1、一生至交,何必分道扬镳。 A lifelong best friend, why go our separate ways.
2、三个人的友谊可以很坚固,但也会很脆弱。 Three people's friendship can be strong, but it can also be fragile.
3、借朋友的钱一定要还,因为关系好,就觉得还不还无所谓。 If you borrow money from a friend, you must pay it back. Because you have a good relationship, it doesn't matter whether you pay it back or not.
4、兄弟不是有难就一定帮得了你的那个人,但一定是那个不会笑话你的人。 Brother is not the one who can help you when it's difficult, but he must be the one who won't laugh at you.
5、兄弟之间,有时候一个眼神,一个动作,比什么誓言都要给力。 Between brothers, sometimes a look, an action, than what awesome to force.
6、兄弟就要以心换心,一个肝一个胆,肝胆相照。 Brothers should exchange heart for heart, one liver and one gallbladder, and treat each other with heart and soul.
7、刀山火海我不抖,一生兄弟一起走。 I don't tremble. I'll go with my brothers all my life.
8、友情是灯,愈拨愈亮;友情是河,愈流愈深;友情是花,愈开愈美;友情是酒,愈陈愈香。 Friendship is a lamp, the brighter it is; friendship is a river, the deeper it flows; friendship is a flower, the more beautiful it blooms; friendship is wine, the more fragrant it grows.
9、友情晴过任何一片天。 Friendship is better than any other day.
10、友情比爱情长久,像两条平行线,永不相交却也永远不会分离! Friendship is longer than love, like two parallel lines, never intersect but never separate!
11、友情这东西玩好了是小时代,玩掰了就是甄执。 It's a small age to play friendship well, but it's the legend of Zhen Huan to play it well.
12、友谊使欢乐倍增,悲痛锐减。 Friendship multiplies joy and reduces sorrow.
13、友谊和爱情之间的区别在于:友谊意味着两个人和世界,然而爱情意味着两个人就是世界。 The difference between friendship and love is that friendship means two people and the world, while love means two people are the world.
14、告诉你,就凭当初咱的交情,我就敢在你的生命中猖狂一辈子。 I tell you, with our friendship at the beginning, I dare to be rampant in your life all my life.
15、回忆那些在一起的时光,友情的岁月,是记忆里最美的画面。 Recalling the time together and the years of friendship is the most beautiful picture in memory.
16、因为我手里有你的丑照,所以你要和我做一辈子朋友。 Because I have your ugly picture in my hand, so you want to be friends with me all your life.
17、在失望中坠入深海,冷漠的海水洗却了疼痛,然后在不能呼吸时窒息。 In disappointment, he fell into the deep sea, the cold water washed away the pain, and then suffocated when he couldn't breathe.
18、在幸运上不与人同享的在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。 He who does not share in fortune is not a faithful friend in disaster.
19、她不漂亮,她不聪明,即使她再不好,我也不允许她被任何人欺负。谁叫她是我闺蜜! She is not beautiful, she is not smart, even if she is not good, I will not allow her to be bullied by anyone. She is my best friend!
20、她是全世界除了我妈以外最嫌弃我的女人,却也希望我遇上全世界最好的男人。 She is the most disgusting woman in the world besides my mother, but she also wants me to meet the best man in the world.
21、好朋友就是好久没见,在一起时还会和你套心窝子说话,就像昨天刚在一起吃过饭的人。 A good friend is someone who hasn't seen you for a long time. When we are together, we will talk with each other, just like the people who just had dinner together yesterday.
22、好朋友就是聊天永远没句号,路上碰到了不是微笑而是动手动脚,互说脏话没下限。 A good friend is a chat that never ends. When you meet someone on the road, it's not a smile but a gesture. There's no limit to swearing.
23、好朋友都这样,你跌倒的时候我会扶你一把,不过要先等我笑完。 Good friends are like this, when you fall, I will help you, but first wait for me to finish laughing.
24、如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情。 If a friend makes you angry, it means that you still care about his friendship.
