1、一切都不会好的,城南的花早就被踩死了! Everything will not be good, the flowers in the south of the city have long been trampled to death!

2、一起去看海,一起去热爱生活。 Go to see the sea and love life together.

3、何来人间一惊鸿,只是世间一俗人。 How can one startle people in the world? It's just a common person in the world.

4、你一出现,别人就显得不过如此。 As soon as you show up, other people don't look like that.

5、你不善言辞,可我只想听你说你想我。 You are not good at words, but I just want to hear you say you miss me.

6、你不必光芒万丈,但要始终温暖有光。 You don't have to be brilliant, but always be warm and bright.

7、你不用长高,你的男孩会为你低下头。 You don't have to grow tall. Your boy will bow his head for you.

8、你对待生活的态度,决定你生活的温度。 Your attitude to life determines the temperature of your life.

9、你总是惯着别人,偶尔也顺从一下自己吧。 You are always used to others, and occasionally you will obey yourself.

10、你是天赐的礼物,我迟来的救赎。 You are a gift from heaven, my belated redemption.

11、你的面前有阴影,是因为你的背后有阳光。 There is shadow in front of you, because there is sunshine behind you.

12、你要开始努力,慢慢来,还有人等你长大。 You have to start to work hard, take your time, and there are people waiting for you to grow up.

13、你闪闪发光的同时,也要平平安安。 When you shine, you should be safe.

14、做一个温柔的人,浅浅笑,轻轻爱。 Be a gentle person, smile and love gently.

15、做事果敢且有温度,为人柔软而有原则。 Do things boldly and have temperature, be soft and principled.

16、再坚持一下,一切的美好正在慢慢奔向你。 Hold on, all the good things are slowly running towards you.

17、别慌,月亮也正在大海的某处迷茫。 Don't panic. The moon is lost somewhere in the sea.

18、别遗憾,你就是我的的偏爱和例外。 Don't be sorry, you are my preference and exception.

19、发自己的光就好,别去吹灭别人的灯。 Just shine your own light. Don't blow out other people's lights.

20、只要有花可开,就不允许生命与黯淡为伍。 As long as there are flowers to bloom, life is not allowed to be associated with darkness.

21、听云与明月窃语,看漫天熠熠星辰。 Listen to the whispers of the clouds and the moon, and see the stars shining all over the sky.

22、哪有那么多烂道理,我觉得值得我就继续。 There are so many bad reasons, I think it is worth me to continue.

23、喜欢向日葵的温暖,活出自己的灿烂。 Like the warmth of sunflowers, live their own brilliant.

24、喜欢早晨的风,好像什么都可以重新开始。 Like the morning wind, as if everything can start again.

25、回忆是座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.

26、在所有物是人非的风景里,我最喜欢你。 I like you the most in all the scenery where things are different.

27、好好生活慢慢爱你,不要刚好是你。 Live a good life and love you slowly, not just you.

28、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人会是你的信徒。 Even if the world is deserted, there will always be a person who will be your believer.

29、山风停止了呼吸,爱意盛在星河里。 The mountain wind stopped breathing, and love flourished in the starry river.

30、岁月向来慷慨温柔,擅长把好坏都带走。 Years have always been generous and gentle, good at taking good and bad.

31、带上你的微笑,面对人生的不期而遇。 Take your smile, face the unexpected encounter in life.

32、平安喜乐,好事多磨,来日方长。 Peace and joy, good things will come to a long time.

33、并肩而立,一起成为更好的大人。 Stand side by side and become better adults together.

34、想做个园丁,然后去你们心里种点b树。 I want to be a gardener and plant some B trees in your heart.

35、我与清风皆过客,你携秋水揽星河。 I'm passing by with the breeze. You take the autumn water to enjoy the star river.

36、我飞向宇宙,却被你到逮回小小星球。 I flew to the universe, but you caught me back to the little planet.

37、拥有愉快生活,储存十吨热爱。 Have a happy life, store ten tons of love.

38、散场是难免的,尽兴而归就好。 It's inevitable to leave the venue. It's good to go back to your home.

39、无论多大,你都要热爱童话,英雄和魔法。 Love fairy tales, heroes and magic, no matter how old you are.

40、月光撒入床头,你踏入我的梦里。 Moonlight into the bed, you step into my dream.

41、月色尤其温柔,人间皆是浪漫。 The moon is especially gentle, the world is romantic.

42、有些心动,从一开始就覆水难收。 Some hearts, from the very beginning, can't stop.

43、没有特别的幸运,就要特别的努力。 If you don't have special luck, you have to work hard.

44、活在这珍贵的人间,太阳强烈,水波温柔。 Living in this precious world, you can feel both the heat of the sun and the gentle of water.

45、煎和熬都是变美味的方式,加油也是。 Frying and boiling are both ways to make delicious, so is refueling.

46、爱你奇奇怪怪,陪你可可爱爱。 Love you strange, accompany you can be lovely love.

47、生活中的不期而遇,都是你努力后的惊喜。 The unexpected encounter in life is the surprise after your hard work.

48、生活或许会有遗憾,希望未来依旧美好。 Life may have regrets, hope the future is still beautiful.

49、的眼神再温柔些,月亮会融化,我也会。 More gentle eyes, the moon will melt, I will.

50、祝这世界继续热闹,祝我依然是我。 I wish the world continues to be lively, and I am still me.

51、秋天到了,夏天的不甘该通通放下了。 Autumn is coming, summer's unwillingness to put down.

52、秋风凉,秋风忘,今夜别思量。 Cool autumn wind, forget autumn wind, don't think about it tonight.

53、经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。 I can't stand the fleeting time, but I can't escape the youth here.

54、美好的事情,记得三两件,就足以酿酒了。 Good things, remember three or two, is enough to make wine.

55、自律且努力,别让生活太安逸。 Self discipline and hard work, don't make life too easy.

56、许我日子清净,抬头遇见的都是柔情。 May I live a clean life, I look up and meet tenderness.

57、这世间的温柔,定要给父母留一份。 This world's gentleness, must leave one for the parents.

58、远方万家灯火,总有一盏为你而亮。 In the distance, there is always one for you.

59、遇见你,我才知道什么是欢喜。 Meet you, I know what is joy.

60、错过了落日余晖,可以期待满天繁星。 Miss the sunset, you can look forward to the stars.