1、一个成功者所知道的,除了勤奋,便是谦逊。 What a successful person knows, except diligence, is humility.
2、不要忘了你的好朋友。唯美的句子 Marry your best friend.
3、不要抱怨生活欠了你什么,生活根本不知道你是谁。 Dont complain about what life owes you. Life doesnt know who you are.
4、个人荣誉会永远存留在你记忆里。 Personal glory lasts forever.
5、人生就像杯水,孤独,孤独,一杯子就没了。 Life is like a cup of water, lonely, lonely, a cup is gone.
6、人生苦短,且行且珍惜,活着很累,却是一种无怨无悔。 Life is short, and do and cherish, live very tired, but it is a kind of no regrets.
7、你总是觉得时间不够用,但你有没有珍惜眼前的每一分每一秒呢? Most of the time what you are looking for is right in front of you.
8、你现在的所作所为将会变成你往后的回忆与谈资。 Your actions now create memories you will reminisce and talk about in your elder years.
9、你用于包装自己的第一印象所花费的时间,其实有50%都是毫无意义的。 First impressions are completely worthless 50% of the time.
10、你的人生握不住,就任凭日月星辰摆布。 If you cant hold your life, let the sun, the moon and the stars control you.
11、假如爱不是遗忘的话,苦难也不是记忆。 If love is not forgotten, suffering is not memory.
12、做个明白人,分得出友情,拎得清爱情。 To be an understanding person, one can distinguish friendship and love.
13、做生命的舞者,只要心跳还在,演出就没有落幕。 Be the dancer of life. As long as the heart keeps on beating, the show will never end.
14、健康比什么都重要。Your health is your life.
15、前方路灯不亮,试着换个方向。莫紧张,莫迷茫。 The street light in front is not on. Try to change direction. Dont be nervous, dont be confused.
16、动力转瞬即逝,所以你要把握时间趁热打铁。 Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it’s hot.
17、只有在不会有人走你要走的路时,你才可以把它铺平。 Paving your own road is intelligent only if nobody has gone exactly where you are going.
18、只有简单而又坚定的头脑才能发现生活的真谛。 The greatest truths in life are uncovered with simple, steady awareness.
19、可能你一天的爱心,可以换来别人一生的感激。 Maybe your love in one day can be exchanged for others gratitude in the whole life.
20、后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。 Better fight for the future than regret the past.
21、因为所见,所以存在,你看见自己优秀,你就会真的优秀。 Because of what you see, you exist. If you see that you are excellent, you will be really excellent.
22、坏事也会降临到好人头上。 Bad things do happen to good people.
23、多照些相留作纪念,以后会有用处的。 Take lots of pictures. Someday you’ll be really glad you did.
24、如果今天后悔昨天,那明天就会后悔今天。 If today regrets yesterday, tomorrow will regret today.
25、如果失去是苦,你怕不怕付出? If loss is bitter, are you afraid to pay?
26、小树会大,大树会老,老树会凋零。 Small trees will be big, big trees will be old, old trees will wither.
27、当你跨出自己的舒适区时,你会感到有些难以适从,但这只是暂时的。 Stepping outside of your comfort zone will put things into perspective from an angle you can’t grasp now.
28、心中有所牵挂,生命才会坚强。 Life is strong only when you have concerns in your heart.
29、感慨人生的英文句子 生活呀,人生呀,偶尔的感慨一下人生,看看下面的感慨人生的英文句子吧!
30、成功可以给你复制,可你没地方粘贴。 Success can be copied to you, but you have no place to paste.
31、我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气。 Im not grumpy, I just dont get angry easily.
32、我从不知道顺其自然有多自然,但我知道现实有多现实。 I never know how natural it is to let it go, but I know how realistic it is.
33、改变意味着机遇,所以当有变化发生时,你不可错过这样的.机遇。 Chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity.
34、故意忽略一些显而易见的东西 就如同向敌人投降。 Purposely ignoring the obvious is like walking backwards toward the enemy.
35、有些路很远,走下去会很累。可是,不走,会后悔。 Some roads are far away, and it will be very tiring to walk down. But if you dont leave, you will regret it.
36、有时候,执着是一种负担,放弃是一种解脱。 Sometimes, persistence is a burden, and giving up is a relief.
37、未曾哭过长夜的人,不足与语人生。 Those who have not cried for a long night are short of life.
38、欢声笑语与伤心哀痛都是人生的重要组成部分。 Laughing, crying, joy and anger… All are a vital. All make us human.
39、正视失败,才能走向成功。 Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success.
40、每人都配拥有的是第二次机会,但不是第三次机会。 People deserve a second chance, but not a third.
41、没有多次失败,难得一次成功。 Its hard to succeed without many failures.
42、活着很难,可正是因为难,才有意义。 Its hard to live, but its just because its hard that it makes sense.
43、烦恼是自己制造、自己享用的一种精神。 Worry is a kind of spirit created and enjoyed by oneself.
44、爱的真谛与长相如何无关,而与相守、信任、兴趣有关。Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust, and interest.
45、知是一种快乐,好奇心知识的萌芽。 Knowledge is a kind of happiness, the germination of curiosity knowledge.
46、童心未泯也是件非常有趣的事。 Being an adult can be fun when you are acting like a child.
47、粗心大意招致失败。 Carelessness is the root of failure
48、经受痛苦与哀伤越多的人,越是能忍受。 The more people suffer from pain and sorrow, the more they can bear it.
49、绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。 Never mention it not because of forgetting, but because of remembering.
50、缺少知识就会产生不确定性。犹豫不决来自于一个人的恐惧。Uncertainty is caused by a lack of knowledge. Hesitation is the product of fear.
51、能让你走得更高远的便是友善与勤奋,而不是智力。 Kindness and hard work will take you further than intelligence.
52、苦难,注定磨砺人生。人生,踏着苦难前行! Suffering is destined to whet life. Life, go ahead with suffering!
53、茫茫人海,一路上有你,真好! Its so nice to have you all the way!
54、觉得自己做的到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。 I feel that what I can do and what I cant do is only between one reading.
55、诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。 Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values.
56、谁的一生相伴,不是一生相互为难。 Who lives together, is not a life of mutual embarrassment.
57、贪婪终将葬送幸运。 Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.
58、走不出自我的圈子,就没有世界的精彩。 If you cant walk out of your own circle, you wont have the splendor of the world.
59、赶路要趁早,修身重戒律,养性贵有恒。 We should be on the way as early as possible. We should cultivate ourselves and pay attention to the discipline. Its very important to cultivate our nature.
60、通向人类真正的伟大境界的通道只一条苦难的道路。 The path to the true greatness of mankind is only one path of suffering.
61、那种渺小又微不足道的感受,就算遍体鳞伤也要故作坚强。 That kind of tiny and insignificant feeling, even if all over the body also want to pretend to be strong.
62、金钱确实能让你的生活变得更安逸,但前提是你不会沦为金钱的奴隶。 Money makes life easier only when the money is yours free and clear.
63、除了人格以外,人生最大的损失,莫过于失掉自信心了。 Apart from personality, the biggest loss in life is the loss of self-confidence.