1、一个人穷并不可怕,但一个人以穷为借口而放弃奋斗,才真的会失去所有的生活乐趣。 It is not terrible for a person to be poor, but if one gives up fighting on the pretext of being poor, he will really lose all the fun of life.

2、一个女人最大的骄傲不是长相多好,而是她男朋友有多么疼她! What a woman, but she is not proud of her best looks!

3、一滴水滋润一朵花,一缕阳光照亮一片希望。 Sunshine, a wisp of water to illuminate a flower.

4、不是我不够情深,只因你从未痴情于我。 It's not that I'm not affectionate enough, just because you've never been infatuated with me.

5、不要盘算太多,要顺其自然,该是你的终会得到,不是你的你也留不住。 Don't think too much about it. Let it be. It's what you'll get. If it's not yours, you can't stay.

6、不要说话,用尽你一生的风情万种,让他在将来任何不跟你在一起的时候,内心无法安宁。 Don't talk, use up your life style, let him in the future any time not with you, the heart can not be peaceful.

7、世间安得两全法,不负如来不负卿。 The world is content with both Dharma and Dharma.

8、书本上满是你的名字,是我青春最大的秘密。 Books full of your name, is the biggest secret of my youth.

9、人生本来就孤独,任何陪过自己走完一段寂寞时光的人,都应该用心感激。 Life is always lonely. Anyone who has accompanied him through a lonely time should be grateful.

10、人的一生会遇到许多这样的不舍,我不得不踏上新的旅程,遇见下一个美丽的不舍。 People's life will encounter a lot of such reluctant, I have to embark on a new journey, meet the next beautiful do not give up.

11、你一直在我的心尖摇曳漂泊,所谓的风雨,都是对你知难而退的希寄。 You have been wandering in my heart, the so-called wind and rain, are to you to retreat in the hope of difficulties.

12、你会变成小星星,在别人的世界里一闪一闪亮晶晶,所以我要在睡着之前,把你藏进我的眼睛。 You will become a little star, twinkle and twinkle in other people's world, so I will hide you in my eyes before I fall asleep.

13、你喝你的清茶,我尝我的烈酒,从此你我殊途,一生不再相遇。 You drink your tea, I taste my liquor, from now on, you and I will never meet again in my life.

14、你在我心上做了标记,而我在你心里也许一个陌生人都不是! You have made a mark in my heart, and I may not be a stranger in your heart!

15、你掀起山河奔向我,踏尽星辰来访我,而我有整个宇宙想讲给你听,张开嘴却说不出半粒星。 You set off the mountains and rivers to me, set foot on the stars to visit me, and I have the whole universe to tell you, open your mouth but can not say half a star.

16、你的名字,我写着写着就会笑,念着念着就觉得很美。 Your name, I write and write will smile, read read to feel very beautiful.

17、你终于把我逼到了这种地步,不再为失去你而哭泣,听到你所有消息生疏有礼。 You finally forced me to this point, no longer cry for losing you, hear all your news strange polite.

18、你面前的坎都可以过!你所担心的事情会都有好的结果! You can cross the ridge in front of you! Everything you worry about will have a good result!

19、千秋功名,一世葬你,玲珑*,可笑却无君王命。 Thousands of years of fame, I buried you, Linglong country, ridiculous but no king's life.

20、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。 Only the feeling of your retrospection makes me think of your morning and evening.

21、因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。 Because I know you are easy to worry about the child, so I will wire to your hands, but also dare not fly too far.

22、在寂寞当儿想念一个人,不算什么,但如果在热闹的时候想念,又不同了。 It's nothing to miss someone when you are lonely, but it's different if you miss someone when you are busy.

23、如果你视我为游戏,我就开挂虐死你。 If you see me as a game, I'll kill you.

24、如果,我知道有一天会这么爱你,我一定对你一见钟情。 If, I know one day will love you so much, I must fall in love with you at first sight.

25、小女子不才,未能与公子道声珍重,所有爱恨缠绵,尽在黄粱一梦中。 The little girl is not talented. She can't cherish her love and hatred with her husband. All of them are in a dream.

26、幸福就是在明媚的阳光里,遇到比阳光明媚一百倍的你。 Happiness is to meet you one hundred times brighter than sunshine in the bright sunshine.

27、弹指一瞬间,看尽繁华。繁花,只一眼,便是天涯。 In an instant, you can see all the prosperity. Flowers, one eye, is the end of the world.

28、往后余生,愿我无坚不摧,愿我百毒不侵,愿我刀枪不入,愿我狼心狗肺,愿我逍遥快活。 For the rest of my life, may I be invincible, invincible, fearless, and happy.

29、怦然心动只是刹那惊艳,柴米油盐才是一辈子的生活方式。 Heartthrob is just a flash of surprise, firewood, rice, oil and salt is the way of life for a lifetime.

30、我在自己周围筑起高墙,没有哪个人能够入内,也尽量不放自己出去。 I built a high wall around myself, no one could get in and try not to let myself out.

31、我想要住进你心里,没想到是个小区,还有好多邻居。 I want to live in your heart, did not expect to be a community, there are many neighbors.

