1、一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains, no gains.

2、一日无二晨,时过不再临。 There are no two mornings in a day.

3、丈夫志四海,万Y犹比邻。 Her husband's ambition is all over the world.

4、三人行,必有我师焉。 Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.

5、三天不念口生,三年不做手生。 Three days do not read oral health, three years do not do hand.

6、不吃饭则饥,不读书则愚。 If you don't eat, you're hungry; if you don't read, you're stupid.

7、不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。 If you don't sleep in the quilt, you don't know if you are wide.

8、不怕学问浅,就怕志气短。 Fear not shallow knowledge, but short ambition.

9、不摸锅底手不黑,不拿油瓶手不腻。 Do not touch the bottom of the pot, hands are not black, do not take the oil bottle is not greasy.

10、东西越用越少,学问越学越多。 The less you use, the more you learn.

11、书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋。 There is beauty in the book, and the house of gold in the book.

12、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯古作舟。 There is no end to learning, and there is no end to learning.

13、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 There is no end to learning, and there is no end to learning.

14、书读百遍,其义自见。 Read a book a hundred times, its meaning is self-evident.

15、人在世上练,刀在石上磨。 When a man practices in the world, his sword grinds on a stone.

16、人行千里路,胜读十年书。 People who travel thousands of miles are better than those who have been studying for ten years.

17、你和时间开玩笑,它却对你很认真。 You joke with time, but it takes you seriously.

18、做到老,学到老,活到八十还学巧。 Do old, learn old, live to 80 still learn skillfully.

19、光读不用,终久没用。 Reading alone is useless for a long time.

20、光阴似箭,日月如梭。 Time flies like an arrow.

21、到处留心皆学问。 There is learning everywhere.

22、劳动是知识的源泉;知识是生活的指南。 Labor is the source of knowledge; knowledge is the guide of life.

23、勤勉是成功之母。 Industry is the mother of success.

24、勿谓今日不学有来日,勿谓今年不学有来年。 Don't say that if you don't learn today, there will be a new year if you don't learn this year.

25、勿谓寸阴短,既过难再获。 Don't say that Cunyin is short, it is too difficult to get it again.

26、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成绣花针。 As long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron pestle is ground into an embroidery needle.

27、吹嘘自己有知识的人,等于在宣扬自己的无知。 He who boasts of his knowledge is equal to propagating his ignorance.

28、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 There is a limit to my life and no end to knowledge.

29、善学者,假人之长以补其短。 Good scholar, dummy's long to make up for its short.

30、处处留心皆学问,三人同行有我师。 Pay attention to knowledge everywhere, three people in the same trade have my teacher.

31、多锉出快锯,多做长知识。 More file out fast saw, more knowledge.

32、学在苦中求,艺在勤中练。 Learning in the bitter, art in practice.

33、学无老少,能者为师。 There is no young or old to learn, and those who can are capable are teachers.

34、学海无涯勤是岸,云层有路志是梯。 There is no end to learning. Diligence is the shore. Clouds have roads. Ambition is a ladder.

35、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 Learning without thinking is futile; thinking without learning is perilous.

36、学问之根苦,学问之果甜。 The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit of learning is sweet.

37、学问勤中得,富裕俭中来。 Knowledge comes from diligence, wealth from thrift.

38、宝剑不磨要生锈;人不学习要落后。 If a sword is not sharpened, it will rust.

39、家事国事天下事事事关心。 Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, everything is concerned about.

40、寒门出才子,高山出俊鸟。 Talented people come from poor families, and handsome birds come from high mountains.

41、对每本书都相信的人,不如一本书也不读的人。 A man who believes in every book is better than a man who does not read a book.

42、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A young idler, an old beggar.

43、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 It is easy for a young man to learn, but hard to become an old man.

44、少而不学,老而无识。 Little without learning, old without knowledge.

45、常说口里顺,常做手不笨。 Always say smooth, often do not stupid.

46、志不强者智不达。 He who is not strong will not be wise.

47、悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。 Pessimists live and die, but optimists live forever.

48、愿乘风破万里浪,甘面壁读十年书。 Willing to ride the wind to break through the waves, Gan mianbi read for ten years.

49、懒人嘴里明天多。 A lazy man's mouth is full of tomorrow.

50、才华是刀刃,辛苦是磨刀石。 Talent is the blade, and hard work is the whetstone.

51、拳不离手,曲不离口。 The fist does not leave the hand, the melody does not leave the mouth.

