1、一直以为自己很幸福,原来如此惨烈。 I always thought I was very happy, so miserable.

2、一颗心没有其他位置来装别人,全部被你占满了。 A heart has no other place to hold others, all occupied by you.

3、为了让你我相遇看起来像偶然,编造一百种理由! In order to let you and I meet look like chance, make up a hundred reasons!

4、亲密度可以掉,感情不要变好吗? Intimacy can be dropped, do not feelings become better?

5、亲爱的,幸福的画面在等着我们去谱写。 Dear, the picture of happiness is waiting for us to compose.

6、人变老其实并不意味别的,只意味着不再对往事感到害怕。 The fact that people get older doesn't mean anything else, it just means that they are no longer afraid of the past.

7、以爱情之名的幼稚,都是可以原谅的。 Childishness in the name of love can be forgiven.

8、伸出双手,想要挽留,抓住的只是你唯美的借口。 Stretch out both hands, want to retain, seize only your beautiful excuse.

9、你不懂我的沉默,又怎么会懂我的难过。 You do not understand my silence, and how will you know my sadness.

10、你住进我的心里,让我明白了思念的滋味。 You live in my heart, let me understand the taste of missing.

11、你对我的半点好,不知被我炫耀了多少遍。 I don't know how many times I have shown off your kindness to me.

12、你若有一分暗示,我便有十分勇敢。 If you have a hint, I am very brave.

13、倘若你付出爱时,有所保留和计较,你便不在爱里。 If you give love with reserve and care, you are not in love.

14、其实你喜欢一个人就赋予了,他伤害你的权利。 In fact, if you like a person, you give him the right to hurt you.

15、决口不提过去,我们拥抱将来可好? Can we embrace the future without mentioning the past?

16、别拉我手,别冲我笑,别给拥抱,我有对象! Don't hold my hand, don't laugh at me, don't give hugs, I have a partner!

17、别问我缺什么,我现在就缺个对象。 Don't ask me what I'm missing. I'm missing someone right now.

18、到现在我才知道,我是失恋了,而且一直没有恢复过来。 Until now I know that I was lovelorn, and has not recovered.

19、只要结局是和你在一起,过程让我怎么痛都行。 As long as the ending is with you, the process makes me pain.

20、好听的话谁都会说,却不是谁都会这么做。 Everyone will say nice words, but not everyone will do so.

21、如果拍证件照可以卖萌的话,就不会那么丑了。 If you can sell Meng by taking ID photos, it won't be so ugly.

22、如果有天我们不能在一起,不许说我没对你好过。 If one day we can't be together, don't say I haven't been nice to you.

23、如果没有回忆,那么世界会变的多么明晰。 If there is no memory, then the world will change how clear.

24、就算全世界都否定我,还有我自己相信我。 Even if the whole world denies me, and I believe in me.

25、左耳离心脏最近,甜言蜜语要说给左耳听。 The left ear is closest to the heart, and sweet words should be said to the left ear.

26、很遗憾,你看不透我,也杀不死我。 It's a pity that you can't see through me and you can't kill me.

27、心里一直都装着一个不可能的人,我想我永远也改不掉吧。 There is always an impossible person in my heart. I think I can never change it.

28、我不用笑都可以让你知道,我生性招摇。 I don't have to laugh to let you know that I'm a swagger.

29、我向着爱情的那天,可是噢,爱情从不向着我。 I love the day, but oh, love never to me.

30、我喜好你,你晓得,却又装作不晓得。 I like you, you know, but pretend not to know.

31、我就只是想要你在我身边陪我,哪也不去,如此简单。 I just want you to accompany me by my side. It's so simple.

32、我已经忘了自己,忘了孤寂,却是忘不了心中那最美的你。 I have forgotten myself and loneliness, but I can't forget the most beautiful you in my heart.

33、我深信,会有一个人是为了受我的折磨,而来到这个世上的。 I firmly believe that there will be someone who came to this world for my torment.

34、我的坚持和固执,只是因为舍不掉。 My persistence and stubbornness, just because I can't give up you.

35、我的生活,在每个微笑里幸福。 My life is happy in every smile.

36、我知道、世界上没有如此多假如,却还是固执的喜欢。 I know, the world does not have so many if, but still stubborn like.

37、我邂逅了你,所以邂逅了爱情! I met you, so I met love!

38、擦肩而过,我们谁也没回过头。 Passing by, none of us turned back.

39、无论你肯或不肯,我都选择等。 Whether you will or not, I will choose to wait.

40、无论是丢下还是被丢下,这两者都是一样痛苦的。 Whether it is left behind or left behind, the two are equally painful.

41、无论给你什么备注,都不及你的名字让人心跳加速。 No matter what note is given to you, it doesn't make your heart beat faster than your name.

42、是你不应该无理取闹的一点都不自知,让我傻傻的笑了又笑。 Is you should not be unreasonable to make fun of, do not know, let me silly smile and smile.

43、暗恋最伟大的行为,是成全。你不爱我,但是我成全你。 The greatest act of secret love is accomplishment. You don't love me, but I'll help you.

44、最失败的听众是,人家随便说,你却当真了。 The most unsuccessful audience is that when people say it casually, you take it seriously.

45、有人为了守护幸福而存在,亦有人为了成全真爱而离开。 Some people exist in order to protect happiness, while others leave in order to achieve true love.

46、有时候,顺其自然,你才会知道那些事是否值得拥有。 Sometimes, just let it be and you'll know if it's worth having.

47、未来把握在自己手中,青春是我们唯一可以当赌注的资本。 The future is in our own hands, youth is the only capital we can gamble on.

48、爱上他,你有点怕他;爱上了他,你开始信命运。 Fall in love with him, you are a little afraid of him; fall in love with him, you start to believe in fate.

49、爱情不是付出了许多,就能得到相同的温柔。 Love is not to pay a lot, can get the same gentle.

50、爱情,有时候就是这样,来的没有原因,却又无可抗拒。 Love, sometimes this is the case, to have no reason, but also irresistible.

51、爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不用变。 Love is eternal. The appearance may change, but the essence never changes.

52、爱笑的人哭起来时,比谁都撕心裂肺! When people who love to laugh cry, they are more heartrending than anyone else!

53、爱,就像两个人在拉扯皮筋,疼的永远是后撒手的那个。 Love, just like two people pulling a rubber band, the pain is always the one after giving up.

54、现在什么都不必做,少了牵挂,多了*,只是心好空。 Now you don't have to do anything. You don't have to worry about it. You have more freedom. You just have a good mind.

55、笑着笑着哭了,因为笑痛了我的心。 Laughing and crying, because it hurt my heart.

56、绘一场生死契阔的游戏,为我们的故事写一个结局。 Draw a game of life and death, and write an ending for our story.

57、背对着你,决定寻找属于嶙约旱滦腋! Back to you, decided to find my own happiness.

58、若不是情深似海,思念又怎会泛滥成灾。 If it is not deep love, how can miss flooding.

59、还没遇到未来,我便想为你停下,可惜,你不需要。 I want to stop for you before I meet the future. Unfortunately, you don't need to.

60、这年头谁都不是谁的谁,谁都不值的谁为谁掉眼泪! These days, who are not who who, who are worthless, who shed tears for whom!