1、下雨天,突然好想出去淋雨,好让自己清醒点。 Rainy day, suddenly want to go out to get wet, so that he sober up.

2、下雨是因为天空承受不了雨滴的重量,而流泪是承受不住心的痛。 Rain is because the sky can not bear the weight of raindrops, and tears are unable to bear the pain of the heart.

3、下雨,总让人有的思绪随风漂远了。 Rain, always let people's thoughts drift away with the wind.

4、不管刮风或下雨不管你哭或你笑、不管他人怎样说眼里都只会有你。 Whether it's windy or rainy, whether you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, there will only be you in your eyes.

5、今天是下雨天,心情是想你。 Today is a rainy day, the mood is to miss you.

6、你的爱是把大大的伞,给我最美的晴空。 Your love is a big umbrella, give me the most beautiful sky.

7、你转身离开,才发现脸上早就湿了,以为是下雨了,没想到是心下雨了。 You turn to leave, only to find that the face has been wet, thought it was rain, did not expect to be the heart of rain.

8、又场雨落下,洗去闹市的尘埃,抚平心灵的噪音。 Another rain, wash away the dust of the downtown, soothe the noise of the mind.

9、听着窗外噼里啪啦的雨声,仿佛世界都安静了。 Listen to the crackling rain outside the window, as if the world is quiet.

10、喜欢下雨天,空气清新,世界安静,美梦安眠。 Like rainy days, fresh air, quiet world, dream sleep.

11、喜欢雨,喜欢雨后清晨的活力。 Like the rain, like the vitality of the morning after the rain.

12、喜欢雨,因为舒心;喜欢雨,因为怡情;喜欢雨,因为它像我般忧伤。 Like the rain, because comfortable; like the rain, because of the joy; like the rain, because it is sad like me.

13、在一起多不容易,分手易说重来难。 It's not easy to be together. It's easy to break up and hard to repeat.

14、天灰灰的,不是你一个人在忧伤;天下雨了,不是你一个人在哭泣。 It's not you who are sad when it's gray; you are not crying when it rains.

15、天空下雨了可以打伞,心下雨了该怎么办呢? The sky has rained, can take an umbrella, how should the heart rain do?

16、天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。 The sky rolled to the clouds, a moment of torrential rain, from the sky.

17、如果不能为你撑伞,那我就陪你一起淋雨。 If I can't hold an umbrella for you, I'll accompany you in the rain.

18、如花美眷,似水流年。回得了过去,回不了当初。 As beautiful as flowers, as time goes by. Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.

19、当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。 When the world agreed to rain together, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.

20、心晴的时候,雨也是晴;心雨的时候,晴也是雨。 When the heart is clear, the rain is fine; when the heart is rainy, the sunny is also the rain.

21、总有一天我会从你身边默默地走开,不带任何声响。 One day I will walk away from you silently, without any sound.

22、感动不是下雨的时候你给我撑伞而是和我一起淋雨。 Moving is not when you give me an umbrella, but with me in the rain.

23、我不知道现在的你过得好不好,反正我一点也不好。 I don't know if you're doing well now. I'm not good at all.

24、我为你撑着伞,可你的心却是在为别人淋着雨。 I hold an umbrella for you, but your heart is in the rain for others.

25、我没有想象的坚强,只是找不到让懦弱休息的地方。 I did not imagine the strong, just can't find a place to rest the cowardly.

26、我淋过最大的一场雨,是你在烈日下的不回头。 I've been through the biggest rain, you don't look back in the hot sun.

27、找不到喜欢的伞,我宁愿淋雨。 Can't find the umbrella I like, I'd rather be in the rain.

28、教堂的钟声,沉淀了幸福所有的旋律,悠扬的传开。 Church bells, precipitation of happiness, all the melody, melodious spread.

29、明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道不会有结果,就请别开始。 If you know it's going to rain, you should take an umbrella. If you know it won't work, please don't start.

30、春雨绵绵,像花针,如细丝,密密的斜织着。 Spring rain, like a needle, such as silk, dense oblique weaving.

31、昨天的反思、今天的明白、明天的透彻、后天的哭泣、一辈子的放弃。 Yesterday's reflection, today's understanding, tomorrow's thorough, the day after tomorrow's crying, a lifetime of giving up.

32、曲中的故事总会过去,好好睡一觉,明天又能精神焕发的逛街了! The story in the song will always pass. Have a good sleep and go shopping again tomorrow!

33、最美的不是下雨天,是倒影中你的如花容颜。 The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but your flower like face in the reflection.

34、最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but the eaves that has been with you to avoid the rain.

35、最美的不是下雨天,是曾经与你躲雨的屋檐。 The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but the eaves that once sheltered you from the rain.

36、有没有一种酒,让人喝了不会醉,有没有一种泪,让人流了不会悲。 There is not a kind of wine, people will not drink drunk, there is not a kind of tears, let people flow will not be sad.

37、没有你在身边,我真的很难过。 I'm really sad without you around.

38、看,天在下雨;听,心在哭泣。 Look, it's raining; listen, my heart is crying.

39、秋雨像圆圆的珍珠,又像滑润的碎玉儿,零零散散,断断续续。 Autumn rain like round pearls, and like smooth broken jade, scattered, intermittent.

40、窗外的雨停了,天空还是灰的因为爱情也停止了。 Outside the window of the rain stopped, the sky is still gray, because love also stopped.

41、自在飞花轻似梦,无边丝雨细如愁。 Worry, like a dream of light flowers.

42、虽然下雨出行不方便,但是会给人很浪漫的感觉。 Although it is not convenient to go out in the rain, it will give people a very romantic feeling.

43、讨厌的下雨天,我要是找不到喜欢的伞,我就得淋雨。 If I can't find the umbrella I like on a rainy day, I'll have to get wet.

44、让我一直淋着雨,直到遇到那把我最爱的伞和能配得上我的雨天。 Let me stay in the rain until I meet my favorite umbrella and a rainy day worthy of me.

45、让我感动的不是下雨的时候你给我撑伞,而是和我一起淋雨。 What makes me moved is not that you hold an umbrella for me when it rains, but to be in the rain with me.

46、谢谢下雨天你骑单车的背影,荒乱过我的青涩年华。 Thank you for your bike ride on rainy days. I've been in a bad mood.

47、起风的日子学会依风起舞,落雨的时候学会为自己撑起一把伞。 Learn to dance according to the wind on windy days and hold up an umbrella when it rains.

48、那个雨天,当风起时,流水迷失了方向,苍茫中的我已错过人生至重。 That rainy day, when the wind, the water lost its direction, the boundless I have missed life.

49、那场雨、美得催人泪下。雨的离去是不是也意味着,我们该结束了! The rain, beautiful to tears. Does the rain leave also mean that we should end!

50、雨水,从雨伞间隙里化作天使般的泪,湿了一地。 Rain, from the umbrella gap into angel like tears, wet a ground.