52、挥霍金钱是败坏物,虚度年华是败坏人。 Squandering money is a bad thing, wasting time is a bad man.

53、日日行,不怕千万里;时时学,不怕千万卷。 Never be afraid of daily learning.

54、智慧源于勤奋,伟大出自平凡。 Wisdom comes from diligence, greatness comes from commonness.

55、最淡的墨水,也胜过最强的记性。 The lightest ink is better than the strongest memory.

56、最珍贵的财富是时间,最大的浪费是虚度流年。 The most precious wealth is time, and the biggest waste is idling away time.

57、有志者,事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way.

58、有知识不会运用,如同耕耘而不播种。 Knowledge without use is like ploughing without sowing.

59、水落现石头,日久见人心。 When the water falls, the stone will be seen.

60、注意力是智慧的门户。 Attention is the gateway to wisdom.

61、湖里游着大鲤鱼,不如桌上小鲫鱼。 The big carp swimming in the lake is better than the small crucian carp on the table.

62、珍宝丢失了还可以找到,时间丢失了永远找不到。 Lost treasure can also be found, lost time can never be found.

63、瞄准还不是射中,起跑还不算到达。 The aim is not yet shot, the start is not yet arrival.

64、知识在于积累,天才在于勤奋。 Knowledge lies in accumulation and genius lies in diligence.

65、知识就是力量。 Knowledge is power.

66、知识是智慧的火炬。 Knowledge is the torch of wisdom.

67、种田不离田头,读书不离案头。 Farming does not leave the field, reading does not leave the desk.

68、积累知识,胜过积蓄金银。 It is better to accumulate knowledge than to accumulate gold and silver.

69、积钱不如教子,闲坐不如读书。 It is better to save money than to teach children, and to sit idle is better than to read.

70、穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。 If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you reach a goal, you will benefit the world at the same time.

71、站在岸上学不会游泳。 Standing on the bank, I can't swim.

72、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。 He who waits for time is a waste of time.

73、策马前途须努力,莫学龙钟虚叹息。 The future of the horse must work hard, do not learn from the Dragon bell empty sigh.

74、精诚所至,金石为开。 With sincerity, gold and stone open.

75、老人不讲古,后生会失谱。 If the old don't talk about the ancients, the posterity will lose their marks.

76、老姜辣味大,老人经验多。 Ginger is spicy and old people have more experience.

77、老牛肉有嚼头,老人言有听头。 Old beef has its head to chew, and an old man to listen to his words.

78、耳听为虚,眼见为实。 Hearing is false, seeing is believing.

79、聪明的樵夫,应该是既善于砍柴,也善于磨刀的。 A wise woodcutter should be good at both cutting wood and sharpening his knife.

80、胸有R云志,无高不可攀。 The chest has the cloud ambition, does not have the lofty and unattainable.

81、自在不成人,成人不自在。 Freedom is not adult, adult is not comfortable.

82、自学好学勤学学而自用;无思厌思废思思而无功。 Self study, diligent learning and self use; no thinking, tired of thinking, waste thinking and no work.

83、至乐莫如读书,至要莫如教子。 It is better to be happy than to read, or to teach a child.

84、茂盛的禾苗需要水分;成长的少年需要学习。 Lush seedlings need water; growing teenagers need to learn.

85、读一书,增一智。 Read a book to gain wisdom.

86、读万卷书,行万里路。 Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

87、读不尽世间的书,走不完天下的路。 You can't read all the books in the world, and you can't finish the road of the world.

88、读书有三到:心到、眼到、口到。 There are three ways to read: from the heart to the eye and from the mouth.

89、读书百遍,其义自见。 Read a hundred times, the meaning of their own.

90、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。 When you read a book, you can write like a God.

91、走不尽的路,读不完的书。 Endless road, endless books.

92、身不怕动,脑不怕用。 The body is not afraid to move, but the brain is not afraid to use.

93、造烛求明,读书求理。 Make candles for brightness, and read for reason.

94、针越用越明,脑越用越灵。 The more the needle is used, the clearer the brain is.

95、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 If you persevere, you will never break a rotten wood; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone.

96、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.

97、问遍千家成一家。 Ask thousands of families and become one.

98、青,取之于蓝而青於蓝;冰,水为之而寒於水。 Green, take it from blue and blue than blue; ice, water for it and cold than water.

99、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。 Birds have wings, people have aspirations.

100、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。 Black hair does not know hard to learn early, white head Fang regret reading late.