25、尽管我什么都没说,但是你们都懂,这就是死党。 Although I didn't say anything, you all know that this is my best friend.
26、很多时候,很多人都在想怎样的人才叫好朋友,其实就是能认真听你说话的那个人。 Most of the time, many people are thinking about what kind of talent to call a good friend, in fact, the person who can listen to you seriously.
27、我们一路走来相互嫌弃,又一起犯二,一起长大。 Along the way, we disliked each other, committed two crimes together, and grew up together.
28、我们不属于我们之中任何人,但是属于我们的,谁都抢不走。 We don't belong to any of us, but none of us can take what belongs to us.
29、我希望每天早上一打开手机就能收到闺蜜发的早安,这样感觉生活都变幸福多了。 I hope I can receive good morning from my best friend as soon as I turn on my mobile phone every morning. I feel that life is much happier.
30、我用最初的心,陪你走最远的路。 I use the initial heart, accompany you to walk the farthest road.
31、敢吵架的才是好朋友,吵不散的,才是真朋友。 He who dares to quarrel is a good friend, and he who does not quarrel is a true friend.
32、有一种友谊不低于爱情,有一种关系不属于暧昧。 There is a friendship no less than love, there is a relationship is not ambiguous.
33、有些东西,并不是越浓越好,要恰到好处。深深的话我们浅浅地说,长长的路我们慢慢地走。 Some things, not the thicker the better, should be just right. Deep words, we say shallowly, long road, we walk slowly.
34、有情千里不远,有缘一线可牵。相知是情,相识是缘。朋友,一路走好! Love is not far away, there is a line to lead. Acquaintance is love, acquaintance is fate. Friends, all the way!
35、有钱一起玩那是朋友,没钱还能在一起玩这他么才是兄弟。 Money to play with that is a friend, no money can play with this he is a brother.
36、没有朋友找朋友,找到朋友,爱朋友,不要把心给朋友,因为朋友有朋友。 No friends, find friends, find friends, love friends, don't give heart to friends, because friends have friends.
37、父母嘴里的狐朋狗友,却贯穿了我整个青春。 My parents' friends run through my whole youth.
38、真正的朋友是,把你看透了,还跟你做朋友。 A true friend is one who sees you through and makes friends with you.
39、真正的朋友能读懂你眼神中的哀伤,而其他人却相信你脸上的微笑。 A true friend can read the sadness in your eyes, while others believe the smile on your face.
40、真正的朋友,无须想起,因为从未忘记。 True friends don't need to be remembered, because they never forget.
41、知音,不需多言,要用心去交流;友谊,不能言表,要用心去品尝。 A bosom friend needs no more words, but he should communicate with his heart; friendship can't be expressed by words, but he should taste it with his heart.
42、老朋友不懂你的新情况,新朋友不懂你的老脾气。 Old friends don't understand your new situation, new friends don't understand your old temper.
43、聚是一团火,散是满天星。 Gather is a fire, scatter is a star.
44、能让你笑让你哭的是男朋友,能陪你笑陪你哭的是朋友。 Can make you laugh, let you cry is a boyfriend, can accompany you laugh, accompany you cry is a friend.
45、让朋友低估你的优点,让敌人高估你的缺点。 Let your friends underestimate your strengths and your enemies overestimate your weaknesses.
46、这辈子,最让我觉得幸福的,就是看着自己的闺蜜,一个个的幸福。 In this life, what makes me feel happy most is to look at my best friends and be happy one by one.
47、那种友谊,如老酒,随着岁月的沉淀,越来越浓,直至喝下后,可醉笑一生。 That kind of friendship, such as old wine, with the years of precipitation, more and more thick, until after drinking, drunk smile life.
48、闺蜜就是一和一的组合,二的存在。 A best friend is a combination of one and one, and the existence of two.
49、闺蜜,就是你一天骂个八百遍,也不许别人骂一下的人。 My best friend, you are the one who scolds you 800 times a day and does not allow others to scold you.