1、一天清晨,太阳花绽开了,咧着嘴笑。 One morning, the sunflowers bloomed and grinned.

2、一朵朵盛开的野花,争先恐后睁开眼睛。 One after another in full bloom of wild flowers, competing to open their eyes.

3、一朵朵花苞像是急切想要展示舞姿的演员。 The flower buds are like actors eager to show their dancing posture.

4、人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。 People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze.

5、向日葵在尽情的展示着自己的美丽的衣裳。 Sunflowers are showing their beautiful clothes.

6、多么美丽的白玉兰啊,张开了美丽的笑脸。 What a beautiful magnolia, opened a beautiful smile.

7、夜来香在晚上八点探出了头。 At eight o'clock in the evening, the evening primrose sticks out her head.

8、太阳花歪着脑袋,看起来真可爱。 Sunflower looks lovely with its head tilted.

9、太阳花沉醉在春风的抚摸中。 Sunflower is immersed in the touch of spring breeze.

10、山茶花妹妹笑开了脸。 Camellia sister smiles.

11、微风轻轻吹过,杏花展开了灿烂的笑脸。 The breeze blowing gently, apricot blossom unfolded a brilliant smile.

12、我家的小院里梅花你争我赶的吐出红苞来。 The plum blossom in my small courtyard you fight for me to spit out the red bud.

13、我来到了荷塘,看到了荷花们亲密的样子。 I came to the lotus pond and saw the lotus people's intimate appearance.

14、昙花在夜间羞答答的开放。 Epiphyllum in the night shy open.

15、昙花在晚上9点左右绽放出美丽的笑脸。 Epiphyllum in the evening about 9 o'clock blooming beautiful smile.

16、春天到了,杏花开了,像小孩子的脸一样。 Spring comes, apricot blossom, like a child's face.

17、春天到了,草地野花竞相绽开笑脸。 Spring is coming, the grass and wild flowers are competing to bloom a smile.

18、春天悄悄的走来,花儿也露出了笑脸。 Spring comes quietly, flowers also show a smile.

19、春天来了,杜鹃花羞答答的要开放了。 Spring is coming, and rhododendrons are shy to open.

20、春天来了,茶花伸伸懒腰,舒心的笑了。 Spring has come, Camellia stretch, comfortable smile.

21、春天的脚步到了,油菜花的脸笑开了。 The pace of spring, rape flower face smile open.

22、春天,花儿睡醒了,从泥土里探出头来。 In spring, the flowers wake up and poke their heads out of the soil.

23、春姑娘轻轻走来,迎春花笑了。 Spring girl walked gently, Yingchun flower smile.

24、春风吹,杏花露出了笑脸。 Spring breeze blowing, apricot blossom showed a smiling face.

25、春风来了,杜鹃花在和春风打招呼。 The spring breeze is coming, and the azaleas are greeting the spring breeze.

26、月季花羞涩地绽开笑脸,一簇一簇的。 Rose flowers shy to open a smile, a cluster of.

27、枝头上,朵朵花儿向对着我笑。 On the branches, flowers smile at me.

28、桂花姐姐绽开了她那美丽的笑脸。 Osmanthus sister opened her beautiful smile.

29、桂花踏着微风,从树上缓缓降下。 Sweet scented osmanthus is stepping on the breeze and falling slowly from the tree.

30、桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带春烟。 Peach red with rain, willow green with spring smoke.

31、桃花悄悄地开了,低头含笑,真美! Peach blossom quietly opened, bow head with a smile, really beautiful!

32、梅花在寒风中笑着,迎接观看的人们。 Plum blossoms are smiling in the cold wind to meet the people watching.

33、梨树上的梨花绽开了笑脸。 The pear blossom on the pear tree is in full bloom.

34、梨花像美丽的舞者在风中摇曳。 Dancing in the wind like a beautiful pear.

35、槐花在枝头挨挨挤挤的坐着真美啊! Sophora japonica is sitting in the branches, so beautiful!

36、水仙花儿对来往的游客笑着点头。 Narcissus nodded and laughed at the passing tourists.

37、海棠花,它亭亭玉立,像威武的将军! Begonia flower, it is graceful and graceful, like a mighty general!

38、火红的杜鹃花尽情的绽放着自己的笑脸。 The red azaleas are blooming with their own smile.

39、牡丹花扬起了灿烂的笑脸。 Peony flowers raised a brilliant smile.

40、牡丹花羞羞答答的开了。 The peony blossomed shyly.

41、玉兰花伸伸懒腰慢慢地睁开了眼睛。 Magnolia stretched out and slowly opened her eyes.

42、玉兰花默默地送来脉脉的香气。 Magnolia quietly brought the fragrance of pulse.

43、瞧!花儿们向我们微笑着点头。 Look! The flowers smile and nod at us.

44、秋天到了,向日葵昂首挺胸地站在田野里。 Autumn is coming, sunflower stands tall in the field.

45、秋天,果子成熟了,而向日葵却垂下了头。 In autumn, the fruit is ripe, but the sunflower is drooping.

46、空旷的花园里烧焦的树耷拉着脑袋。 The burnt trees in the open garden drooped their heads.

47、花儿悄悄地开了,低头含笑,真美! Flowers quietly open, bow head with a smile, really beautiful!

48、花儿沉醉在春风的抚摸中。 Flowers indulge in the touch of spring breeze.

49、花园里花如害羞的姑娘都露出笑脸。 The shy girls in the garden all smile.

50、草丛里的野花争先恐后地露出笑脸。 The wild flowers in the grass vied to smile.

51、荷花像个姑娘般羞涩地露出粉红的面颊。 Lotus like a girl shy to show pink cheek.

52、荷花羞涩得绽放出她美丽的笑容。 The lotus flower is shy to bloom her beautiful smile.

53、蔷薇花迎风摇曳,微笑着绽放在枝头。 The rose blossoms in the wind.

54、路旁开满了向我们招手的花儿。 The roadside was full of flowers waving to us.

55、那美丽的蔷薇花在躁动不安的春风里献媚。 The beautiful rose flowers in the restless spring breeze.

56、野桃含笑竹篱短,溪柳自摇少水清。 Wild peach smile, bamboo fence short, stream willow self shaking less clear water.

57、野花害羞地露出了那迷人的笑脸。 The wild flower showed its charming smile shyly.

58、金黄的油菜花萎蔫了,耷拉着脑袋。 The golden rape flowers withered and their heads drooped.

59、风儿来了,杏花风中笑弯了腰。 The wind came, apricot flowers in the wind smile bent.

60、鲜艳的玫瑰花羞涩地绽开笑脸。 The bright rose blooms shyly.