1、一个花开的季节,用向日葵来温暖眼瞳。 A blooming season, with sunflower to warm the pupil.

2、一切若只如初见,必定无爱无伤。 If everything is just like the first sight, there must be no love and no injury.

3、下一年、我们说好了去看海。 Next year, we agreed to see the sea.

4、不属于自己的,就无法留住。 If you don't belong to yourself, you can't keep it.

5、不要让安逸,盗取我们的生命力。 Don't let ease steal our vitality.

6、人家超想哭的,捶你胸口,大坏蛋! People want to cry, beat your chest, villain!

7、今生如果不能拥有你,我会好恨自己。 If I can't have you in this life, I will hate myself.

8、你回来吧,我还在原地等你。 Come back, I'm still waiting for you.

9、你想试试我草莓味的唇膏吗? Do you want to try strawberry flavored lipstick?

10、你是我的满目山河,也是我的可遇不可得。 You are my mountains and rivers, but also my chance.

11、你来我信你不会走,你走我当你没来过。 You come, I believe you won't go, you go, I'll treat you as if you didn't come.

12、你走后,除了回忆真的什么也木有啦。 After you leave, you have nothing but memories.

13、你闭嘴的样子,会更可爱一点。 The way you shut up will be more lovely.

14、分开后,我的手再也触不到你的温度。 After separation, my hand can no longer touch your temperature.

15、只怕我们相遇太早,无力白头到老。 I'm afraid we meet too early, unable to grow old.

16、可以帮我洗个东西吗?洗什么?喜欢我。 Can you do something for me? Wash what? love me.

17、听着小情歌却任然写不出味道。 Listen to the little love song but still can not write the flavor.

18、喜欢你,是一万次心跳呼吸。 Like you, it's 10000 heart beats and breaths.

19、好姑娘像太阳,照到哪里,哪里亮。 A good girl is like the sun, where it shines, where it shines.

20、如果你太在意过去,就会失去未来。 If you care too much about the past, you lose the future.

21、如果心情不好,就去超市捏捏方便面。 If you are in a bad mood, go to the supermarket to knead instant noodles.

22、如果我说对不起,你会原谅我吗? If I say I'm sorry, will you forgive me?

23、婴儿的情绪,是认识世界的反映。 The emotion of a baby is a reflection of knowing the world.

24、实力塑造性格,性格决定命运。 Strength shapes character, character decides destiny.

25、宠爱就是你不讲理,我也让你几分。 Love is that you are unreasonable, I also let you a little bit.

26、对你的告白,是我最用心准备的发言稿。 The confession to you is my most carefully prepared speech.

27、年少轻狂,我定下诺言,是关于我爱你。 Young frivolous, I made a promise, is about I love you.

28、当你看我的瞬间,我甘愿搁浅。 When you see my moment, I am willing to run aground.

29、感谢大地,让我在滚滚红尘相识了你。 Thank the earth, let me know you in the rolling world.

30、愿与你共同抒写我们爱的恒久! Wish to express our love forever with you!

31、我不知道怎样才能让你多在乎我一些。 I don't know how to make you care more about me.

32、我刚喜欢上你,你却放手了。 I just fell in love with you, but you let go.

33、我喜欢你,胜于昨日,略匮明朝。 I like you more than yesterday, just like Ming Dynasty.

34、我在你伤口撒盐,只是为了帮你消毒。 I put salt on your wound just to disinfect it.

35、我就这样,一面看水,一面想你。 This is how I look at the water and miss you at the same time.

36、我想你了,是那种久旱逢甘霖的想。 I miss you, is that kind of drought every rain.

37、我愿踏山而行,只因你在山中。 I would like to walk on the mountain because you are in the mountain.

38、我的心情,是文字无法意会的伤痕。 My mood is the scar that words can't understand.

39、我的爱人,这一年,你辛苦了! My love, this year, you have worked hard!

40、我的猫很皮,可不可以帮我管它? My cat is very skinny. Can you help me with it?

41、我给自己最后的结局,就是喜欢过你。 I give myself the final result, is like you.

42、我要怎么邮寄一个拥抱,给她。 How can I send her a hug.

43、我要睡了,你要给我说晚安。 I'm going to bed. You're going to say good night.

44、我这么酷,你居然选择逃避。 I'm so cool that you choose to escape.

45、抓紧我的手,你若不松,我便不走。 Hold on to my hand. If you don't let go, I won't go.

46、无人与我立黄昏,无人问我粥可温。 No one stands with me at dusk, no one asks me whether porridge can be warm.

47、昨天都过去了,你们何必再提。 Yesterday is past. Why do you mention it again.

48、曾经的海枯石烂,已成回忆。 Once, the stone is rotten.

49、有人选择了离开,也有人会选择等待。 Some choose to leave, others choose to wait.

50、永不假设,永不强求,顺其自然。 Never assume, never force, let it be.

51、爱你一生永不离,哪怕几生几世纪! Love you forever, even if it's a few centuries!

52、爱你爱到天涯,恋你恋到海角。 Love you to the end of the world, love you to the corner of the sea.

53、生容易,活容易,生活不是很容易。 Easy to live, easy to live, not easy to live.

54、用吾的一生誓言,SZ你一生幸福。 With my life oath, I promise you a happy life.

55、男要俏,一身皂;女要俏,三分孝。 If a man wants to be pretty, he must be a soap; if a woman wants to be pretty, he must be filial.

56、秋来艳红已逝去冬至白雪浸相思。 The bright red of autumn has passed away, and the snow soaked Acacia in winter solstice.

57、笑靥如花,都藏着看不见的孤独。 Dimples such as flowers, hidden in the loneliness can not be seen.

58、至于爱情,值得用更好的方式来对待。 As for love, it is worth treating in a better way.

59、请好好照顾她,加上我的那份。 Please take good care of her, plus my share.

60、金字塔是用一块块的石头堆砌而成的。 Pyramids are made of stones.