤不俭无底洞,只俭不勤水无源。 There is no bottom to be thrifty, no water to be thrifty.

15、只给君子看门,不给小人当家。 Only for gentlemen, not for villains.

16、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 As long as you work hard, you can grind a pestle into a needle.

17、天冷不冻织女手,荒年不饿勤耕人。 It's not cold, Weaver's hands are not cold, and people are not hungry and diligent in the barren years.

18、妻贤夫祸少,子孝父心宽。 A good wife and a good husband have few misfortunes, and a filial son and a broad father.

19、庄稼不让时,船家不让风。 The boatman will not let the wind when the crops are not allowed.

20、当时若不登高望,谁知东流海样深。 At that time, if we did not climb high, we would not know that the Dongliu sea was as deep as the sea.

21、易涨易退山溪水,易反易覆小人心。 Easy to rise, easy to retreat, easy to cover small people.

22、有了千钱想万钱,当了皇帝想成仙。 With thousands of money, I want to be an emperor.

23、有多大的脚,穿多大的鞋。 What size of feet, what size of shoes to wear.

24、有钱杀人不偿命,]钱淘气也坐牢。 It's not worth killing if you have money. You can go to jail if you don't have money.

25、来说是非者,必是是非人。 When it comes to right and wrong, it must be right and wrong.

26、此一时,彼一时。 This moment, that moment.

27、水太清则无鱼,人太察则无谋。 If the water is too clear, there will be no fish; if people are too sensitive, there will be no plan.

28、治病要早,除祸要狠。 Cure diseases early and eliminate disasters ruthlessly.

29、狐狸总要露尾巴,毒蛇总要吐舌头。 The fox will always show its tail, and the serpent will always put out its tongue.

30、狮舞三堂]人看,讲话三遍]人听。 No one is watching the lion dance hall three times, and no one listens to the speech three times.

31、由着肚子,穿不上裤子。 You can't wear pants because of your belly.

32、知者减半,愚者全无。 The wise half, the fool none.

33、种早不荒,起早不忙。 Early planting does not waste, early rising does not busy.

34、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 He that sows, sows.

35、种菜老婆吃菜脚,做鞋老婆打赤脚。 The wife who grows vegetables eats vegetables, while the wife who makes shoes is barefoot.

36、秦岭山脉一条线,南吃大米北吃面。 Qinling Mountains is a line, eating rice in the South and noodles in the north.

37、自己做错不算数,别人做错打屁股。 Don't count if you do something wrong, others do it wrong.

38、莫道君行早,更有早行人。 Don't walk early, but walk early.

39、责人之心责己,恕己之心恕人。 To be responsible for one's heart is to be responsible for one's own, and to be forgiving for one's own heart is to be forgiving for one's own.

40、贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲。 Poor people live in busy cities, but rich people have distant relatives in deep mountains.

41、越吃越馋,越困越懒。 The more you eat, the more greedy you are. The more sleepy you are, the lazier you are.

42、近水楼台先得月,向阳花木早逢春。 Near the water tower, the moon comes first, and sunflowers and trees spring early.

43、逢着瞎子不谈光,逢着癞子不谈疮。 When a blind man does not talk about light, when a leper does not talk about sores.