32、我想要身边有你,不是一阵子,而是一辈子,从青春年少到白发苍苍。 I want to have you around, not for a while, but for a lifetime, from youth to gray hair.

33、我拿余生佐酒,百年后醉的依旧。 I drink the rest of my life, and I'm still drunk a hundred years later.

34、我爱的人不是我的爱人,他心里的每一寸都属于另一个人。 The person I love is not my lover. Every inch of his heart belongs to another person.

35、我行遍世间所有的路,逆着时光行走,只为今生与你邂逅。 I walk all the roads in the world, walking against time, just for meeting you in this life.

36、我还是很喜欢你,像星辰奔波亿万年黑夜,不诉怨语。 I still like you, like the stars running hundreds of millions of years of night, do not complain.

37、所谓心便是这样的东西,绝对不会一视同仁,就像河流,流势会随地势的不同而不同。 The so-called heart is something like this, which will never be treated equally. Just like a river, the flow regime will vary with the terrain.

38、掉头一去是风吹黑发,回首再来已雪满白头。 Turn around is the wind blowing black hair, looking back to have snow white head.

39、故事讲完,说书人折扇辑首,赢得满座喝彩掌声不休,说书人却悄悄拭着衣袖。 After the story is finished, the storyteller folded the fan to collect the first, which won the applause of the audience, but the storyteller quietly wiped his sleeve.

40、无论爱情多么美好,都要保留自我成就自我,而后爱人。 No matter how beautiful love is, you should keep yourself and become yourself, and then love.

41、时间不因你而停止,鲜花不因你而盛开,但你要因你而活。 Time does not stop because of you, flowers do not bloom because of you, but you live because of you.

42、曾经我来过你的心,不是我不停留,而是你不挽留。 Once I came to your heart, it's not that I don't stay, but you don't stay.

43、有些东西,即使明知道不能成功,明知道这么做是头脑发热,却还是会忍不住去做。 Some things, even if you know that you can't succeed and you know that it's a fever of mind, you can't help doing it.

44、有时候很多人识破谎言靠的不是聪明才智,而是自己以前也撒过这种谎。 Sometimes a lot of people don't know lies by their intelligence, but they have told such lies before.

45、有时候微风吹过窗帘奏响风铃我就开始想念你,有时候初夏天气雷雨淋湿花朵我就开始想念你。 Sometimes the breeze blows through the curtain and plays the wind chime, I start to miss you. Sometimes in the early summer, the thunderstorm drenches the flowers, I begin to miss you.

46、有时觉得人一生很短,短到总是万事无常,有时又觉得人一生很长,长到总爱胡思乱想。 Sometimes I feel that people's life is very short, so short that everything is impermanent, and sometimes I feel that people's life is very long, so long that they always like to think.

47、朋友是你可以倾吐心声的人,像米和糠,他会懂得用善意的口气一吹,吹走那些不该留的东西。 A friend is someone you can confide in, such as rice and chaff. He will know how to blow away the things that should not be left behind with a kind tone.

48、每次好梦到一半总会惊醒,但也许正是因为梦做了一半,所以才避开了悲伤的结局。 Every good dream will wake up in half, but maybe it is because the dream is half done that we avoid the sad ending.

49、江南烟雨,陌上白衣,不过是一场情深缘浅。待我长发及腰,少年娶我可好? The misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, white clothes on the street, is just a deep love. Will you marry me young man? When my hair achieves waist length,

50、深情不负只是个笑话,谁会在乎配角的感受。 Love is just a joke, who cares about the feelings of supporting roles.

51、漫长的时光中,什么都留不住,什么都会变。 In the long time, nothing can stay, everything will change.

52、火在一天之内把森林烧成灰烬,水和风却需要一百年以上的时间来造林。 Fire burns the forest to ashes in a day, but water and wind take more than a hundred years to plant.

53、生来温柔的眼眸,连哭都要被诅咒,没有泪,寂寞怎么流? Born gentle eyes, even cry are to be cursed, no tears, how lonely flow?

54、生活就像我的歌声,时而不着调,时而不靠谱。 Life is like my song, sometimes out of tune, sometimes unreliable.

55、突然喜欢上了你,无关那风月,只想论余生。 Suddenly fell in love with you, regardless of that romantic month, just want to talk about the rest of life.

56、能拥有一个爱逾生命的人,再不幸的人生也会慢慢变得幸运。 If you can have a person who loves more than life, then you will become lucky.

57、这世间青山灼灼星光杳杳,春风翩翩晚风渐渐,也抵不过你眉目间的星辰点点。 In this world, the green mountains are burning, the stars are shining, the spring breeze is flying, and the evening wind is gradually, but it can't reach the stars between your eyebrows.

58、选择了方向与路途时,就不要抱怨,一个人只有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天。 When you choose the direction and the way, don't complain. Only when you bear the wind and rain of the journey can you finally hold the rainbow all over the sky.

59、那过期的诺言即使破碎,我也会把他埋葬在心里。 Even if the overdue promise is broken, I will bury him in my heart.

60、错过了长安古意,失约了洛阳花期,我在姑苏马蹄莲里,瞥见你兰舟涉水而去。 Miss the ancient Chang'an, miss the promise of Luoyang flowering, I saw you blue boat wading away in Suzhou Calla Lily.